The group, after several days of hurrying, finally came to the vicinity of Taki Shinobu Village.

Looking at the group of spectacular waterfalls, Chiba Liuyun had to sigh that the hiding place of Taki Shinobi Village was really secret enough.

The first three Ninja World Wars did not affect Taki Shinobi Village at all.

Unfortunately, the development of Taki Shinobi Village itself is not good, this is the limitation of the small Shinobi Village.

Moreover, the number and resources of ninjutsu in their ninja village are also pitiful, and they are not enough to support the cultivation of many people.

“High… Takagi-sama, you are finally back, shisha has brought many ninjas to attack the village, go and rescue them. ”

Not long after the four people arrived, they saw a man running out covered in injuries, a villager who had desperately escaped.

“Damn, it’s already late, I already know it and hurry up.”

Takagi clasped his hand tightly and said with some self-blame.

“Kakashi-san, I’ll ask you next.”

Takagi said with a slight expectation.

“No problem, leave it to me.”

Kakashi still looked like he didn’t care, including Chiba Ryuyun.

The upper Shinobi of the small ninja village, they did not care too much, because the upper ninja of the small ninja village was actually very watery.

In the Hokage world, many guys who claimed to be upper Shinobi were killed by two lower Shinobi in Konoha Village.

Of course, there are also real strong people.

For example, the angle, the flying segment is barely one.

“Just your disciple?”

Takagi hesitated, and finally looked at Chiba Liuyun.

“It doesn’t matter, don’t look at my disciple’s junior grade, but his strength is very strong.”

Kakashi said with a smile.

“Okay, please follow me.”

Time does not wait, the village has been captured by the traitor of the hookah, and now the priority is to save people.

Kakashi and Chiba Ryuun, led by Takagi, soon came to the village of Taki Shinobu hidden behind a waterfall.

“Takagi, what about you, you coward who is greedy for life and fears death, if you don’t come out again, I will slaughter all the villagers in the village.”

At this time, on the edge of the lake in Taki Shinobu Village, hookah was holding a kunai and shouting at some villagers.

“Shisha , you traitor, I can’t imagine that you are so frustrated that you don’t even let go of your own village,”

As soon as Takagi entered the village, he heard the threat of hookah, and immediately jumped out and accused.

Shisha : …………

Lying trough, I have been yelling here for a long time, and your special person is not in the village at all.

Shisha was embarrassed to death, but fortunately those people in Yu Ninja Village did not notice his abnormality, otherwise it would be a shame.

“Less nonsense, as long as you give me the water of heroes, I will release them, otherwise let alone grow up in a village, even my dear ones, I will not show mercy.”

Shisha gave a cruel smile, then walked up to a villager and gestured in front of him with a kunai.

He wanted to increase the pressure in Takagi’s heart and make him compromise.

“Kakashi-san, are you sure you can rescue those villagers?”

Takagi did not answer the hookah, but cautiously asked Kakashi on the side.

“Ahhh… No problem. ”

Kakashi looked around, then looked at Chiba Ryuyun, and after glancing at him, nodded, indicating that it was okay.

“Then please.”

Takagi said sincerely, as for Qianye Liuyun on the side, he didn’t think that a little fart less than 10 years old could be strong.

But soon, he will be slapped in the face, because the strength of the flowing cloud burst shocked him.


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