After eating and drinking, Kakashi took Chiba Ryuun and Yuri Red to find the ninja shop owner.

At this point, all the cutting tools have been boxed and it is time to hit the road.

After the ninja shop owner and the leader of the Craftsman Country exchanged pleasantries and warmed up, the large army thought about Konoha and began to move forward.

And after a group of people in Konoha left, eight figures also followed behind them and set off, it was the people of Iwa Shinobi Village.

After more than a day of probing, they had already found out that the owner of the ninja shop was a Kiki Kakashi.

There are also some middle ninja and elite middle ninja.

For that Kiki Kakashi, Tahoe had some impressions of the little ghost on the bridge of Godless Nothing.

With the strength that everyone is an elite Shinobi, Tahiro is not afraid of Kakashi either.

On the contrary, he thinks that his side has two more special forbearances, so he has more advantages.

And Chiba Liuyun and Sunset Red were not counted by them at all.

Because he hated trouble, Sunset Hong did not go out with the forehead guard and Qianye Liuyun, so although the intelligence officers saw the two of them going in and out, they thought they were ordinary people.

So this time, the information obtained by Iwa Shinobu Village can be said to reveal two crucial figures.

In a cautious state, Tahoe and they followed far behind the caravan.

They are not prepared to do it here, but after leaving the country of craftsmen, they decide to do it.

Since the hanging was too far, Kakashi and they did not notice that there was anyone following behind them.

A day later, the caravan left the Land of Craftsmen.

And the people of Iwa Shinobu Village were also ready and ambushed on the necessary path of the caravan by detouring the long way.


Kakashi, who was walking, suddenly noticed an anomaly, and after years of experience, he knew that there was an ambush ahead.


Now that he knew that there was an ambush, Kakashi was naturally not prepared to let the caravan move forward.

“What’s wrong, Kakashi-san.”

The ninja shop owner came over.

“There is an ambush, be careful.”

Kakashi put away the laziness just now and looked serious.

“Yes… I know. ”

The owner of the ninja shop moved quickly, he had not been ambushed before, and when he did an arms business like ninja tools, he was naturally ready to be ambushed at any time.

Arrange guards to protect those ordinary people now.

In case these people die, who will pull the cart, is it to let these guards?

“It’s worthy of copying Ninja Kiki Kakashi, we did it so secretly for you to discover.”

Tahoe took a few people from Iwa Shinobi Village and slowly rose from the ground in front of him.

Originally, they were still going to go underground, waiting for the caravan to pass above them, but apparently the plan failed, and Kakashi discovered it.

“Ninja from Iwa Shinobi Village?”

Seeing Iwa Shinobu’s forehead, Kakashi’s heart made a wave, and he subconsciously covered his left eye.

There is the Sharingan that Uchiha Obito gave him.

“Yes, it’s us Iwa Shinobu, Kiki Kakashi, discuss with you how to give us your ninja tools.”

Tahoe grinned, and then the hand behind his back shook slightly, signaling everyone to move.

But someone moved faster than them, it was Qianye Liuyun.

A huge fireball at the beginning went directly towards those Iwa Shinobi attacks.

Sunset Hong on the side was stunned, she didn’t expect Qianye Liuyun to make such a decisive move.

At the moment, he did not hesitate and rushed forward.

“Sister Hong, the one on the left is handed over to you, the one on the right is handed over to me, Kakashi-sensei, and the leader is the elite Shinobi, handed over to you.”


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