You can search for “Hokage’s Beauty System New Book Sea Pavilion Novel Network (” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

PS; I’m very sorry, I slept yesterday when the eighth codeword was changed, and today the guarantee update is the eighth change.

Ask the local tyrants to pack up and take away!!

“Dance, morning dance!! ”

At this moment, Junmaru’s familiar voice slowly sounded, and Thunderstorm’s body quickly shot into the air, but he still didn’t have time to dodge!

“Poof! Poof…”

In the blink of an eye, all the bone spurs in a radius of a hundred miles were all over the earth, and the body of Thunderstorm was also penetrated by bone spurs!

After a few seconds, the dancing bones stopped…

“Click! ”

The thunderstorm broke the bones that ran through his body, and the thunderstorm in an invincible state did not suffer much damage, but only scraped a little skin on his body.

With such a large-scale attack, even Thunderstorm’s Flying Thunder God could not dodge, and at this time, Thunderstorm also recognized the limitations of Flying Thunder God, which made Thunderstorm leave an eye in his heart.

“It’s going to be damn now, right? ”

Thunderstorm looked at the countless bone spurs around him and muttered.

“It’s not me who dies, it’s you!! ”

At this moment, the bones around Thunderstorm quickly changed into the appearance of Junmaru, and the opponent’s right hand turned into the strongest spear and penetrated towards Thunderstorm!

Lei Yu looked at Junmaru, who was suddenly close at hand, his cheeks did not have the slightest panic, but a conspiratorial smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

“Boom! ”

With an explosion, a Ku Wu flew into the air, and Thunderstorm’s body instantly disappeared in place!

The huge explosion directly blasted out a huge deep pit in the place where the thunderstorm was just now, if the thunderstorm did not disappear just now, it would definitely be crushed into meat sauce in an instant!!

“How is that possible? ”

Junmaru looked at the thunderstorm that actually disappeared again like a miracle, looking at the deep pit in front of him, his face was full of incredulity, he couldn’t think of how the other party disappeared at all!!

“Junmaru, although I admit that you are really strong, but this is the end of it…”

“Orochimaru!! ”

I saw a spiral pill in the air, both hands on one side, quickly rushing straight in the air towards Junmaru!

“Heavens! ”

Junmaru was shocked and looked up quickly, but it was too late!

“Bang! ”

The spiral pill in Thunderstorm’s left hand hit the bones of Junmaru’s arm!

“Click! ”

Junmaru blocked the broken bone of the arm in front of him, and Thunderstorm’s spiral pill instantly hit the opponent’s chest 1, but it did not end there, and Thunderstorm’s right hand also quickly attacked at this time so that the already sunken chest was attacked by the spiral pill again!

“Boom!! ”

With an explosion, Junmaru’s body was blasted into the ground again!

“Poof! ”

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Junmaru’s eyes quickly dimmed down!

“Bang! ”

In the end, Junmaru’s body lay motionless in a large pit several meters deep, at this time, the bones in his body had all been shattered, and his internal organs had all turned into blood, he no longer had the slightest possibility of standing up, his body had reached the time…

“Lord Orochimaru, I’m sorry…”

Randomly I Ai Luo’s pupils completely lost focus, and the entire heaven and earth became silent.

Thunderstorm slowly came to Junmaru’s corpse, gasping for breath.

“Bang! ”

Looking at the completely dead Junmaru, Thunderstorm sat on the ground with one butt!

“It’s really dangerous, Junmaru is much more terrifying than Junmaro on TV…”

Despite the fact that Thunderstorm did not use the power of the Nine Tails in the end, nor did he use the six modes to consume the other party, Thunderstorm can be regarded as having a thorough understanding of his own strength.

“Beauty, do you have a way to save each other? ”

Thunderstorm asked, pointing to Junmaru, who was lying dead on the ground.

“Yes, it is necessary to fuse the master’s one-in-six powers to the other party to thoroughly perfect the opponent’s blood succession limit shortcomings. ”

“However, once the other party accepts the master’s six realm powers, it will be brainwashed by the system and completely become the master’s slave, does the master need to give up the six realms of the master’s power to save the other party? ”

The voice of the beautiful loli sounded in Lei Yu’s mind, making Lei Yu hesitate.

“Forget it for the time being…”

“Ugh! ”

With a wave of his hand, Thunderstorm collected Junmaru’s body into the storage ring, although the storage room could not hold the living, but it was no problem for the dead, and it could achieve the effect of almost permanent preservation.

“Sasuke Uchiha, I’m coming…”

Thunderstorm looked into the distance, slowly got up and quickly disappeared into the distance, Thunderstorm decided to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to hurry, which would be faster, after all, the battle with Junmaru delayed a lot of time.

Not long after the thunderstorm disappeared, two figures appeared on the battlefield.

“We’re late…”

I Ai Luo looked at the dense bones around me, and said with a very solemn face.

“What the hell is going on here, how did it come to this? ”

Li Locke looked at the potholes, fragmented earth, countless destroyed trees, and the bone spurs that had covered the earth all over the sky made Li Locke feel a deep shock and a trace of fear in his heart!

PS; Xiao Mao’s new book rushed to the list, please all the big guys feel okay, please take away, please take away, please collect flowers, click!


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