Genma came here just to avoid sleeping alone, and now that Sasha was so proactive, she naturally wouldn't refuse.

Genma, whose arms were full of warm and fragrant nephrite, took Sasha to the bedside in the bedroom, placed her on it and then pounced on her.

After a night.

Genma was quite busy today, so she got up early in the morning. Sasha, on the other hand, was still sleeping soundly in bed because of Genma's troubles. Genma did not disturb her and left Sasha's bedroom directly. .

After leaving the door of the room, the maids around saw Genma, and their faces suddenly turned red.

Only then did Genma remember that he was so forgetful last night that he even forgot to open the barrier. The sound was probably heard by the maids outside.

But Genma was very shameless, so he pretended that nothing was wrong and said to one of the maids.

"Where is Shali? Take me~ to see her."

Although Genma has slept with Sasha at the moment, he has not yet married Sasha, so the name of Shali has not changed yet. He is just calling her by her first name. But this is not a little trick on Genma's part, trying to use this to make herself forget. , the insurmountable relationship between the two.

Genma's intimidating strength also prevented the maids from making mistakes on this point. Moreover, they were still immersed in the shock given by Genma. The battle between Genma and Sasha lasted until dawn, which made them absolutely hopeless. Unexpectedly, this seemingly average-sized Genma could actually contain such great power.

Coupled with this handsome appearance, all the maids were envious and wished that Genma could favor them. Unfortunately, these maids were of low status and knew that they would not have this opportunity, so they could only think about it in their hearts. .

The maid who was asked by Genma quickly pointed out Shali's location to Genma.

At this moment, Shali has already gotten up. It seems that she has maintained the habit of getting up early in the past. This alone is enough to be dedicated. After all, she is no longer a queen. There are many things that she does not have to do by herself, but she is still like this. It shows how much you care about this country.

Naturally, there is no morning court in Loulan Kingdom today. Shali had notified it last night, saying that a grand meeting would be held in front of the people today. The first was to announce Genma and Sasha's marriage, and the second was to tell what happened yesterday. Make a complete report so that the people of the entire Loulan Kingdom know who saved the Loulan Kingdom and resolved the terrifying sandstorm.

Even what the common people don't know is that Genma Zengjin fought against an army of 20,000 people by himself, Shali also wants to make it public.

At this moment, the people of the entire Loulan Kingdom were already excited. Although the details of the conference held by Shali were not revealed, some leaks about Genma's identity were already arranged. .

At this moment, all the people of Loulan Kingdom know that the immortal who saved Loulan Kingdom yesterday may appear again today, which makes them look forward to it even more.

In particular, a group of female citizens have long been fascinated by Genma's fleeting beauty. I am afraid that many people dreamed of Genma that night, and only in dreams can they be with a man like Genma.

But now this dream has come true. Genma is actually going to show up in Loulan Kingdom, and it seems that she is very likely to stay there permanently. This makes many unmarried girls among the female citizens take action, and many people even come first. He went to the square in front of the palace just to occupy a front-row seat and catch a glimpse of his male god's face.

After Genma left Sasha's room, he could already hear the noise outside the palace in the corridor of the palace. He left everything to Shali last night, so naturally he didn't know that the other party arranged it so quickly. , in just one night, the entire people of Loulan Kingdom already knew about Genma.

Genma, who didn't know the truth, quickly opened his perception barrier. At this glance, he suddenly understood. It was Shali who had spread the news. Even before he showed up, the whole country was already boiling.

0·Please give me flowers......

And those hot-and-glow girls among them made Genma feel a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that he could charm these girls like this just by showing a vague figure. Could it be that his charm is already so high now?

In fact, Genma himself cannot understand this, but after reaching the Six Paths level, he actually has an elusive attraction to others. Coupled with Genma's already strong strength and handsome appearance, naturally It’s a lot more points.

Genma is also very helpless towards these girls. Although he is not a dedicated person and cannot love only one person in his life, it is probably impossible for him to be a stud. However, the quality of the girls in Loulan Kingdom is also poor. It was so high that even Genma was dazzled. He even saw a familiar figure among these girls.

It was Yun Lan whom I had seen yesterday. At this moment, she was already maintaining order in the square, but she looked towards the palace from time to time.

Even Genma dared to know her and said to other women,

"Genma-sama will marry her even if he wants to marry. Why would he fall in love with you?"

What this girl with a bold personality said made Genma look at her with suspicion, but he himself didn't hate this kind of girl, especially Yun Lan's appearance, which is at least a 9 point, and has her own characteristics. type.

There is a girl next to her who looks almost exactly like her. Genma has also seen this girl. She is the commander of Sasha's personal bodyguards. At this moment, she has also joined the army to maintain order in the square.

Seeing the two of them looking so close, Genma immediately understood their relationship. He didn't see them at the same time yesterday, so he inevitably didn't think of them together. Only now did he know that Yun Lan had a twin sister.

Although the two people look almost the same, their temperaments are not very similar. One is a bit bold and bold, while the other is a bit reserved with a hint of calmness. .

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