Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 178 Mountain Cemetery! (Updated)

Chapter 178 Mountain Cemetery! (updated)

Northeast of the Land of Fire.

A troop of ninjas with hundreds of people was rapidly moving through the damp virgin forest.

It was obviously a mighty march, but under the vigorous posture of the ninja, it kept an extremely strange silence, passing by silently like a ghost.

Everyone who set off at this moment is an elite of Konoha, everyone present has the quality of Elite Chunin, and the number of Jōnin also accounts for nearly a quarter.

If other ninja villages are informed that there is such a force lurking in the darkness during this special stage of turmoil in the ninja world, those so-called shadows of one village will probably wake up suddenly after falling into a deep sleep.

But at this moment.

Just as everyone's eyes were drawn elsewhere, Uchiha Jin was leading a group of elites along an inaccessible route, bypassing the country of Tang and marching northward.

This is Uchiha!

This is the number one Uchiha in the ninja world!

During the rapid march, every Uchiha felt restless in his heart, feeling how powerful the elite troops he formed at the moment were.

In front of such a disciplined and high-quality Uchiha coalition force, it is always enough to face one of the other four major ninja villages alone, not to mention that they are executing sharp knives as a battlefield at the moment, which is enough to tear everything apart terrible power.


As the duration of this rapid march approached ten hours, Uchiha Jin, who was at the forefront of the team at the moment, finally gave the order to rest.

"Jhin... Master Hokage!"

Fugaku is still not used to addressing Uchiha Jin, but at the moment it has gradually become more fluent. Obviously, this exceptionally outstanding clansman in front of him has given him a great surprise.

"Can you hold on?"

Uchiha Jin doesn't feel tired at the moment, but it's because his physical fitness has surpassed ordinary people, and ordinary Uchiha should have reached his limit after persisting for so long.

At this moment, the distance from the target is not too far away, so it is just right to take a rest in the forest, so that the clansmen can quietly replenish the food pills and drink water, and try to recover their physical strength and combat power in the shortest possible time.


Uchiha Fugaku's face was full of arrogance, and he even had the urge to run wildly to show his physical strength again.


Uchiha stepped forward in an instant and slapped, and glanced at the clansmen behind him in the latter's angry eyes.

Obviously what Uchiha Jin asked earlier was not the patriarch Fugaku, but the group of Uchiha people who followed them at the moment.


There was a smirk on Fugaku's face that was extremely inconsistent with his temperament, and he didn't intend to continue to confront Uchiha for a moment.

Ever since Uchiha Jin ascended to the position of Fifth Hokage with absolute strength and the most hardcore legitimate way, Uchiha Fugaku felt that the shackles that bound his own in the past were completely released, and his whole body felt sleepy and lazy .

have to say.

For Uchiha Fugaku, it was obviously a wonderful experience.

But contrary to Uchiha Fugaku, after the awakened Mangekyō, Uchiha, who felt that he was not on the side of the short old opponent, became more and more imposing at the moment.

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Setsuna, this pair of crouching dragon and phoenix chicks, now have a strange feeling that their ages have been completely reversed.

"Jinchang...Master Hokage..."

If the title of Uchiha Fugaku is just a little awkward, then the title of Uchiha Itachi at this moment is really extremely awkward.

It can be said that the past few days have been the darkest moments in life for Uchiha Itachi.

Actually is not saying that his Sarutobi Hiruzen spy identity was revealed!

on the contrary!

Today's Uchiha clansmen, even if they heard that Uchiha Itachi revealed his identity, they probably thought that this young clansman was joking with them at the moment.

What a joke!

In addition to the existence of Uchiha Jin, the high mountain, Uchiha Itachi is simply the biggest contributor to the Uchiha family's success today!

Defeating Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is known as the "strongest Hokage" by himself, and "Mangekyō Sharingan" who possesses Uchiha's supreme power, how could Uchiha Itachi be a traitor.


After the dust settled on the ownership of Fifth Hokage, and between every gap between repairs along the way, a group of Uchiha couldn't help but gather together to observe the youngest Uchiha genius.

Let's talk about Uchiha Itachi's experience in beating Sarutobi Hiruzen, how Uchiha can better rule Konoha, and how Uchiha's glory reflects the entire ninja world.

In this endless praise and boast, the gloom on Uchiha Itachi's face is also increasing day by day.

until now!

At this moment, Itachi suddenly discovered an extremely serious problem, that is, their marching direction seemed to be greatly deviated from what Uchiha Itachi communicated with other ninjas before departure.

You must know that Konoha's main force is marching in the front at this moment, and it will inevitably encounter the main force of Cloud Shinobi Village first, and you need to always be careful about whether there will be surprise attacks in other ninja villages.

That's right.

Uchiha Jin was extremely domineering when he was in Konoha, and the envoys of the three major ninja villages did not dare to say no at all.

But those threats are certainly effective, but there is no easy person who can become one of the five great ninja villages. Once he grasps the opportunity to kill with a blow, he will never let it go.

Therefore, compared to Konoha's main force marching frontally under the leadership of Uchiha Jin Shadow Clone, at this moment, as a sharp knife unit, they have to race against time and make a surprise attack from the left rear of Cloud Shinobi within the predetermined time.

in this way!

Konoha was able to win a victory that shocked the entire ninja world at the smallest cost, so that those guys who were about to move completely lost the courage to confront Konoha.


Even if the direction of the rapid march is deviated, it shouldn't reach this area that is already deep into the country of thunder!


Why are Orochimaru and Tsunade even mixed in Uchiha Jin's sharp knife troops? It is clear that their appearance on the frontal battlefield is the most beneficial support for Konoha's momentum.

The reason for Uchiha Itachi's depressed mood is also based on this point. As the successor of the will of fire facing the wall, he must open up a light in the dark red at this moment.

"Are we going the wrong way?"

With the words of Uchiha Itachi blurting out, Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Setsuna, as well as Orochimaru and Tsunade Ji not far away cast meaningful glances.

In fact, this question of Uchiha Itachi is also a question in their minds at the moment.

after all.

This kind of simple problem obviously shouldn't happen to Uchiha Jin.

But as wartime ninjas with rich experience, they restrained themselves from asking Uchiha Jin as the commander.

And now that Uchiha Itachi has spoken, they are also very curious about the answer to this question!

"What's wrong, this direction is just right!"

There was a smirk on the corner of Uchiha Jin's mouth, and then two big hands rubbed Uchiha Itachi's head recklessly, squeezing that gloomy and immature face frantically.

"It seems...according to this position, there is no way for us to complete the surprise attack at the scheduled time!"

Although Uchiha Itachi was extremely distressed, but with the blessing of the will of fire, he still ignored the physical pain for a moment.

"That's right!"

Uchiha Jin glanced at Uchiha Itachi meaningfully, and added coldly.

"Our first battlefield is not there!"


A look of astonishment flashed in Uchiha Itachi's eyes, and he instantly realized a terrible guess.

Except for the elite of the Uchiha clan, Konoha's main force and the Sarutobi, Mitomon, and Tenzan clans who were forced to go to the battlefield were all concentrated on the frontal battlefield at this moment.

As Uchiha, who was supposed to play a leading role in this battle, except for some idle clansmen showing scarlet Sharingan on the front line to mislead the outside world, all the elites of the clan have come here at this moment.

"Is it possible..."

Uchiha Itachi's face twitched constantly, as if he had already thought of Uchiha Jin's sinister intention to take the opportunity to kill everyone on the front line.


Looking at Uchiha Itachi, who kept rolling his eyes, Uchiha Jin was like a fist of enlightenment.

"Follow orders!"

As for Uchiha Jin's decision, there will be no objection at this moment except Uchiha Itachi.

With Uchiha Itachi struggling with eyes, half an hour of rest was fleeting.

"It's enough to rest, let's go on!"

Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, stood up suddenly, and then shouted at the Uchiha people behind him.

So the clansmen set off again, and under Uchiha Jin's order, they drove for several hours, bypassing the border of the Kingdom of Clouds and entering a peninsula.

Whoosh whoosh.

Uchiha's hundreds of troops marched faster again in the forest, and a group of ninjas quickly shuttled through the forest.


Just as a Uchiha Chūnin on the right stepped over a stake, a Uchiha Jōnin in front of him on the right let out a sharp shout.


But before that Uchiha Chūnin responded, the violent explosion caused by the detonating talisman was a sudden surrender.

It's a trap!

Everyone who was marching at this moment also realized this.

call out! call out! call out!

A large number of shurikens and kunai flew from the depths of the woods and attacked everyone in Uchiha.

It's just that Uchiha, who was prepared at this moment, with the blessing of Sharingan's super dynamic vision, just waved the kunai at will, and shot down all the Hidden Weapons that came like raindrops.


Feeling the unexpected attack, Uchiha Jin didn't feel the slightest frustration of being attacked, but instead had a confident smile on his face.

After all, that is the strongest concealment technique, how could it be really smooth sailing.

But now that the enemy's response has appeared, it means that he has reached his intended destination.


Under Uchiha Jin's signal, Uchiha instantly summoned Susanoo decisively.

The best way to face this kind of ambush is naturally to push across with absolute strength.

And Uchiha instantly lost everyone's expectations. Those detonating charms that could even kill Jōnin without paying attention had no effect at all under Susanoo's heavy defense.

Instead, Uchiha Jin once confirmed that this ninja world does have a strange law called smoke without injury.

Boom! Boom!

All the way the flames continued to explode, and a group of Uchihas continued to move forward behind Susanoo.

In this kind of Uchiha who is thinking about fire and fighting, everyone's fighting spirit is also rising.


As the last piece of shelter in the forest was destroyed by Susanoo, everyone in Uchiha suddenly saw a bright light.

As far as the eye can see, there are many huge animal bones scattered, some of which are even tens of meters high, like hills.


In the extremely distant past, this place used to be haunted by giant ferocious beasts, but because of some special accident, it suffered a devastating blow in an instant.

Uchiha's face froze for a moment, and after collecting Susanoo, he made a gesture and ordered the people behind him to stop.

The surrounding area was eerily quiet, not even a single buzzing of insects.

And this terrifying atmosphere further confirms that this place is not simple, and it is possible that it really encountered a raid from Cloud Shinobi Village.

"finally reached!"

It's just that when everyone was excited and nervous, the smile on Uchiha Jin's face was extremely bright and dazzling.

Mountain Cemetery!

Although the approximate location of Uchiha Madara's lair was roughly determined from the intelligence department before, Uchiha Jin finally confirmed that own is heading in the right direction after seeing these iconic skeletons.

Obito, I'm here to help you move!

There was a cold smile on the corner of Uchiha Jin's mouth, and a pair of scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan appeared randomly, and he stared at the front right corner suddenly.


There was supposed to be nothing on the loess, but as a meteor-like kunai pierced past, a pale figure gradually solidified.

White Zetsu!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Jin smiled even more intensely.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Following the discovery of a White Zetsu, they knew that they could no longer hide, and at this moment they suddenly attacked Uchiha Jin from all directions like a tide.

"There are many people playing!"

Although it is clear that these White Zetsu are not so easy to deal with, the body of White Zetsu is much stronger than that of ordinary ninjas, and some of them can also use Wood Style and even absorb the enemy's Chakra.

But Uchiha Jin has more confidence in the people behind him. After all, for White Zetsu, who has a low combat IQ, Sharingan's dynamic vision is the biggest guarantee of victory!

"It's time to show the world the strength of our Uchiha!"

Uchiha Jin's right hand was raised high above his head, his eyes flashing fiercely were full of murderous intent at the moment.

And the Uchiha who felt Uchiha Jin's gaze suddenly became fanatical at this moment, their eyes fixed on the raised right hand, as if it was a beast about to break through the cage.

"Crush them!"


(end of this chapter)

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