Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 181 Uchiha's Lineage!

Chapter 181 Uchiha's Lineage!


"This is the real power of God!"

"Only this mighty power, like a god, can lead Uchiha to regain our glory and create a legendary epic that surpasses everything!"

Feeling the trembling feeling from their own hearts, the eyes of all the Uchiha ninjas were full of fear and fanaticism, two diametrically opposite emotions, but at this moment filled everyone's heart.

hard to imagine.

Originally thought that the former Susanoo, who was as tall as a hundred meters and comparable to a tailed beast, had reached the pinnacle of what a ninja in this world can show.

But it wasn't until this moment that I saw it with my own eyes, and was almost affected by that unrivaled power, that the Uchihas finally realized that their past self still underestimated the potential of their eyes too much.

The mountain cemetery, which could even be called a plain from a distance, suddenly turned into a low, low valley under the sudden appearance of the kilometer Susanoo on this side.

Accompanied by the slightly raised hand of the bloody Susan as if stretching his body, the towering mountains that originally stood in the distance felt like they were about to collapse completely.

Just looking at this majestic scene, the Uchiha people who are in it at the moment feel dazzled for a while.

For normal Uchiha people, there is nothing more convincing than strength, and facing this kind of opponent that cannot be solved by physics, every Uchiha has fallen into a state of frenzy.

Compared with the fanaticism of the Uchiha clan, Ah Fei, who was able to overlook everything with the Wooden Golem Buddha, is as powerless as a fragile baby at this moment.

Not only because of the huge size difference between the two sides, but more importantly, the special atmosphere that Ah Fei feels at the moment, which is completely different from everyone in this world.

Innocent, funny than ignorant!

All this is true for A Fei!

But apart from being born with defects in spiritual intelligence, more importantly, it is because all existences in this ninja world have an intuitive sense of superiority compared to A Fei.

Even though he can't have an advantage in terms of strength, the sense of superiority derived from Bloodline and personality has enabled A Fei to maintain that almost childlike and funny attribute.

but now……

Until this moment, facing Uchiha Jin in front of him.

Ah Fei, who had awakened his spirituality from nothingness, felt that strange feeling for the first time, the oppressive feeling like being locked by a predator.


At this moment, the terrifying gaze that made him feel like a light seemed to have finally given up on teasing his incompetent little hamster.

The next moment!

The blood-colored long knife hundreds of meters suddenly lifted up, and the air seemed to be cut out of a vacuum at this moment, and the mighty wind pressure crushed the vegetation on the ground.

It made Ah Fei, who was on top of the Wooden Golem Buddha, almost be blown away. He could only use the Mayfly Technique to further integrate his own body with the Wooden Golem Buddha, so as not to end his pale life because of this ridiculous way of death .


From the results, it seems that there is no difference!

"Is this what Death feels like?"

At the moment when the four weeks seemed to be frozen, a strange idea suddenly appeared in A Fei's heart, and then he seemed to give up resistance and stared curiously at the bloody sharp blade that fell from the sky.

"The feeling of death and the desire to urinate may be the same thing..."

With the last thought lingering in Ah Fei's mind, the entire battlefield was swept by violent wind pressure again, and countless branches of Konoha Buddha kept flying up and down, but finally the calmness of the past was gradually restored.

What an army of White Zetsu!

What Uchiha's Fire Style and Kunai!

Except for the mountain cemetery that has become extremely flat at this moment, this area seems to be no different from the past.

"This is my power!"

It was as simple as killing a fly to kill A Fei, but Uchiha Jin, who was standing between the brows of the blood-colored Susan, didn't care about the result, but still quietly felt the power of his brand-new eyes.


Humans have limits!

Feeling the terrifying power contained in these eyes at this moment, as well as his own powerful body that has been reborn, Uchiha Jin can't help but admire at this moment that own's decision is as wise as ever.

Uchiha's lineage is excellent, but the power of Mangekyō Sharingan is even more miraculous.

But in the final analysis, it is the native Bloodline of the ninja world, a derivative after inheriting part of Ōtsutsuki's Bloodline power, and its power depends on the integrity of Ōtsutsuki Bloodline in the body.

to some extent.

The so-called Uchiha family, the most powerful family in the ninja world, is just a remote offshoot of the Ōtsutsuki family.

Just like the Ji surname in ancient times in the previous life originated from the Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of China, and the remote branch of its bloodline can also become a prince, and the closer the bloodline is, the richer and more powerful the territory entrusted by the princes will be.

At this moment, Uchiha is like the vassal who inherits the strongest Bloodline, except for the aliens with genetic mutations like Senju Hashirama.

In the entire ninja world, there is no blood-succession ninja with a deeper background than Uchiha, but this can only stop here.

A side branch is a side branch!

In this ninja world where one's mighty power can dominate everything, there is no chance that one could stand up in one's previous life.

How can the power derived from the Ōtsutsuki clan compete with the real Ōtsutsuki god!

Regarding this cold and cruel fact, Uchiha Jin already had a clear understanding in his heart the moment he saw Ah Fei make a move.


Uchiha Jin, who already regards the future of this world as his inevitable possession, wants to spread his leek farm all over the entire ninja world, he must have power independent of Ōtsutsuki Bloodline.

But this does not mean that Uchiha Jin has to give up the Sharingan, the powerful power derived from Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

It’s just that instead of continuously perfecting the defects in Bloodline and genes at the same time, Uchiha Jin began to decide whether to harvest Sasuke in advance when facing the eternal Mangekyō barrier that could not be broken through by other means except for Indra Chakra’s blessing and complement. Indra Chakra on the body.

But finally!

Uchiha Jin chose to give up!

But this is definitely not because in the process of family training, Uchiha Jin has a little bit of recognition for the cute Uchiha cubs in his heart...

How could a farmer holding a shotgun have feelings for the turkeys on the farm. (Tsundere.jpg)

But Uchiha Jin just felt dissatisfied, and had to follow the established route by himself.

To collect the Wood Style Bloodline of the Senju clan, and finally combine the power of the Uzumaki clan, Hui Yoruichi clan and Hyuga clan to make own Bloodline unlimited comparable to Sage of Six Paths.


According to Uchiha Jin's calculations, if this road reaches the level of Sage of Six Paths, it has basically reached the end.

After all, it is not difficult to judge according to the knowledge of functions learned in junior high school in the previous life. In the case of diminishing marginal benefits of Bloodline fusion, it can only be infinitely close but impossible to intersect.

So Uchiha Jin gave up!

After all, what really gave Uchiha Jin the ambition to control the ninja world is not the Bloodline of the Ōtsutsuki clan on his body at the moment, nor is it the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Megatron Ninja World.


Uchiha big filial son system!

Based on the 'Uchiha Clan', he has the stalwart power to support him to conquer the entire world.


Why go far away!

Why go after the kind of power that is doomed to fail!

In fact, the answer was in front of Uchiha Jin's eyes from the very beginning, but he was fascinated by the strength of Mangekyō Sharingan in the past.

The reason why Uchiha Jin is strong is not because of a mere pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, but because of the Uchiha clan he is in at the moment!

There is nothing wrong with the Uchiha family being a branch of the Ōtsutsuki family, but this does not mean that Uchiha will always stay in the Ōtsutsuki family's imprisonment.

Just like in the era when Sengoku was fighting for the top, didn't the Qin State rely on its continuous growth, and finally destroyed the Zhou Dynasty in turn, and became the real co-lord of the world after collecting Nine Cauldrons?


Rather than being obsessed with complementing the shortcomings of his own Bloodline, Uchiha Jin chose to make his own Bloodline truly independent.

From a degraded product of Ōtsutsuki Bloodline to an independent existence of Uchiha Bloodline!

Although this kind of thinking sounds extremely weird and ethereal, it is really not very complicated in practice, especially with the powerful power of the system.

Take all the power behind the death of the Uchiha people!

And can perfectly integrate these powers into himself!

So there is no need to have any hesitation, and there is no need to pay attention to Ōtsutsuki Bloodline's complement formula, just need to strengthen yourself as much as possible.

Use your own Bloodline genes to transform everything from the outside world, even the so-called Mangekyō, into the resources for your continuous evolution and growth.

Then in this process, I constantly feel the transformation of own, and feel this new life that is free from the shackles of the Bloodline of the big barrel family.

Uchiha Jin at the moment.

It is the first person in this world's freshman Uchiha.

The new Bloodline of the Uchiha Clan begins with him, an even stronger and promising Uchiha Clan!


As if wanting to vent the excitement in his heart, Uchiha Jin roared happily.

And his body was the same as his appearance, except for the blood-colored Xu Zuo with a simple armor and gorgeous wings, at the same time, he let out a long and distant howl at the same time.

"Third Generation...can he...really be able to deal with such a monster!"

And at this moment, Uchiha Itachi, who doubted his life amidst gusts of wind, couldn't help showing a hint of despair in his eyes.

If it is said that Uchiha Itachi felt that he beat Third Hokage violently before, and then saved the last spark for the will of fire through the method of resignation, and finally waited for an opportunity to make the will of fire rise again. Although this approach is helpless, it still has its own advantages Merit.

After all, Uchiha Jin is still only one person after all, and Uchiha Itachi also possesses the power of Mangekyō even though he is young. As long as the timing is right, it is possible to turn things around.

but now……

What happened before Uchiha Itachi made Uchiha Itachi feel the fear from the soul for the first time, and Uchiha Jin in front of him could no longer be called a human being in a certain sense.

Even if it is to quell the ninja world Shura and the god of ninja in the Sengoku era, it is only barely able to achieve this level!


Uchiha Itachi even felt at this moment that even if the original ninja Shura and the God of Ninja World were resurrected, they might not be able to have such a strong sense of oppression.

After all, human power is limited, and the power displayed by Uchiha Jin at this time has completely exceeded their understanding of the concept of human beings.

Uchiha Itachi, who feels that he is still in the human category, really doesn't think he can exert such power.

If even this can be regarded as the category of human beings, then Uchiha Itachi can only utter a sigh of "I am sorry to be born as a human being".

As for Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen...

A trace of confusion flashed in Uchiha Itachi's eyes, recalling the "strongest Hokage" who was successfully attacked by his own Tsukuyomi, his heart was shaken for the first time.


Uchiha Itachi bit the tip of his tongue forcibly. At the age of seven, he was able to think about life from the perspective of Hokage. How could he be shocked by this little thing and change his will.

Only the will of fire can change the ninja world!

Where the leaves dance, the fire is also alive.

The fire will continue to illuminate the village and cause new leaves to sprout...

Although until now Uchiha Itachi cannot fully understand the true meaning of this sentence, but he firmly believes that only the will of fire can bring peace to the village and family.

Uchiha Itachi?

Mere force cannot bring peace!

Only Sarutobi Hiruzen of the Third Generation...Even if... Even if it is impossible to defeat Uchiha Jin in strength, but it must be eternal and invincible in spirit!

"Terrible power!"

While Uchiha Itachi was struggling in his heart, Orochimaru, whose body was full of mucus, emerged from the ground, looking at everything around him with dark eyes.

The valley that had been flattened long ago and the Chakra breath that was still surging, these things made Orochimaru feel great uneasiness and excitement.

Power was not Orochimaru's pursuit for a long time, but from the terrifying scene in front of him, he really saw the possibility of crossing the limits of human beings.

And since the limits of human beings can be surpassed, the so-called eternal nature can also be reached.

Follow this guy Uchiha Jin, you will be able to find the eternity of existence!

As for Tsunade who appeared next to Orochimaru at some point, it became more complicated and weird in his eyes at this moment.

"Teacher, it seems that you can't take off that mask at all!"

As the person who knows the contradiction between Konoha and Uchiha best to a certain extent, Tsunade naturally saw the tricks of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Itachi at a glance.

Shiyi Uchiha to make Uchiha!

Under the mighty power of the gods at this moment, it really is even more ridiculous than the clown.

Tsunade didn't think that Uchiha Jin didn't find anything, but it was as the other party said and expected.

Some people should be under the mask weaved for themselves, until the day they die, they cannot be uncovered, making all the meaning of life pale and empty.

The only pure-minded ones are probably the Uchiha ninjas. After struggling out of the wind and sand, they have been staring at Uchiha Jin in the sky.

All the emotions and excitement in my heart were gathered into a simple sentence.

"Uchiha, long live!"

(end of this chapter)

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