Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 186 Sarutobi Betrays The Village

Chapter 186 Sarutobi betrays the village

Something is wrong!

Something is very wrong!

It was like suddenly pouring a basin of ice water over the head under the hot summer sun.

Originally, he wanted to come here with his military achievements to inquire about the crimes, and then force Uchiha Jin to cede some power in the form of Konoha being surrounded by enemies at the moment.

Then, through this war between Konoha and Cloud Shinobi Village, the Sarutobi clan’s accumulation of heritage for many years has been turned into the most solid political achievement.

So even if Konoha's Hokage is replaced by Uchiha, the power of the Sarutobi clan will still be as stable as it was before for many years to come.

With power in one hand, military exploits in the other hand!

Even Uchiha Jin, a lunatic, has to consider the impact of continuing to deal with the Sarutobi clan.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen never imagined that Uchiha Jin had no scruples at this moment, and he didn't even care about letting the Sarutobi family withdraw from the battlefield!

What else to say, the Sarutobi clan has since been expelled from Konoha!

A kind of absurd and sad sadness emerged in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart, which made this ninja hero who once "scorned" the ninja world couldn't help but feel like a hero's twilight.

once Upon a time.

Facing the big hidden danger in Konoha Village, the Uchiha clan, all the major ninja clans in the village have been moved by his will of fire, and even Shimura Danzō stacks various buffs behind him from time to time.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking at the time.

Maybe in the worst case, either the armed coup of the Uchiha clan was eliminated, or he defected to Konoha and was eradicated by him little by little.

But who would have thought that the development of the situation is faster than the mood of the woman. At the beginning, I was thinking about whether Uchiha might rebel against the village, but now it has become a decision that the Sarutobi family must make at this moment!


Taking action against Uchiha Jin means carrying out an armed coup, and no matter what the result is, you must face the encirclement and suppression of Cloud Shinobi, and even the major forces in the entire ninja world.

Or, defect!

As Uchiha Jin said, the Sarutobi clan was expelled from Konoha after the battle, which is no different from defection to some extent.

The dilemma made Sarutobi Hiruzen flustered again, but it was Uchiha Jin's eyes full of confidence that really made him terrified at the moment.

Once I make a wrong decision this time, it will really put myself and my family in a situation beyond redemption.


"When will the Uchiha clan be able to carry out the raid mission, and can they coordinate the elite support of other ninja clans to support the frontal battlefield!"

Just when Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to get his brain excited, his body softened honestly at this moment, with a whine like a defeated dog in his tone.

The ambitious Sarutobi Hiruzen is old both physically and mentally.

This kind of decision involving the future life and death of the individual and the family, the former "ninxiong" is no longer able to make a decision.


Utatane Koharu's eyes were full of disbelief, while Mitokado Homura, who was standing aside, didn't speak, but a strange light flashed in his eyes at this moment.


But facing Sarutobi Hiruzen's resignation, Uchiha Jin's reply was decisive and cold!


Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes were full of fright and anger, obviously he had already retreated to this extent, why Uchiha Jin was still unwilling to let him go.

Uchiha Jin raised a finger, his eyes were still as lazy and calm as before.

"First, as Konoha's Hokage, I don't need to explain to you the village's arrangement for Uchiha, you just need to know that it's all part of the plan!"


With the index finger retracted and the middle finger raised, Uchiha Jin's voice suddenly became cold.

"This is the battlefield!"

"Everyone here has a mission to perform for this overall victory against Cloud Shinobi!"

"Sarutobi, Mito, and Zhuanzhuan have gained so many benefits from Konoha in the past. The number of ninjas in the clan has exceeded the vast majority of ninjas in Konoha. Could it be that they can't even contain Cloud Shinobi on the frontal battlefield? "

"But what we are facing is Cloud Shinobi, the clansmen have never experienced it..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to speak to defend, but was interrupted directly by Uchiha Jin the next moment.

"Did we protest with you on the battlefield when the Uchiha clan faced Kirigakure alone in the Third Ninja War?"

"What's more, it's not just your Sarutobi clan at this moment, other ninja clans are also encircling Cloud Shinobi from all sides. This is all for the complete victory of this war against Cloud Shinobi!"

To know.

When Uchiha Jin started to understand the war in the ninja world, he also felt that everyone formed a team and pushed forward all the way.

But after several conflicts between the Uchiha clan and Sarutobi Hiruzen, coupled with the understanding of some ninja war common sense, it was discovered that the real war is not the same thing at all.

The characteristic of the ninja profession is the so-called high attack and low defense!

Just like the Fourth War in the original book, Uchiha Madara VS Ninja Alliance!

Haki of Battlefield Rose was fully revealed at that time, and the so-called ninja seemed mighty and invincible, but the final result was easily torn apart like waste paper.

Although there is a factor of Uchiha Madara's strength, the more important point is that ninjas are not suitable for coalition operations.

The dense number of ninjas will inevitably lead to less space for dodging, which is undoubtedly an extremely fatal weakness for an ordinary ninja who relies on agility and tactics to win.

And if you really encounter a stupid ninja alliance, then Cloud Shinobi only needs to keep sending people to harass with detonating symbols, and use various traps along the way...

So this time Konoha's war against Cloud Shinobi, it is estimated that Uchiha Jin can only charge alone!

Therefore, wars between ninja villages are usually carried out in the mode of ninja squads, sending personnel to each other to carry out various raids and assassinations.


The frontal battlefield is also very important. As the transportation hub between the Land of Frost and the Land of Thunder, if Konoha or Cloud Shinobi makes a mistake, the result will inevitably be a direct attack by the other side.

With the terrible destructive power of ninjas, it is enough to cause unimaginable losses to the economy and people's livelihood of a large country.

Therefore, in the area of ​​the frontal battlefield, the fight between ninjas is also the most tragic!


Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to refute, but Uchiha Jin interrupted him again.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm targeting you!"

Seeing the ugly face of Sarutobi Hiruzen gradually, Uchiha Jin also gradually got a little impatient!


Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't believe it at all, Uchiha Jin on the opposite side seemed to be too lazy to pretend!

"How much the Sarutobi clan has made over the years, and how much humiliation my Uchiha clan has endured, these are not something you can wash away with just a few words!"

Uchiha Jin's face was as indifferent as ever, and the murderous intent in his tone gradually became colder.

"Don't talk about pressure and sacrifices with me, these are all found by you!"

"I'm going to put my words here today. If you can use your military exploits to wash away your sins, then the past will be equal to your merits and demerits."

"Or get the hell out of here now, Uchiha's Konoha doesn't need you, just an ugly politician with a belly full of fat!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect Uchiha Jin to be so decisive, facing his words full of compromise, he didn't even leave him the slightest leeway.

So what to do!

Do you want to exchange the lives of the people and the family heritage, as Uchiha Jin promised, in exchange for the merits and demerits that Uchiha Jin said?

How can it be!

This idea just sounded in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind, and was completely sealed by himself in the next moment.

The promise of the Uchiha family is not unbelievable, but Sarutobi Hiruzen consciously replaces himself, and he will definitely not be able to achieve the so-called fair treatment.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen can't agree to let him, a politician, unconditionally believe in the promise of an opponent.


Armed coup or defection!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was thinking crazily in his mind, and his eyes kept looking around at the once-familiar figures in the field, as if he wanted to seek the last ounce of help.

at last!


Accompanied by Sarutobi Hiruzen's sigh, the former Shinobi's back suddenly bent a lot.

I can't fully trust Uchiha, and I can't accept the loss of the tribe, and I can't face an embattled Konoha.

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally realized at this moment that he had no choice at all, and his tone was full of despair at the moment.

"Sarutobi clan, apply for withdrawal from the battlefield!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's reply immediately changed the faces of many people in the field.

Obviously, the Uchiha clan did not rebel to that extent in the past, but why did the Sarutobi clan not be able to hold on from the very beginning?

"Master Hokage!"

The Ino–Shika–Chō clans and Konoha Kazuei co-prospered, and Akamichi, who knew the consequences of the complete war of the Sarutobi clan, also hurriedly opened his mouth to say something to ease it.

But at the next moment, Uchiha Jin cast an unquestionable gaze, scanning every ninja patriarch present like a sharp knife.

"Uchiha will surely lead Konoha to victory!"

"If any of you don't agree with my approach and want to defect to Konoha like the Sarutobi clan, then I will definitely not stop this time!"


Akamichi's words froze, and what he wanted to say choked in his throat again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, on the other hand, seemed to have received some good news, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes, and then looked at the ninja chiefs in the field as if seeking approval.

"Hiruzen, I'll follow you!"

Without Sarutobi Hiruzen asking, Utatane Koharu stepped forward first.

As Sarutobi Hiruzen's pawn during this period, Utatane Koharu did not believe that Uchiha Jin would let him go, and immediately continued to encourage others after expressing his position.

"Are you really willing to follow this Uchiha lunatic, following this kind of person will only..."


Utatane Koharu hadn't finished speaking, but Uchiha Jin's body appeared in an instant, and Utatane Koharu was knocked to the ground with one punch.

Shadow Clone can't be attacked beyond the limit, but it still retains a lot of basic combat power, and it is still very easy to deal with a mere Utatane Koharu.


Sarutobi Hiruzen was startled, and then made a vigilant gesture.

But Uchiha Jin ignored his meaning, turned his head to look at the group of ninja patriarchs behind him, and continued to speak calmly.

"You joined Konoha for recognition and seeking asylum, so if you want to leave, I won't stop you, but after you leave, don't think about coming back!"

"Take the wind! Lu Jiu!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard that the guard on his face disappeared completely, and he looked at Akamichi and Nara with ecstasy.

As the Ino–Shika–Chō clan who have always supported him behind his back, Sarutobi Hiruzen believes that he has a great possibility to win them over.

As long as you can accumulate enough strength, so what if you build a Konoha again!

And once Uchiha suffers heavy losses in this war, it is still unclear who will be driven out of Konoha in the end.


Contrary to Sarutobi Hiruzen's expectation, Akamichi Tekkaze and Nara Shikaku couldn't help lowering their heads at the moment.

More than that.

At this moment Sarutobi Hiruzen looked around, and all the ninja chiefs also lowered their heads at this moment.

As Uchiha Jin said, the reason why they joined Konoha at the beginning was the strong strength of Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara.

God of Ninja World and Ninja Shura!

With these two, Konoha Village will surely be able to unify the ninja world in a short period of time and realize the true peace they yearn for!


Uchiha Madara's extreme character frightened them, so they chose Senju Hashirama to succeed Hokage.

And Senju Hashirama's innocence made them unwilling, and with the Tailed Beast Distribution Conference, and after the fall of the God of Ninja, there were more tragic wars.

It also made these ninjas start to think about why they joined Konoha when they looked back on the past!

And now!

Uchiha Jin's character is indeed not the perfect Hokage they imagined, but it is possible to see the rise of another Uchiha Madara in him.

A mighty Uchiha capable of sweeping the ninja world by storm!

A mighty Konoha who can really stand proud of the ninja world and bring true peace!

Since the result of choosing to believe in Senju Hashirama was not good, then under the leadership of this new ninja Shura, can we reach a beautiful end from another road?

In contrast, following the defection of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the entire Konoha was completely torn to pieces. For the future and inheritance of the family, these ninja patriarchs still chose to remain silent at this moment.

Without him!

Just because of the promise of Uchiha Jin, a real strong man!

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't believe it out of standpoint, but they, as half bystanders at the moment, understood the firmness in Uchiha Jin's words.


Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Hyuga Hiashi expectantly, but the latter spoke directly and firmly.

"I reject!"

What a joke!

The Hyuga clan has already lost the Caged Bird. Once they leave Konoha, they will face the covetousness of the entire ninja world. Hyuga Hiashi, who is aware of his clan's lack of strength, will naturally not make such a stupid decision at this moment.


Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed again, as if he also understood the concerns of these people in front of him.

"Chun sauce, Yan sauce, let's go!"


Utatane Koharu struggled to get up from the ground, snorted coldly at the many ninja patriarchs, and said with resentment on his face.

"You will regret it!"

"Sorry, I'm the patriarch!"

Although unwilling to quarrel with Utatane Koharu who is like a shrew at the moment, the ninja patriarchs including Hyuga Hiashi and Akamichi Tokaze expressed their thoughts with their firm eyes.

"Yan, let's go!"

Utatane Koharu's complexion became even uglier. Knowing that he would only humiliate himself if he continued, he immediately wanted to drag Mitokado Homura out of here.


Contrary to the expectations of everyone present, Mitokado Homura suddenly threw away Utatane Koharu's left and right sides, stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen indifferently and said.

"Feel sorry!"


Utatane Koharu and Sarutobi Hiruzen both stiffened, trembling a little bit, looking at Mitokado Homura in disbelief.


Seeing the scene in front of him, Uchiha Jin couldn't help but smile at the moment, but he seemed to have expected this scene, and then continued directly and decisively.

"Since the Mito family is willing to express their views, I, Hokage, will not be too stingy, and the previous matter will be written off!"

"Thank you Hokage-sama!"

It seems that he is completely used to this kind of address, and Mitokado Homura does not want to refute his clan name at the moment, but bows to Uchiha Jin with a calm expression.

Uchiha Jin nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was completely stupid, and continued in an extremely indifferent tone.

"Announced in the name of Konoha's Fifth Hokage, the Sarutobi clan will be expelled from Konoha at this moment!"

"Order all the members of the Sarutobi clan and the Zhuanzhu clan to evacuate from Konoha within one month, and those who overstay will be dealt with as spies from the enemy village!"


(end of this chapter)

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