Hokage: Destroy Uchiha

Chapter 90 Immortal Chakra!

Chapter 90 Immortal Chakra!

Sage Mode!

Seeing Jiraiya with horizontal and vertical red stripes on her face, a circle of red eye shadow around her eyes, and a straight pupil, Uchiha Jin couldn't help showing a satisfied smile in his eyes.

Sage Mode's performance can keep pace with the blood power of the Ōtsutsuki family, and it is also one of the powers that can climb to the pinnacle of this daily ninja world.

Realizing that he will inevitably face a more powerful enemy in the future, Uchiha Jin is naturally particularly interested in this magical power.

However, the practice method of Sage Mode has a threshold. Except for Chongwu who is born with a Sage Transformation physique in the future, the rest of the people can only have the opportunity to obtain this magical and powerful power through the teachings of the three Summoning holy places.

And at this moment.

Jiraiya used Sage Mode and summoned two Great Toad Sages on Mount Myōboku to help out, but this was actually expected by Uchiha Jin.

After all, under the gaze of Mangekyō Sharingan, no matter how hidden Jiraiya's movements are, how could Uchiha Jin not see the Shadow Clone hidden in the dark.

Just out of curiosity about "Xianju Chakra", while further expressing his desire to fight against the strong, Uchiha Jin has also been observing Jiraiya's Shadow Clone disguised as an old woman.

He even scolded himself when he became ruthless, but Uchiha Jin has gained his knowledge today.

But after observing for a long time, with Uchiha Jin's powerful perception, he didn't even notice the so-called natural energy fluctuations, let alone create the 'Xianju Chakra' by virtue of Sharingan's copy ability.

But for Seju Chakra!

Uchiha Jin, who has relevant plot memories, is naturally no stranger to this.

First of all, the practitioner has a lot of Chakra, and then he needs to balance his physical energy and spiritual energy, and then fuse the natural energy with a balanced ratio of 1:1:1, in order to condense the special power of Xianshu Chakra.

After obtaining the senjutsu Chakra, it is like opening the eyes of the Uchiha clan, which can greatly improve the power of ninjutsu, physical jutsu, and illusion.

But compared to Sharingan, which is always on the body, Xianju Chakra not only needs to keep itself still, but also takes too long before casting the spell, and is a consumable with a limited duration.

However, the use of the celestial technique Chakra is extremely dangerous. Once there is no way to maintain the balance of the three forces in the body, it will cause extremely serious petrification backlash.

But even though the practice of the fairy art Chakra is extremely difficult and dangerous, the great power after successful practice is directly proportional to the effort.

You must know that Jiraiya, who was originally just a crane tail, has become the strongest combat force under Sannin's normal state by practicing the energy of Chakra, a counterattack all the way.

Senju blood Tsunade Ji, a genius inventor Orochimaru, was turned over by a Jiraiya who had no blood and no talent...


As early as the moment Uchiha Jin came to this world, he was flanked by the filial sons of the clan and conspirators outside the clan, and he had already begun to silently plan this magical power.

It's just that it is such a violent and powerful force, and it can absorb and cast Sage Mode almost anywhere, but Uchiha Jin has never sensed the so-called natural energy.

For a staunch materialist, Uchiha Jin feels this is not scientific.

It's a pity that Ninja World OL didn't set up a customer service, otherwise Uchiha Jin would definitely contact you as soon as possible to report the system BUG left by the dog's plan.

However, after awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan, especially after using the powerful pupil art of Ifu Yasaka, Uchiha Jin has faintly realized something in his heart.

And at this moment when Jiraiya successfully cast Sage Mode, that extremely familiar energy fluctuation finally helped him complete an extremely important piece of the puzzle.

That is, through this puzzle, Uchiha Jin probably understands it.

The so-called Sage Mode of the three Summoning Holy Lands is probably what it is.

"It's kind of disgusting!"

Although Uchiha Jin feels that his vision threshold is already very high, looking at the two Toad Sages who are still embedded in Jiraiya's flesh and blood, this form of mutual parasitic with animals still makes people feel nauseated.

Even if you understand that this is the special effect of Sage Art·Two Lives, you can not only get the powerful assistance of two Toad Sages at the same time, but also greatly extend the duration of Sage Mode.

But if you don't like it, you don't like it!

The Sage Mode of Mount Myōboku needs toad oil as a medium, and the Sage Mode of Ryūchi Cave needs to be injected through the fangs of the White Snake Immortal...

Although it looks completely different in ways, it is actually the same in essence!

It is a means of integrating special animal genes and flesh and blood into oneself, but the methods between the two are either rough or soft and silent.

Born to be human!

Uchiha Jin said that he has completely given up the possibility of obtaining Xianshu Chakra through the three holy places, but this does not mean giving up the magical power of Xianshu Chakra.

Especially just when Jiraiya was trying to avoid the blood-colored long knife, the Rasengan that contained the magic Chakra and the blood-colored pupils on Susanoo collided with each other...


Uchiha Jin can clearly feel that there is a kind of stress reaction that excludes each other between Xianju Chakra and his own Mangekyō pupil power.

Or is it not just repulsion, but abhorrence? tyrannical?

Although the reason is not clear yet, a glimmer of inspiration suddenly appeared at this moment, and a wonderful idea condensed in Uchiha Jin's mind instantly.

Sage Art Massive Rasengan!

However, after staring at Uchiha Jin for a long time, Jiraiya couldn't help it anymore. After all, even if his own Sage Mode is blessed by two Toad Sages, the duration is still limited.

Looking at Uchiha Jin who was maintaining the huge Susanoo effortlessly, Jiraiya leaped into the air and quickly gathered a Massive Rasengan dozens of times larger than the ordinary Rasengan in the palm of his hand.


Under Uchiha Jin's control, although Susanoo's size was huge, she didn't look cumbersome at all, and the thick blood-colored long knife once again met her.

"so hard!"

Feeling the terrifying defensive power of the bloody Susan, Jiraiya's heart sank again.

As expected of the power of the gods in the legend, this kind of powerful defense is like a foul for ordinary ninjas.

Even with the Massive Rasengan performed by Chakra, Jiraiya only felt that the bloody long knife was slackened for a moment, but it returned to its original state the next moment.

Facing Uchiha Jin, who can cast this powerful Susano, Jiraiya felt that the only way to defeat the opponent was to constantly bombard the opponent with powerful senjutsu, and to consume again and again.


Looking at Uchiha Jin, who is not blushing and not panting, and the magic Chakra in his body that is gradually decreasing, Jiraiya can't help feeling a little bit of retreat in his heart.


(end of this chapter)

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