When I returned to Konoha, it was already dawn, and by the way, I owed a whole lot of debt. Aokiji cursed and denounced Penguin for his unscrupulous behavior.

He went to school with heavy drowsiness, fell asleep, and blew all over the floor. The classmates around him were not surprised by his behavior. The "Sleeping King" in the class was not blown out.

"Hey, wake up..."

Before he knew it, Qingzhi vaguely felt that someone was pushing him, and opened his eyes sleepily, it turned out that it was his deskmate who was pushing him.

"What's the matter, school is over?"

The tablemate was speechless: "Did you forget that I was invited to give a lecture today? Everyone left early."

If it wasn't for the sake of being at the same table, he wouldn't bother with Aokiji.

"Oh~ I remembered." Aokiji rubbed his eyes, "Thank you."

The ninja school sometimes invites some ninja to give lectures to the students. The nature is somewhat similar to that of the famous schools in the previous life, which invites celebrities to motivate the students.

Aokiji and her deskmate came to the designated classroom. The students were all there, but the teacher hadn't come yet. It seemed that he came at the right time.

Aokiji randomly found a place, considering whether to continue daydreaming.

He was woken up by a classmate. He didn't feel sleepy at the moment, and he couldn't fall asleep for a while. After a while, this lecture came, and it was a woman with a ponytail and a dignified manner.

Her name is Lake Biwa and she is a medical ninja. After a simple opening remark, she spread out the scroll, which was engraved with a mantra, with her palms folded, emitting a bright green light. After a while, the fish lying flat became alive and kicking. The students in the audience praised the practice, but when she asked who was interested in medical ninjutsu, everyone fell silent for a moment.

Lake Biwa sighed helplessly, and followed the procedure to explain the medical ninja. The students in the audience were drowsy and lacked interest.

These days, even kids know that medical ninjas have no future.

Some parents even warn their children that if they don't study well, they can only be medical ninjas and assistants.

As long as medical ninjas are treated a little bit, they won't be treated so badly.

But don't think that being a medical ninja is easy, on the contrary becoming a medical ninja is very demanding.

Not only does it require precise control of Chakra, but it also requires a lot of professional knowledge. Talent and hard work are indispensable, and it takes a long time to train a qualified medical ninja.

So here comes the problem, since I have this ability.

Why do you want to be an assistant?

Isn't ADC good?

Spending a lot of time on medical ninjutsu will inevitably lead to procrastination in other aspects. Ninjutsu is omnipresent. According to different skills, it will be subdivided into physical ninja, illusion ninja, perception ninja and so on.

Among them, the medical ninja is the weakest "ninja".

After spending so much energy, the return is not proportional. Naturally, no one wants to be a medical ninja.

But the embarrassing thing is that medical ninjas are indispensable on the battlefield.

Bing is expensive and fast, and the ninjas of a big country can easily survive to death. There are only so many people, and every death is one less. How to get ninjas who are injured after a battle to quickly enter the battle is particularly important.

Ordinary doctors treat too slowly, but if you treat well, everyone will die.

Far less convenient and fast than Medical Ninja's Medical Ninjutsu.

Except for ninjas who have the ability to train some medical ninjas for their own families, ordinary talented civilian ninjas will basically not consider being medical ninjas.

Big fists are better than anything else, who would be willing to be a green leaf if there is talent.

Unless you have a strong interest in medical ninjutsu.

But is it possible?

The general environment is like this now, the vast majority of children want to go to war and fight, instead of hiding in the back and playing support.

Lake Biwa was ordered by the higher-ups to go to the ninja school, hoping to start from a baby, cultivate students' interest, and find a few talented students to train.

But just looking at it for now, it seems that everyone is not interested in becoming a medical ninja.

Just when Lake Biwa thought he was going to return in vain this time, he suddenly realized that it wasn't all true. A famous student present was listening seriously, in stark contrast to other sleepy students.

She asked the boy a few questions, and she was able to answer them all fluently, which shows that she has a certain talent and that she listened carefully in class.

"May I have your name."

"Uchiha Aokiji."

Lake Biwa was taken aback, it turned out to be a child of Uchiha, and he was also interested in medical ninjutsu, which is no longer rare, it is almost rare.

As we all know, the Uchiha clan has unparalleled talent for fighting.

In fact, for this family, being a medical ninja is probably not too bad. If you have a pair of Sharingan, the difficulty of surgery can be directly reduced.

It's just that Uchiha who has Sharingan is keen on fighting, and it's simply not doing business properly to study medical ninjutsu. Even if he has personal ideas, the clan will probably stop him.

She silently memorized the name.

Not long after, the get out of class was over. After Biwa Lake left the classroom, An Nai, a classmate around her, couldn't help coming up, and said strangely: "The sun is coming out from the west. It's fine if you don't sleep in class, but you still listen carefully."

After finishing speaking, the student didn't forget to put his hand on Aokiji's forehead, took his temperature, and joked: "I don't have a fever." "

Aokiji patted this hand away, "Why, can't I try harder once in a while?"

"Uh, it's not impossible, but why are you interested in the least promising medical ninjutsu?"

Of course it's for picking up girls.

If you want to attack girls, it is always right to start with hobbies, at least this way you have a common language.

Tsunade has not set foot on the medical ninja yet, but he will definitely step on it in the future. Aokiji will prepare in advance, and he can have more in-depth exchanges on work issues. Since Tsunade graduated, Aokiji has less contact with Tsunade , If this continues, he will almost become a person in two worlds.

Therefore, if Aokiji wants to become a medical ninja, there are overlaps in work, so it is better to get close.

When Tsunade becomes a medical ninja, it is inevitable that he will be suspected as a Uchiha as a medical ninja.

In addition, Aokiji has no confidence in whether he can not be a ninja in the future.

The Uchiha family may not allow themselves to fail to graduate in the future and not be a ninja. Thinking about him, Uchiha is one of the best ninjas in the ninja world. There is a waste in the family who can't even graduate from ninja school. I can't afford to lose this person.

Besides, in the eyes of others, Aokiji's poor grades are also due to laziness. With his talent, he should be caught and tutored hard. As long as he doesn't sincerely want to be a ninja, he will definitely be able to pass the graduation exam.

Aokiji planned ahead and made some preparations in advance. Even if he was unlucky enough to graduate in the future, he would at least become a medical ninja and pass the puberty period.

Aokiji said lightly: "It's nothing, you know my personality, I'm more afraid of death, I really don't have any interest in being a ninja and cannon fodder on the battlefield, but I'm so talented, the family behind me won't let me drop out of school, I just heard Biwako-sensei said that being a medical ninja doesn’t seem to require battle, and the survival rate seems to be very high, so I want to try being a medical ninja or something.”

Speaking of this, Qingzhi put his hands on his hips helplessly, lowered his head and sighed: "I can only say that I am helpless..."

"You bastard..."

The classmates around him gritted their teeth and suppressed the cells in their whole body to flatten him. It wasn't because they were concerned about the friendship between classmates, it was just that they couldn't beat him.

"Hmph, Aokiji, don't think that being talented is a big deal."

"Sorry, being talented means doing whatever you want. Even if I sleep in class all day and go back to play, my grades are still among the best, better than you."

You never know how hard a classmate who talks about going home to play will work hard to go home.

This way, Aokiji learned it during his study life.

"You just continue to degenerate like this. One day, we will definitely defeat you and beat you all over the ground. Just like the teacher said, talent is important, but hard work is the most important thing compared to talent.

"Talent only determines the starting point, but it is hard work that determines a person's ultimate achievement."

Aokiji: ...

You can tell at a glance that the child has been limped by the teacher.

I don't know about other worlds, but in Hokage, sorry bloodline is really powerful.

It is often said that mothers are more valuable than children.

But in fact, this sentence is wrong. It is because the child is more expensive than the mother, and the passageway that is born has a great background, so you are likely to have a great background.

Aokiji didn't mean to ridicule this student. Effort is certainly admirable, but in front of countless cruel realities, talent is really more important than hard work.

Even effort itself is an extremely rare gift.

I really thought it was so easy to work hard, but how difficult it is to really work hard.

Even Aokiji can't help it sometimes, in the name of combining work and rest, take a short errand, watch a little... say relax.

"Then you all work hard, oh~ Ever since Orochimaru graduated, I have found that I am always lonely. It's like standing on a high place, no one talks to me, and the lonely severe winter makes me tremble. What do I want to do in the high place .”

Everyone: ...

Aokiji suddenly pretended to be aggressive, thinking that it would be really troublesome to maintain the design of a fallen genius.

I really want to be a good-for-nothing.

But like this, his strength suddenly soared that day, and it was inevitable that people would suspect that he had been hiding his strength all the time. He was a scheming boy.

Biwako went straight to the office. The teacher sitting on the chair saw her coming, got up from his seat, and went forward to greet her: "Biwako Jonin, how is the situation?" "

Biwako shook his head: "Students don't seem to be very interested in medical ninjas."

The teacher sighed slightly, there was no other way, the status quo was like this.

If Tsukuru was himself, he probably wouldn't want to be a medical ninja.

Lake Biwa said with a smile: "Not necessarily, there is a student who is very serious in class. I am a little relieved."

The teacher was slightly surprised that some students were interested in medical ninjutsu. Could it be that he couldn't help but asked, "What's his name, next time I have to praise him in class."

"Uchiha Aokiji."

The teacher thought for a moment that there was something wrong with his ears, and that Aokiji, who went to class all day and slept all day, and did his own way, actually listened carefully in class?

Lake Biwa had a good first impression of Aokiji, so he started to talk about it on his own: "Even he listens so carefully to the medical courses that are not popular on weekdays. I think he must be the most serious kid in your class."

( ̄_, ̄)

"Uh...what's the matter, your expression?

The teacher waved his palms outward, with a strange expression on his face: "According to what I know, Aokiji is a guy who hardly listens to class and sleeps all day long."

Lake Biwa was a little disbelieving: "No way."

"Words are not proven, seeing is believing. If you don't believe me, you can stand outside the window in the next class and observe for a while."

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