Chi Yejun opened it and saw that it was a love bento.

There is a ham sausage on top of the fluffy rice.

A cute little mushroom on top.

There is a soft-boiled egg on the bottom.

Kawaii look!

He happily ate it, and the more he ate, the sweeter it became.

After the meal, Toshi Chino pulled out a sunflower hairpin from the space. (It’s such an awesome space, it has everything...)

Then he found Hinata, gently took her hand and said, "Hinata, thank you, it's delicious. I'll give you a little flower."

Then put the hairpin on her head.

Hinata's whole body felt like an electric shock!

This was the first time that a boy held her hand.

After breaking free, he covered his face and ran away.

Finally passed out in the women's restroom...

This scene was seen by little Sakura and Ino.

Little Sakura couldn't help but say in her heart: "It would be great if Sasuke did the same to me..."

Ino is not bored with Ikeno Jun, and even feels that he has Naruto's cheerful enthusiasm and Sasuke's maturity and stability.

The key is!

He looks pretty handsome too.

He exuded a masculine charm beyond his age.

"Sakura-chan, maybe I will give Sasuke to you in the future!"

Ino laughed.

Little Sakura looked confused...

In the evening, the bell finally rang.

Almost like lightning, several figures quickly rushed out of the classroom, led by Naruto.

"Let's go, let's catch loaches together tomorrow!"

God damn loaches.

The next day, Sasuke's birthday.

Chi Yejun plans to give him a special gift:

Turn on the double magatama in the right eye!

Sharingan is a unique pupil technique of the Uchiha clan, but it requires certain conditions to be activated, and the more magatama there are, the stronger the Sharingan ability is.

Although three months later, Sasuke will open the double magatama in his right eye during the battle with Shiro, but opening it in advance for him on his birthday is the best birthday gift for Sasuke.

The key is to deepen friendships and get things done.

Moreover, Toshi Chino prayed silently:

Because I helped Sasuke open the Sharingan, the reward I received was also the Sharingan...

After school, Toshi Ikeno asked Sasuke to go to the Konoha training ground.

Sasuke happened to want to ask him for advice and readily agreed.

Along the way, Chi Yejun thought: "Only in special environments, through stimulation, extraordinary power can burst out, such as anger, fear, and hatred. It is like a magatama opening on the night of genocide..."

Soon he figured out how to stimulate the other party...

Arriving at the training ground, the two of them got into position and started sparring.

Even though Sasuke tried his best, he was still no match for Ikeno Jun.

Twenty minutes passed...

Sasuke didn't win a single round.

But he was not discouraged at all and stubbornly got up and continued fighting.

Ikeno Jun is even more cruel this time, he just wants to stimulate the blood in Sasuke's bones.

"Haha, aren't you the top student in school? Aren't you a genius in Konoha Village? By the way, you're also a genius with your looks. Why do I feel like your moves look like a girl dancing?"

Chi Yejun mocked.

Sasuke was unmoved upon hearing this and continued to rush forward.

Chi Yejun punched him in the chest and knocked him away.

"Sasuke, do you have this much strength?" Ikeno Jun still used his powerful mouth to express hatred.

After ridiculing again and again, Sasuke finally said angrily: "Damn it!"

Use 100% of your strength again.

"Come on! Use all the Great Fireball, Shuriken, and Kunai, and you're still a loser!"

Taunt +1

At this moment, Sasuke's physical strength was almost gone, and he was squatting on the ground, breathing heavily.

"What a weakling, even worse than little Sakura and Ino!"

Taunt +10

"Haha, is this your measure?"

When the clan was exterminated, Itachi once said that killing the entire clan was just to test his own strength...

Hearing the word "measurement", Sasuke suddenly recalled the scene before the blood. He let out a roar and rushed towards Chi Yejun.

Taunt +50

After holding on for another five minutes.

Ikeno Shun easily dodged Sasuke's attacks again and again, and finally kicked him hard on the knee.

Sasuke collapsed to the ground.

Chi Yejun stepped forward and looked at him.

After hesitating in his heart, he gritted his teeth and stepped on his head.

Then he said disdainfully in the most dissolute tone:

"Every cause must have its effect. Your retribution will be me. Remember to double-click..."

Ahem, it's a joke, Han Meijuan has been brainwashed...

"Is this the strength of the Uchiha clan? Aren't the descendants of Uchiha still being stepped on by Laozi!"

Taunt +100!

This is Chi Yejun's last move.

If Sasuke doesn't get angry, there's nothing he can do...

Sasuke at this moment.

Reason is finally covered by anger!

He used his last bit of strength and slowly staggered to his feet with his hands on the ground.

Veins popped up on his forehead, he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Chi Yejun stared into his eyes, eager for a miracle to happen!

"No! Xu! You! Insult! Humiliate! Yu! Zhi! Bo!"

Sasuke growled word by word.

He looked up suddenly.

Slowly open your eyes.

Looking at Chi Yejun coldly, he exuded an intimidating aura.

Only a flash of red light was seen.

There are two black magatama in the right eye and one black magatama in the left eye!

"It's turned on! The double magatama is finally turned on!"

Looking at the Sharingan that was as scarlet as blood, Ikeno Jun was even more excited than Sasuke!

"As expected of Indra's plug-in body, this Sharingan actually turned on as soon as I asked..."

Because of the blessing of Sharingan's power and the short circuit of his sanity, Sasuke exploded.

Ikeno Jun shouted while dodging: "STOP! Sasuke! You opened your eyes!"

But Sasuke seemed unable to hear and continued to explode.

Chi Yejun dodged all the way, and even felt like he was being beaten.

He couldn't help but admire the power of Sharingan.

"The three major diseases in the Hokage world are bone hyperplasia. When will I be rewarded with pink eye and cataracts..."

A few minutes later.

Sasuke finally collapsed from exhaustion.

Breathing heavily, his mind gradually returned.

"I didn't mean to say that to you just now..."

Chi Yejun sat beside him and explained for ten minutes.

After knowing his intention, Sasuke said calmly:

"Thank you."

Although his head was stepped on and his family was insulted, Sharingan turned on the double hook!

And Chi Yejun also has good intentions.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse.

Their stomachs also growled.

"Go to my house, I will make you so happy tonight...ahem, mouth."

Sasuke glanced at him.

Something's wrong with you...

After what happened at the training ground today, instead of blaming him, Sasuke felt a strange sense of trust in him.

So, for the first time, he nodded in agreement.

This is his first time going to a classmate's house...

After arriving home, Chi Yejun started preparing dinner.

"Game consoles, karaoke, treadmills, and animations, whatever you want."

Ikeno Shun hid everything about Hokage in advance ≥Ö‿Ö≤

Sasuke was not interested in game consoles, so he turned on the anime and watched "Attack on Titan" with great interest.

Until the delicious dishes are put on the table.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Sasuke was stunned...

Meat floss rice balls, arrowroot balls, blueberry egg tarts, tomato pizza, sushi, black pepper steak, curry rice, pork miso barbecued pork noodles, grilled fish, Anko soup...

After taking a bite of the rice ball, Sasuke raised his head and said with surprise: "You...did you make all of this?"

Chi Yejun smiled and nodded, "Otherwise, there is no takeout here..."

After Sasuke was stunned for a moment, he started to devour the food without caring about the image.

"Haha, this chef's skills are really awesome!"

But hasn’t our friendship been established yet?

Why are the rewards delayed?

Do you still need me to use my trump card...

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