Land of Fire, Konoha Shinobi Village.

In front of the ninja school, it was late afternoon, when the ninja school was dismissed.

At the school gate, a group of twelve or thirteen-year-old teenagers were walking out of the school talking and laughing.

"Shikamaru, Ino, Ya, let's go eat barbecue later, my father gave me a lot of pocket money today, I'll treat me."

A little fat man with brown hair and eyes narrowed into a slit was hooking his hand on the shoulder of a yellow-haired boy and said with a smile.

"Naruto, you come with us too."

At this moment, a teenager with a pineapple head tied and a lazy look also spoke: "Yes, Naruto, you can also go with us, today Ding Ji has a treat."

"yes, yes, let's go together, Naruto."

A teenager in a gray shirt, with shaggy hair, a cute white puppy lying on his chest, and a red triangle of oil paint on each side of his cheek grinned.

The person who spoke was Shikamaru and Ya, and the little fat man who hooked up with Naruto and said that if he was a treat, it was Dingji.

At this time, the yellow-haired boy they called Naruto was lowering his head and silent.

"Why don't you talk? Naruto, is there something unhappy? The thoughtful Shikamaru seemed to have sensed something, and asked suspiciously.

Looking at Naruto's gaze, a trace of strangeness flashed.

The usual Naruto has always been alive, and he is the most eccentric of their truant foursome.

In particular, I am most happy to hear about the hospitality.

But in the past month, Naruto, who has always had a lively personality, is rare and does not speak or be naughty, which surprised him.

"It's nothing, it's just that I've had a bad stomach lately, and it's a little uncomfortable." Naruto looked at them and smiled, "You guys go, I'll go back first, thank you."

Naruto smiled lightly at them and left alone.

Looking at Naruto's distant back, the little fat man Dingji muttered: "Is Naruto really okay?"

"Who knows?" Shikamaru ghost sent a sentence.

Without the protection of the ninja school, walking on the bustling street, Naruto's ears sounded the malicious invective from passers-by again.

"Demon fox."

"Stinky youkai."

"Stinky fox."

"Uncultured little ghost."

"Crane tail."


For the attitude of passers-by, Naruto has become accustomed to it for a month.

Although he is no longer mischievous, there are still people who constantly insult him and humiliate him.

This is the villager of Konoha that his parents fought so hard to protect.

Oh, how ridiculous!

It's not that Naruto doesn't want to resist, but he knows that in Konoha village, at every moment, someone is watching him.

Returning to the familiar cabin alone, after so long, Naruto had begun to accept this new identity.

That's right, the current Naruto is not the original Naruto at all. It is a human soul from Earth, 'Naruto Uzumaki' who fuses the memories of the original Naruto.

"System, check in."


"Congratulations to the host, successfully signing in for one month in a row, and rewarding the host with an eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eye."

The system's voice fell, and a reassuring smile appeared on Naruto's face.

Naruto closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his original turquoise pupils had been replaced by red dart-shaped chakra eyes.

Sharingan, one of the most powerful eyes in the Hokage world.

Owned by the Uchiha family.

Looking at the entire Uchiha family, there are only ten fingers that can open the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

Not to mention the eternal kaleidoscope above this, there are even fewer who can successfully have. Looking at the ninja world, only Uchiha Madara and the late Uchiha Sasuke have it.

And now, this legendary eternal kaleidoscope chakra eye was so easily obtained by Naruto.

In just a few moments, the Sharingan disappeared, and Naruto's pupils returned to their original turquoise blue.

"In this way, I can be regarded as one of the three strongest pupil techniques in the ninja world."

And the eternal kaleidoscope that Naruto possesses is the bug-like double kaleidoscope in Hokage.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared at the corner of Naruto's mouth, and a guy wearing a red whirlpool and a mask flashed in his mind.

"Uchiha takes the soil, you wait, I will definitely go to you to settle the account."

Of course, before that, he had to put down the guy hiding in his stomach.

It's funny to say, I don't know if the system sees him pitiful or what, in the past month, every time he checks in, most of them are some daily necessities and food.

Therefore, relying on the check-in, although Naruto has not had a good life this month, at least he does not need to go hungry.

After eating a little instant noodles at random, Naruto began to sit up on his small bed.

Closing his eyes, Naruto urged consciousness, and in the blink of an eye, he came to a dark basement.

Naruto knew that this was the place where the strongest tailed beast Nine Tails was sealed in his body.

Unlike the sunny outside, it is dark and damp.

The long corridor is covered with thick standing water.

Naruto still did not change his face, and with confident steps, slowly walked towards the depths of the corridor.

In the waterlogged corridor, ripples rippled as Naruto walked.

Step by step, Naruto walked like this, and in the depths of the corridor, a glimmer of light gradually appeared.

When Naruto came closer, he saw that it was a huge cage made of red cylinders.

In the cage, a huge orange figure resembling a small mountain is holding its head, lying casually in the water, and nine huge tails are swinging at will.

"Nine Tails, we meet again." Naruto's calm voice sounded, and his eyes burned as he looked at the huge figure in the cage, bright and confident.

"Abominable little ghost, what are you doing again?"

The originally calm Nine-Tails suddenly began to become irritable, blood-red pupils opened, and it suddenly opened its blood basin towards Naruto, and its sharp claws struck towards Naruto vigorously.

However, no matter how hard it exerts, it can't break free from this huge red cage.


"Abominable fourth generation Hokage wave feng shui gate, abominable little ghost..."

the Nine Tails roared vigorously. The strong vibration caused the stagnant water to become choppy, and it was like Mount Tai overwhelmed the top.

Seeing that the water was about to hit Naruto, he still looked calm.

Naruto ignored its anger, but I continued, "Nine Tails, I came to you this time to cooperate with you."

"After all, you don't want to be trapped in this dark cage for the rest of your life."

"You dare to ridicule the old man? Little ghost, are you living impatiently? "

The Nine Tails are completely furious! For a while, the mountain roared like a tsunami and struck Naruto again.

Naruto looked at its violent appearance and knew that it would not be honest without using its true strength.

His eyes were cold, and he said angrily: "Calm me down!"

The blue pupils were replaced by blood red, and the Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan Eye appeared in Naruto's eyes.

With just one look, the Nine Tails lost their resistance.

This is the power of the Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye.

"Kaleidoscope Sharingan, little ghost you..." A

trace of unwillingness flashed in the eyes of the Nine Tails, and its blood-red vertical pupils like rubies were replaced by the Dart Sharingan.

"Let's be quiet now."

Watching the Nine-Tails collapse weakly to the ground, Naruto mocked with a sneer.

"Little ghost, you... Why those eyes?

"You're not Naruto Uzumaki, who the hell are you?!"

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