"Can't even help you?" Orochimaru smiled bitterly and looked at the painful teenager on the bed.

I remembered the scene when I first saw it. He also remembered that when he took in Junmaru, his family had been destroyed. The only one left in the world is Junmaru.

Since he took in Junmaru, this teenager has always admired him, and for a while, it made him feel like he saw his former love disciple rope tree and red beans.

This is also the reason why for many years, he has said that he regards Junmaru as his own container, but he has never started.

Similarly, looking at the painful Junmaro on the bed, Naruto felt a little unbearable in his heart. After all, as a genius and beautiful boy who surprised Naruto as soon as he appeared in the anime in his previous life, it would be a pity if he fell like this.

After thinking about it, Naruto continued to put forward his own thoughts: "Actually, if you want to save Junmaru, in theory, as long as he learns the art of immortal rebirth like you and re-possesses himself on another body, he can get rid of the torment of this sick body.

It's just that the consequences of doing this, you also know, will completely lose his corpse blood succession limit.

Orochimaru nodded and said in a deep voice, "I also thought about what you said, but Junmaru is not me after all." Not to mention that only I can use this forbidden technique. Even if he used it, whether he could fuse that new body is unknown.

And if you do so, the risk is too great. Once the fusion fails, it will directly kill him.

Naruto waved his hand and sighed, "Then I can't help it!"

On the bed, Junmaru's pain was slightly lighter, he held the sick body strongly, and said bitterly: "Lord Orochimaru, that's enough." My body, I know it myself. It won't last long. It's a pity that it has failed you for many years of cultivation and cannot become your container.

The big snake pill lowered his head and was silent for a long time before he slowly said: "Life is so fragile, that's why I hate death."

Naruto didn't care about what Orochimaru said, and at this moment, his gaze was completely on the red-haired girl wearing glasses in the corner.

If I'm not mistaken, that red-haired girl should be Uzumaki Xiangphos, she is actually here! This really surprised Naruto.

Like Naruto, Xiangling is a member of the Uzumaki clan. Like Naruto, her childhood was particularly miserable.

As a person who has lost his country, he is exiled to another country and becomes a pariah. Later, he was fortunate enough to become a ninja of Kusanagi, but he was abandoned by his companions and later taken in by Orochimaru.

Because of his natural healing physique, he was favored by the Great Snake Pill and became his subordinate, the right-hand man after the five people of Oto-nin.

Now it seems that she is almost the same age as Naruto, and she has obviously just been attached to the Great Snake Pill.

For this strange environment, Xiangphos hugged his body tightly, looking at everyone's eyes, revealing panic and unease. And on her hands, you can clearly see that there are countless traces of bitten teeth.

That is her special ability, the imprint caused by being regarded as a mobile nanny, accumulated over the years.

Sasuke also noticed Naruto's look in Kakoto's eyes, which seemed to be a little pitying.

He looked at the girl and said puzzled, "Naruto, that girl, do you know?"

Naruto shook his head: "I don't know, but I suddenly felt that there was an inexplicably familiar feeling in that girl."

"Really? How do I not think? Sasuke said puzzled.

Naruto didn't reply to his words, but just looked to the side who was medicating Junmaro and asked, "Senior Pocket, I want to ask, what is the name of the red-haired girl in the corner?"

After giving Junmaru the medicine, he turned his head and glanced at Xiangling in the corner, and replied, "Did you say that girl?" He is the Kusanagi Shinobu who was brought back by Orochimaru during this attack on Konoha, named Uzumaki Kakuro. Like Naruto, you are all from the Uzumaki clan.

For this answer, Naruto already knew that the reason why he asked this was nothing more than to attract the girl's attention.

Sure enough, as Naruto expected, as soon as these words came out, the shivering fragrant phosphorus in the corner immediately looked up at the yellow-haired boy not far away.

This teenager, like her, is a member of the Vortex clan.

But why is his hair yellow, and not the Uzumaki's signature red hair? With a puzzled mentality, Kakato silently looked at Naruto, but the surprise in his eyes was seen by Naruto.

Walking slowly to Karyo's side, Naruto looked at the girl who was about the same age as him, and said softly, "Are you Uzumaki Kakuro?" Hello. Introduce yourself, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, and like you, I am a clan member of the Uzumaki clan. The

girl's face was even more surprised, her expression was slightly restrained, and her voice trembled a little: "You... Hello, my name is Uzumaki Phosphorus. Please take care of your first meeting.

Looking at Naruto, for some reason, she always felt that the boy in front of her could give her an extremely reassuring feeling.

On the other side, Orochimaru saw this and said with a smile: "Naruto, Kakoto is a genius with great medical talent, and I also valued her at the beginning, so I brought her back."

How, did you fancy her? If so, I can give her to you, and it will be your reward for treating my hands."

Naruto nodded, did not deny it, and said generously: "I can't imagine that you, Orochimaru, have such a generous gift to me, that's the case, Xiangphos her, I will accept it."

Xiangphos couldn't imagine that in just a few words, the big snake pill master who took him in was going to sell himself. She wanted to speak, but found that she didn't know what to say.

Sasuke was also a little surprised by Naruto's performance. I didn't think he would easily accept a girl who seemed unrelated. But the thought that this person was from Naruto's clan made him relieved.

So it was rare not to say anything.

Turning his head, Naruto looked at Kakashi, who was still in a state of confusion, and said gently, "Kaorin, are you willing to follow me to Konoha Village?"

Xiangphos first shook his head, then nodded. Whispered, "I... I do not know. Besides, I'm not familiar with you, although you said that you are also

from the Uzumaki clan, but your hair..." When she said this, Naruto instantly reacted and explained with a smile: "You said my hair, it's like this, my mother is from the Uzumaki clan, named Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, I am her son with the fourth generation of Hokage Feng Shuimen."

"So, are you really from our family?" When Kaoru heard Naruto say his identity, his face suddenly became excited. As if he had found a relative, he grabbed Naruto's arm and said excitedly.

Naruto nodded in acknowledgment, then continued, "So, would you like to come with me?"

Mentioning whether to go with Naruto after the end, Kakoto hesitated again. Although Naruto is of the same clan as her, her childhood experiences have taught her that no one in this world can be trusted.

All those who tried to abduct her saw her strong resilience like her dead mother. Even if it was a big snake pill that kindly took her in, it was the same.

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