On the side of the sofa, Sasuke also expressed his opinion.

"Uncle Watergate, I think Naruto is right, there has been a long history of wars between nations.

Therefore, for the sake of lasting peace, there is only one way to go. And in order to accomplish this goal, I am willing to fight for it with Naruto for the rest of my life.

Watergate smiled, patted the two on the shoulder, and sighed: "You two, at a young age, have so many things in your heads, and it's really hard for you."

Well, since you have made a decision, then I will fully support you. On Konoha's side, you two can rest assured. With me, I will ensure that you have no worries. It's just..." Watergate

looked at Naruto, a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Just what?" Naruto asked.

Watergate immediately stopped pretending, and confessed: "In recent days, during the time when you were not in the village, I heard many villagers talking about you in private. Between words, there was quite a lot of dissatisfaction.

So I want to hear, Naruto, what do you think of them? Hearing

Watergate say this, the corners of Naruto's mouth immediately raised a touch of disdain:

"Sure enough, those villagers are still unconvinced, I know that blindly being kind to them will only make them more intense!"

Watergate was also chilled by this incident.

To be fair, these were the people he had sacrificed himself to protect, only to see that these villagers chose to step in after Naruto had forgiven.

He couldn't hold back any longer.

Hearing Naruto's disdainful words towards the villagers, Watergate immediately understood that his son had been dissatisfied with these people for a long time.

So Watergate also wanted to hear Naruto's opinion, and he then asked, "Then what do you think?"

Naruto sneered, "My idea is simple, since the villagers look down on me, then why should I keep them?" Kill them directly, leaving people who are good to me.

Watergate's secret path is indeed so. On the surface, he was shocked: "Naruto, are you going to attack Konoha again?"

"Is there anything you can't do?" Naruto asked rhetorically.

"For a long time, I thought I had done my best to them, but they still sneered and dismissed me. Dad, you say, for these villagers, what need do I have to sympathize with them?

Watergate naturally knew that Naruto had done well enough. Otherwise, he would not have looked at his face before, and he would not blame the villagers for the past.

However, when I thought that it was tens of thousands of people, once these people were killed by Naruto, it was tens of thousands of lives, and the life and death of many people were at stake.

Although he was dissatisfied with what the villagers had done, he would not feel that the villagers had really committed crimes to death.

He had to say, "Having said that, the villagers are not ninjas after all, they all have wives and children, and if they kill them all, wouldn't it be too cruel?"

Naruto thought for a long time, and to be fair, he was by no means a murderer. Dissatisfaction with the villagers is also to vent the anger in the heart.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Naruto said in a deep voice, "Then dad, you say, what should I do?" If you don't kill them, do you want to forgive them like last time? Watergate

also knew that the conflict between Naruto and the villagers had to be resolved.

He was silent for a moment and replied, "It's better to expel all the people in the village who were dissatisfied with you before from the village." Let him go elsewhere to make a living, what do you think?

"That's all, it's too cheap for them!"

Naruto said coldly, "It's okay not to kill them, but I want each of them to taste the taste of despair!"

"So what are you going to do?"

Naruto continued, "I'll make him live worse than dead!"

Watergate laughed!

"Okay, just do as you say! Let them live better than die.

Sasuke was shocked, "Naruto, have you really decided not to kill those people?"

Naruto nodded in silence and closed his eyes.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and spoke: "Yes, I decided, I will not kill them, but the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped." And all of them, must be expelled from the village, leaving only those good ones.

Watergate looked at his son, still just showing a meaningful smile.


Watergate suddenly ordered that all villagers who had bullied Naruto before should be expelled from the village with their families and never set foot in the territory of the Land of Fire.

As soon as this order came out, there was an uproar.

Everyone was dissatisfied: "By what? Why should we be expelled from the village? We are not convinced!

"yes! Haven't we already apologized to Naruto Uzumaki? Why did he ask Naruto-sama to expel us from the village? Could it be that he was the son of Naruto-sama?

"This Konoha is not Naruto-sama alone, everyone said it, right?" Even Naruto-sama has no right to deprive us of the right to live in Konoha Village for generations.

"You want to expel me from the village, I can't wait!"

"Yes... No promise!

"No promise!"

For a time, the entire street was full of opposition. A group of villagers soon surrounded the Hokage building, and they needed Watergate to give him an explanation.

At the top of the Hokage Building, Naruto stood above, looking at the agitated people below, and said coldly: "Everyone, I didn't listen to you complain here about today's matter." I am informing you that from now on, a large percentage of you will no longer be from Konoha.

As for why, you should be very clear. Because you people are always unconvinced by me, right? Secretly, they are all saying bad things about me! Look down on me, the man who was once trampled under your feet.

"You talk nonsense, when do we look down on you!" Some villagers immediately retorted.

Naruto said angrily, "Isn't it? When I left the village that day, I heard some of you say behind my back that I was uncultured, didn't I? He also said that what you did back then was right, but it was me who should have left the village. On

the roof of a building in Konoha, Jiraiya said with a gloomy face: "Naruto that kid, he really listened to the words of the villagers that day."

At the moment, he wanted to stop it. But he was stopped by the water gate on the side.

Watergate said in a deep voice, "Sensei, I hope you don't interfere in this matter, Naruto will solve it himself." It's time for these villagers to pay for what they did, isn't it? When

he heard this, his eyes widened and his face was shocked!

He muttered in his mouth, "I can't imagine that even you..."

Watergate's face turned gloomy, "The teacher should know how Naruto survived so many years." As Naruto's father, I don't think there's anything wrong with him doing this!

Jiraiya retorted sharply, "But you are Hokage, how can you let Naruto do this?" Do you want Konoha to become a mess again? Or, from beginning to end, you simply wanted to destroy Konoha? "

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