
Fireworks was a little lost.

On the side, seeing that Hanabi and Hinata stopped training, Ninji and Hinata also stopped training.

Hinata looked at his father, who slowly walked to the door, looked at his father with a frown on his face, and asked softly, "Father, do you have anything on your mind?"

Hiashi suddenly turned around and saw that it was Hinata, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It turned out to be Hinata, father is fine, don't worry."

In front of her daughter, Hiashi tries to make herself look less preoccupied.

Hinata is so clear-hearted, she sees her father's inexplicable worries in her eyes, but she does not break the point, and returns to her usual quiet and dignified appearance.

At the door, Hiashi turned around and glanced inside the house.

Coincidentally, he was facing Fang Ningci looking at his playful gaze in the rear. He couldn't help but feel a little displeased in his heart, and said coldly: "Ning Ci, you go out, you don't need you here for the time being!"


Ning Ci bowed, and in the silver eyes that looked up at the sun, a trace of hatred quietly flashed.

My beloved uncle, show your majesty to the fullest. In two days, you won't be crazy again!

Ning Ci thought so hatefully.

Straight out of the door of the training room, striding down the corridor, Ning Ci's face was extremely gloomy.

Along the way, when they saw his handmaids, they all respectfully avoided this young patriarch who was kind to them.

Coming to his own courtyard, Tokuma and the Fire Gate soon came to Ningci Courtyard. The two looked at Ning Ci, who looked angry, and said puzzled: "Young clan elder, who is this who upset you?"

Ning Ci took a sip of tea, slammed the teacup on the table, and said hatefully: "Who else can it be, naturally it's that old thing in Rizu!"

He thought he was the patriarch of the clan and always treated me coldly. Look, it won't be long before I take that old man's place. With

strength, Ning Ci spoke a lot more boldly. Looking at the Hyuga clan today, among the clans, there is simply nothing that can compare with him.

Hiashi sounds like a patriarch, but in fact, he is just an ordinary shinobi level. Compared with himself who has now learned the eight doors of Dun Jia, lifted the curse mark of the caged bird, and returned to the sky without dead ends, he is a rookie chicken.

Thinking of this, the corner of Ning Ci's mouth showed a smug smile.

Tokuma said in a deep voice, "Then when will we start?"

"When to do it?"

Ning Ci pondered for a moment and said slowly, "By the way, the birthday banquet of that old thing of the Great Elder, how many days is left?"

Huomen thought for a moment and replied, "There are still about ten days."

"Ten days..." Ning Ci knocked on the seat, for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "It's okay, just ten days." Gather all the people who can endure it and tell them that ten days later, at the old man's birthday banquet, a coup d'état will be staged.



Konoha Hospital, after half a month of recuperation, Jiraiya was finally discharged!

Walking out of the hospital gate, he took a deep breath of air and reveled: "Sure enough, the air outside is good, staying in the ward all day is almost suffocating me!"

On the opposite side, it was the three apprentices who came to greet him.

"Teacher, congratulations on your discharge from the hospital!" Watergate was the first to laugh.

"Yes, lecherous fairy, congratulations on your discharge..." Naruto scratched his head a little embarrassed.

Anyway, it was true that Naruto wanted to kill him at the time. Now that the villagers had settled the matter, whether he accepted it or not, Naruto's embarrassing apology was true.

Zi Lai also waved his hand and sighed: "That's it!" The matter has passed, so don't mention it again!

He looked at Watergate and said with a smile: "Let's talk about it, Watergate, your kid came to pick me up and discharge me from the hospital this time, what is the purpose?"

Shuimen smiled and said, "It's nothing, I just want to have two more drinks with you before the teacher leaves the village, and talk about the dismissal apologies to the teacher before you leave."

Zi Lai also strode ahead, not saying yes or no. For a while, Naruto and the three were a little confused.

"Is he angry? Don't promise? Sasuke asked tentatively.

"Maybe!" Naruto answered.

Until Zi Lai also walked away, seeing that the three still did not move, he instantly became angry: "Didn't you say that you want to drink wine with me and chat to apologize?" Why aren't you three leaving?

Only then did the three come to their senses, quickly catch up with Jiraiya, pull him, and walk towards the house.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he bumped head-on into Kakashi, who was carrying garbage out the door.

The atmosphere fell into embarrassment for a while.

Since opposing Watergate's order to expel the villagers, his relationship with Watergate's master and apprentice has been somewhat awkward, especially since the two are neighbors. Except when performing tasks, usually I look up and don't look down.

Just like now.

For half a month, Kakashi had handed in many resignation letters with the sole purpose of requesting to be transferred elsewhere and not to continue as the head of the dark force.

However, his plea was ruthlessly rejected by Watergate each time. For the beloved disciple, Watergate is still very important, how can he let him resign and resign?

At that moment, seeing the three people, Kakashi could only pretend not to see it and continue to leave with the garbage.

Watergate immediately stopped Kakashi and shouted, "Kakashi, you stop!"

"Is there something going on? Naruto-sama. Kakashi turned his head with a humble expression, and his tone was neither humble nor displeased.

"Do you still think I'm wrong?" Watergate looked at the apprentice with some sadness.

"Subordinates don't dare!"

Kakashi said respectfully, "Is there anything else going on with Naruto-sama?" If not, I'll leave first! "

He didn't want to stay here anymore, he was afraid that he would be persuaded by the teacher.

Watergate won't let Kakashi leave. Since you met, let's talk about it, lest Kakashi spend all day long, thinking about how to leave Watergate.

So Watergate directly dodged and stopped Kakashi, who was about to leave.

"Don't be in a hurry to leave, I have something to say to you."

Kakashi sighed, after taking it for so long, he still didn't dodge. Since he couldn't hide, Kakashi didn't hide either.

With the water gate into the house, he was turned into the kitchen by the water gate.

Kakashi was almost speechless to death!

Good guy Engaged for a long time, did this treat him as a family cook? Reluctantly, he fried two plates of dishes and served them.

Watergate each poured Jiraiya Kakashi and the two of them full of wine, and said with a smile: "Sensei and Kakashi, you're welcome!" Come on, cheers! "

As for the two juniors, Naruto and Sasuke, they can't drink alcohol, and they can only deal with fruit juice drinks. A few people clinked glasses, and Watergate ate two mouthfuls of food and opened the chatterbox.

Patting Kakashi's shoulder, Watergate said in a deep voice, "Kakashi, you are my disciple, my most important person in Konoha today. I know you have a grudge against Naruto for taking revenge on the villagers. But to be fair, didn't you kid ever hold a grudge against those villagers? "

Didn't you?

Kakashi was in a rare silence!

Once upon a time, the scene of his father committing suicide in shame because of the villagers' groundless accusations still lingers in his mind.

At that time, he thought that from now on, he must become strong. Everything you do, get the job done first.

But later, he was told that his father was doing the right thing, and that this act of prioritizing the protection of his companion's life was a heroic act.

As a result, Kakashi's heart developed an invisible hatred for the villagers. Yes, if the villagers did not accuse his father for no reason, how could he choose to commit suicide?

Do you hate the villagers yourself? Hate!

He thought so.

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