"Then Dad, are you still preventing me from unsealing the seal?" Naruto asked.

Watergate sighed and said seriously, "Naruto, although Dad knows that he is sorry for you for so many years. But unsealing the seal is a big deal after all, and if you make a mistake, you are likely to lose your life Did you really decide to do this?

Naruto nodded and said solemnly, "I have already decided, unseal the seal, and return the Nine Lamas to freedom."

"This is what I promised it, I can't break my word."

Afraid that Watergate would not agree, Naruto continued, "Dad, you haven't been caged before, so you don't know how painful it is to be imprisoned."

"The Nine Lamas have been locked up in my body by you using the sealing technique since I was born, and your pain is unknown to you. And because of the relationship of the Nine-Tails Pillar Force, I was also locked up in the cage of Konoha by the three generations of Hokage and the high-level, and your pain is unknown to you.

"If you can't control the taste of your own freedom, I think my mother told you too."

"Jiu Shinnai..." Hearing Naruto mention Jiu Shinnai, Watergate looked a little lonely.

In my mind, the beautiful looking wife, hot-tempered, blood-colored red hair, sometimes grinning, sometimes gentle and lovely beloved wife.

It suddenly occurred to him that if there might be something that could make up for Naruto's lack of love, it should be Jiu Shinnai.

"Naruto, do you want to see your mother? Maybe Dad can let you meet Mom! Watergate suddenly smiled mysteriously and said with a little joy.

After so many years, one thing is to say, he has not seen Jiu Xinnai for a long time.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai? I'm really looking forward to it!

Naruto thought secretly.

For this sassy and beautiful mother, Naruto has been looking forward to it for a long time.

"Dad, do you have a way for me to see my mother?"

Watergate touched Naruto's hair and smiled, "This is the only thing Dad can do for you at the moment."

Watergate snapped his fingers, and suddenly the space changed, and Naruto looked at his father again, and found that the surroundings had changed to white.

Suddenly, Naruto felt that his eyes were blindfolded by a pair of soft hands.

A slightly playful voice also sounded: "Guess who I am?"

Naruto smiled heartily, tears already welling up in the corners of his eyes.


"It's so clever, I guessed it all at once!"

Naruto looked back, behind him, Jiu Shinna was wearing long red hair, and at the left bangs, he was pinning a delicate hairpin, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Naruto had tears in his eyes, and without saying a word, he stepped forward and hugged Jiu Shinnai.

Thoughts gush out!

"Mom, I miss you so much!"

"Mom misses you too, Naruto!"

The last time I saw Naruto was thirteen years ago. At that time, Naruto was still an infant, a little guy with a bigger slap.

In the blink of an eye, thirteen years have passed.

"Let mom take a good look at you, my Naruto, you've grown this big!

He looks so handsome, just like when your father was a child.

"Look at this protector, I should have graduated, and I have become a ninja on my own, how awesome!"

"Worthy of being my son."

Jiu Xinnai smiled gratifyingly.

Watergate was also somewhat touched.

Yes, in the blink of an eye, they have all been dead for thirteen years, and Naruto has both graduated from ninja school and become a ninja on his own.

Looking at Naruto, who was dressed in gray in front of him and had no beard on his face, he seemed to see a scaled-down version of himself.

It's like that!

Stepped forward and hugged Jiu Xinnai, and a gentle voice sounded in her ears: "Long time no see, Jiu Xinnai."


Jiu Xinnai shouted with excitement, turned his head and hugged the water gate hard.

"Husband, I miss you so much!"

"Me too."

At this point, the family of three finally met.

And the appearance of Jiu Shinai also made Naruto eat a handful of dog food fiercely.

Then, Naruto told Jiu Shinna about his desire to lift the seal of the Nine Tails, along with his own experiences over the years.

After listening to Naruto's words, Jiu Shinna sat on the ground and said with a look of anger: "How can it be reasonable, that old guy of the third generation dares to treat my Naruto like this, I really want to go and blow his head now!"

"And Tuan Zang's old dog, I can't imagine that after so long, he is still the same sinister, annoying!"

"In such a comparison, they are not as good as the Nine Tails!"

Naruto looked at Jiu Shinna and said with a smile, "Then the old mother means that there is no objection to me lifting the seal of the Nine Tails?"

Kushina smiled comfortingly at Naruto, "What nonsense?" How could mom be against you!

"You're right, the Nine-Tails suffers the same as we do. It is precisely because of this that my mother believes that you, who can already feel the pain of others, will definitely become the most perfect human pillar.

Watergate also smiled and said: "Mom said so, as a dad, dad naturally supports you."

"Go! Naruto, do everything you want.

"Dad and Mom are always behind you to watch over you."

"Hmm!" Naruto nodded.

As soon as the picture turned, the three appeared in the dark basement again.

"Long time no see? Jiu Xinnai, I didn't expect that this time, you also appeared.

"yes, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon."

For Nine Tails' slightly complaining words, Jiu Xinnai just smiled lightly.

"Naruto, there shouldn't be any more accidents this time!"

"Don't worry, Nine Lama, I'll let you out right away."

Naruto's body rose again and came to the seal, Naruto did not hesitate in the slightest. The right hand pulled hard, and with a clear sound, the huge seal was completely torn off, and then disappeared.

Naruto's hands were sealed, and Watergate and Kushina were also on the side to guide.

Soon, on the fingers of Naruto's right hand, blue Chakra flames appeared.

Naruto aimed his right hand at the navel seal.

At this moment, Watergate also had his hands sealed, and soon, like Naruto, blue Chakra flames appeared on his fingers.

Father and son aimed at Naruto's navel in unison, twisted it hard, and shouted at the same time: "Gossip seal, solve!"

Naruto's navel, the gossip seal was slowly turning, and the original sealing technique had disappeared. Gradually, a black circle with a large bowl mouth appeared at Naruto's navel.

Behind Naruto, as the seal was lifted, the round shackles on the huge red iron door were also slowly turning until the shackles disappeared completely.


The Nine-Tails roared vigorously.

At this moment, it clearly felt that its strength, which had been suppressed for a long time, was constantly recovering.

On the originally calm water, under the roar of the Nine Tails, a wave of terrifying waves was set off.

Watergate and Jiu Xinnai looked nervously at the completely unsealed Nine Tails, and at this moment they could clearly feel the majestic power of the Nine Tails gushing out.

Especially the terrifying vitality shocked them even more.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being the most powerful tailed beast in the world.

Even if it is only half a nine-tailed power, it is already so strong, if this is a whole, how terrifying should the strength be?

"Watergate, looking at the appearance of this nine-tailed tail, it seems that it is going to run away, should we..." At this

moment, the two of them actually regretted agreeing to Naruto's words so easily just now.

Faced with such a powerful force, they were not worried about whether Naruto really had the ability to harness this force.

Naruto also sensed that the Nine Tails were indeed a little too excited.

The corner of his mouth slightly hooked a smile, and he said lightly: "Nine Lamas, calm down, don't be so excited."

Sure enough, after hearing Naruto's words, the originally irritable Nine-Tails suddenly became quiet.

"Sorry! Isn't this just regaining freedom? It's a little exciting, don't be surprised! "The Nine Lamas are completely indifferent.

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