"Obito? Isn't he already dead?

When Kakashi heard the news, the whole person was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes widened and his body began to tremble.

The brain seemed to have been smashed with a heavy hammer.

An arrow rushed to Naruto, Kakashi looked at Naruto who always had a smile on his face with blood-red eyes, and roared vigorously: Naruto, you are lying to me, right? Obito is obviously dead, how could he do something to kill the teacher and his wife?

Naruto didn't speak, just looked at him quietly.

Kakashi shook his head frantically, turned his head to look at the water gate again, and asked, "Sensei, you know, Obito was hit by a large stone in order to protect me and died at the Shinbu Bridge.

How could he be the murderer who planned the Nine-Tails Rebellion and killed the teacher and his wife? Obito he won't, I don't believe it! Watergate

was also shocked.

Unlike Kakashi, who vigorously denied that Obito was not a murderer, he was calmer.

Looking at Naruto, his face was gloomy: "Naruto, what the hell is going on?" How did you determine that the person who attacked Konoha and planned the Nine-Tails Rebellion was Obito?

Naruto took a deep breath and said aloud, "Kakashi-sensei, do you remember that when you first joined the seventh class, you asked us what our dreams were?"


Kakashi, who calmed down, said in a deep voice, "I remember your dream with Sasuke clearly. Sasuke is going to revive the clan and kill Itachi.

And you, as said then, you will also kill someone!

"That's right."

Naruto then said coldly, "I was the same as Sasuke, a person with a blood sea feud. Sasuke wants to avenge the clan, and I, want to avenge my parents.

The only difference was that at that time, I only knew that the person who killed my parents was the mysterious mask man, and I didn't know that his identity was Uchiha Obito.

"It wasn't until I went to the old lair of the Xiao Organization with Sasuke and defeated Payne, the leader of the Xiao Organization, that I learned that the Xiao Organization also had a behind-the-scenes leader, and that person was the enemy Mysterious Mask Man I had been looking for.

Then I killed him, and before he died, he told me that his true identity was actually Uchiha Obito, a disciple of my father. At that moment, I was no less shocked than Kakashi-sensei, you. "

I have to say that Naruto is indeed talented in lying.

Even he couldn't help but believe this statement.

Listening to Naruto's words, Kakashi was still puzzled: "But Naruto, I still can't understand, if Obito is not dead, why didn't he come to me and Rin?" But to hide alone, and finally launched an attack on the village?

Naruto smiled, looked at Madara, and teased, "Then you're going to have to ask Madara." You say yes, Madara? Now

, it was everyone's turn to be confused again.

Madara was also dumbfounded: "Isn't Madara dead long before me?" What does it matter to him?

Looking at the silent Madara, he asked curiously, "Madara, what does this matter to you?" "

Madara knows about Obito, and he has to come out and make an explanation.

With a long sigh, he said faintly: "Pillars, I'm sorry, I lied to you back then, the battle of the Valley of the End, in fact, I didn't really die." Here's the thing..."

Then, Madara learned the secret of the stone slate of the Uchiha family under the lure of Kurojie, how he hid in the mountain cemetery after the war, and did not open the eye of reincarnation until he was old.

In order to implement the plan of the Eye of the Moon described to him by Hei Jue, how to target the originally kind Obito and lure him step by step towards the trap he had already designed.

Until Obito saw Rin's death, under grief, opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye, so that he despaired of the world. Even Lin's death, Heijie's plan, and all the conspiracies and calculations were told to everyone.

After saying all this, Madara smiled bitterly and sighed: "Unfortunately, the plan of the so-called Eye of the Moon, which I had in mind, only to find out after learning the truth from Naruto that it was just an empty battle in the end.

I killed this little girl named Rin Nohara. It is also me, who single-handedly let the soil lead and fall into the endless abyss.

After listening to Madara's narration, everyone was surprised, and they couldn't help but sigh.

Unexpectedly, even if it is as strong as the Ninja Realm Shura, and the mechanism is exhausted, there will be a day when it will be used as a pawn.

It was also the first time that Zhuma knew that after his death, his best friend Uchiha had secretly done so many things.

Kakashi finally learned the reason for Obito's fall.

It turned out that it was because of Rin's death that Obito was already desperate for the world.

But no matter what, it is still not appropriate to take the soil to do the murderer.

Now, he finally understood why Naruto was so resentful when he mentioned Obito.

The revenge of killing the father and the mother, Obito really deserves to die.

Sighing, Kakashi mourned, "Obito, anyway, he killed the teacher couple who treated him so well, and he was the culprit that caused Naruto's childhood loneliness, and this can't be erased."

Therefore, dying at Naruto's hands can be regarded as his deservance! But

despite this, he was still a little sad.

After all, he is the only best friend he will never forget in his life, and the bonds of his childhood make Kakashi still a little difficult to accept Obito's ending.

His best friends, the teacher couple who killed him as if they were relatives. In the end, he died at the hands of the teacher's son, his own disciple.

How ironic!

"The evil of bringing soil is not only that!"

Just as everyone had not yet recovered from Madara's words, Naruto's voice continued to sound.

Pull everyone back to reality again.

Naruto glanced at Sasuke, "Sasuke, what comes next, you talk." "


Sasuke scanned everyone, and the picture of the tragic death of his clan in his childhood flashed in his mind, a scene that he could never forget in his life.

Taking a deep breath, Sasuke said coldly: "Uchiha Obito, not only is the culprit who killed the fourth generation of Hokage and the couple, but even the extermination of my Uchiha clan back then was also involved by him.

Speaking of this, Sasuke hated and said: "It was he who found Itachi, and together with Itachi, slaughtered hundreds of people of the Uchiha clan, old and young. Uchiha takes the soil, he is a complete madman! At

this moment, not only the Fugaku couple were stunned, but everyone present also lost the glimmer of good feelings that had just risen towards Uchiha Obito.

Sakura was even more directly indignant: "What kind of person is this, this is, simply a demon, white-eyed wolf!" Kill Naruto's parents and don't say.

He actually could do it to his family relatives. Such a person should not live in the world. Originally, there was some sympathy for him, but now that I am talking, I just want to say that this scumbag died well.

Xiangphos also couldn't help but scold: "That's it, this Uchiha belt soil, it's just crazy." Anyway, how could he kill the four generations of Hokage who were so good to him?

What's more, he was also involved in the matter of the extinction of the clan, I really don't know, how did he and the one called Weasel get their hands on it? That's hundreds of lives, say kill and kill, think about it is terrifying. "

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