The water gate on the side also spoke at this time, and said in a deep voice: "Naruto, in short, don't ask so much first." Use your Chakra and save Asma first. "Good


Naruto could also see that Asma's life was indeed on the line, and if he didn't save him in time, it wouldn't be long before he would bled to death.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, aimed his right hand at Asma's injured chest, and the orange-red nine-tailed Chuck in his hand appeared and began to flow towards his body.

Soon, the nine-tailed chakra, which was filled with powerful vitality, wrapped Asma's whole person.

The wound caused by the spot on his chest also began to heal with the growth of cells.

Sunset Hong was so surprised by this magical scene that she didn't know what to say.

Just a vigorous word of thanks to Naruto.

As a lover who has known Asma since childhood and was a childhood sweetheart. She really couldn't imagine what she would do without Asma?

Her father died long ago, so in her heart, Asma was her everything, her heaven.

And just now, her sky almost collapsed.

was almost killed by that terrifying Uchiha spot.

Finally, under the nourishment of the nine-tailed chakra, Asma was finally fine. Seeing this scene, Hong's tight heart finally fell.

"Thank you, Naruto. Thank you really.

Red thanked Naruto again.

Naruto, however, looked serious and said in a deep voice, "Let's say thank you later." Dad and Hong-sensei, you better tell me and Sasuke first, what happened now that made you panic so much?

Watergate said with a gloomy face: "Just now, Uchiha suddenly appeared in Hokage's office and threatened that Konoha owed Uchiha a Hokage.

He asked us to agree that Konoha's next Hokage candidate for the fifth generation must be inherited by someone from the Uchiha clan. Otherwise, Konoha will be destroyed.

Sunset Red cried, "Asma was killed by him because he refuted Uchiha's decision.

"How so?"

Next to Sasuke, Sakura was stunned when she heard the news.

Her face was full of shock: "Didn't that cool-looking uncle say that he has already decided to return to the village?" How could you do such a thing as killing Asma-sensei?

Naruto thought about it, Madara has always been self-directed and domineering.

Looking at the ninja world, in addition to himself, only Pillar is his opponent.

So he continued to ask, "Since Madara threatened to destroy Konoha, what about the original Hokage?" Isn't he always inseparable from Madarin? He wouldn't let Madara come, would he?

"Indeed, as Naruto you said."

Hong let out a long breath and said in a deep voice: "When we came, the first master was already confronting Madara in the office, and it was he who asked us to come to you."

"I see."

Listening to Red's words, Naruto already understood the meaning of the pillars. At the moment, I don't have the mind to continue cultivating.

Leave the affairs of the village to Watergate, and then turn on the Nine-Tailed Chakra mode, and with the help of the natural energy of the sky, he begins to sense the location of the spot and the pillar.

Soon, he sensed that the Chakra of the two was somewhere tens of kilometers south of Konoha Village at this moment.

"Sasuke, let's go!"


Now that he knew his whereabouts, Naruto didn't stay too long and rushed straight towards the location of the pillar spot.


Outside the village.

On a rare field, the spots and columns stand opposite each other.

The sun is shining in the sky, and the blue sky and white clouds are rare good weather.

The breeze blows, causing the leaves to rustle.

He also blew the slender hair of the two.

Madara and the pillar looked at each other silently.

"Well, it's rare to fight with you again with the pillars, so let's fight as much as we want!"

"Anyway, this filthy earth reincarnated body, immortal and immortal, infinite chakra, used for battle, is very suitable. You say yes, between the columns.

Madara said excitedly, and the corners of his mouth had raised an irrepressible smile.

Unlike his incomparable excitement, the pillars had a solemn face. Although he was ready for battle, he still wondered in his heart when Naruto would arrive.

On the surface, he said in a deep voice: "That's right. Come on, Madara! The

momentum between the pillars began to skyrocket, clasped his hands together, shouted, and turned on the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Mode.

Black circles appeared on the forehead, as well as black eye shadow appeared on the left and right eye sockets.

Seeing that the fire between the pillars was fully opened, Madara also shouted loudly, and opened the complete body Susano, and the blue Susa was as tall as a hill.

And the pillars also followed suit. The art of the wooden man, a huge wooden man with a wooden dragon wrapped around his body appeared.

The two sides stood above Susa and Kito's heads, watching each other, the momentum was overwhelming, and the war was about to break out.


"Hachirama !!"

Roaring, the two each maneuvered the Gundam under them and rushed towards each other.

Accompanied by the sound of two heavy footsteps, each step was like an earthquake.

Susa wielded a blue samurai sword and slashed at the wooden man. The wooden man took the white blade empty-handed and blocked this powerful blow.

"Fire. The fire is extinguished! "

Susana, Madara followed the seal, spitting out a huge flame from his mouth, shooting towards the wooden man.

For this firelight in the sky, the pillars did not care.

Do the same ninjutsu.

"Mu Dun. Wood Dragon Art! On

the wooden man, the wooden dragon began to move. As if alive, he began to twist, and finally rushed towards the sky fire.

Under the influence of the wood dragon's ability to absorb Chakra, the fire immediately weakened, and finally turned invisible.

Then, Susa and Kito fought each other again, and under the continuous back and forth of the two, the earth trembled, and the distant mountain peaks were split in half by Madara complete body Susanoo with a sword.

In this way, the two fought for a long time, and they were always evenly matched.

Immediately, on top of Susa's head, Madara directly opened the eye of reincarnation, and his hands were sealed again.

"So, this move, how can you resist Hachirama?"

"Shinobi. Heaven for God! When

the words fell, the pillars immediately felt a suffocating coercion, coming from the sky.

He looked up at the sky and saw a huge meteorite, covering the sky and falling from the sky at great speed.


Zhujian opened with some surprise, he obviously didn't expect Madara to have such a move. But that doesn't mean that as a ninja god, he will feel afraid of it.

The face became serious again, and this time, there was no longer a hand left between the pillars.

"In that case, I will also show my true strength! Mu Dun. What a thousand hands, a Buddha on top! "

After the wooden man, a huge round Buddha disk appeared again that surpassed the complete body of Susano.

For the meteorite that is fast in front of you, it is a thousand hands in unison.

Bang bang bang!

Under the impact of hundreds of thousands of real hands, explosions sounded one after another. The huge meteorite began to shatter, scattering into pieces of rubble, and fell to the ground with a deafening sound.

Smoke and dust followed, covering the sky.

What a human tragedy.

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