
When everyone heard Naruto's words, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Looking at Naruto who was talking in front of them, they couldn't believe that these strange-sounding, but very plausible words came from the mouth of a teenager as old as them.

Especially Shikamaru , as one of the best friends who knew Naruto best in the past.

At the moment, the most shocking thing is him.

Taking a deep breath, Shikamaru looked at Naruto and said in a deep voice, "Naruto, did you really come up with these suggestions you just said?"

"How? Doesn't it sound like that? Naruto asked with a smile.

"Not really."

Shikamaru said very seriously: "The main thing is these policies, each of which is too shocking.

"yes, we don't believe it either, Naruto you will come up with such a good way."

At this moment, Tooth, who was also incredulous, chuckled, and continued: "I guess it was mostly Naruto-sama, when they were discussing the plan to govern the country after unification.

These words were accidentally heard by Naruto, and then described by you and told to us. It must be like this, right?

"Yes, yes, yes..."

Naruto thought for a moment and decided to follow his words back, "Ya, you guessed right. These policies were indeed thought up by my father and he when I overheard them discuss with the first adults.

"Yes?" When Ya heard this, his face became even more proud, and he smiled: "I just said, it must be like this."

"So, tooth, you're smart, you can guess." Naruto smiled lightly, and then boasted to him.

"Of course." Hearing Naruto's praise, Tooth's face became even more proud.

Unbeknownst to him, Naruto also took this opportunity to divert the topic and said, "Everyone, we rarely see each other, let's not talk about the things that these adults only consider."

Instead, what are you, Sasuke and I up to, up to, during our absence?

Shikamaru: "What else could there be?" Every day, in addition to training, I follow Asma's teacher on a mission. However, these are all D-level tasks that are not difficult.

"Later, it was Asma-sensei and they were sent to the battlefield, and we could only practice at home separately."

"Yes?" Naruto said, and asked about the other people's situation, most of them were similar to Shikamaru's.

At this moment, Ino, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly asked, "Naruto, I want to ask you something."

Is it you and Sasuke, during the time you were out, did you hear the latest news about Sakura?

"This..." was suddenly asked by Ino, Naruto shook his head and answered truthfully, "No." We were mainly in the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth during this time.

Therefore, I didn't ask much about Sakura's recent situation. "


Ino sighed a little dejectedly, turning his head to meet Naruto's gaze towards her.

Showing a forced smile, he said: "Then don't bother you, I'll go first."

After that, she got up and paid for the noodles, and left without looking back in the eyes of everyone.

Hinata looked at Ino's back so quietly, and said thoughtfully, "Ino her, is there something on her mind?" How do you look, sullen? How strange!

Shikamaru also glanced back and said, "I don't know, she was already like this when I first met her." Without saying a word, it is not at all like the usual big grin.

"Is it? That's weird! Tooth also said.

Then, he glanced at Naruto and casually asked, "Naruto, do you know why Ino is like this?"

"How would I know?" Naruto chuckled and replied without thinking.

"That's what I said." Tooth reacted to this, Naruto only came back today. How could he know about Ino's strangeness?

So he said apologetically, scratching his head: "That's sorry, I forgot, you just came back today." It's normal not to know the reason for this.

I just wanted to ask.

"It's okay." Naruto said without caring on the surface.

Actually, in his heart.

For Ino's current changes, it is more or less possible to guess some reasons.

Probably because he rejected Ino's confession before.

Just for this reason, how could he say it? It's better to pretend not to know.

Then, after casually chatting about daily life, the group dispersed.

By the time Naruto returned home, Sasuke had already left with Mikoto.

Therefore, in the huge family, only Jiu Xinnai, Lin, and him were left.

See my son back.

Josinai was sitting on the couch, chatting with Rin.

Seeing Naruto, she teased, "The smelly boy is back? How is it, just now I can't wait to go out and see the girl from Hinata's house? "

See." Naruto said generously: "Not only that, but also with her, I met the Shimo-Shinobu at the same time and chatted with them for a while."

With that, he changed into slippers and went to the kitchen.

Open the refrigerator, take out a can of frozen soda, twist the lid, and take a deep sip.

"Cool! Feeling the cold and refreshing soda, savoring on the tip of his tongue, Naruto let out a long sigh of comfort.

Seeing this, Jiu Xinnai on the side frowned slightly: "You drink slowly, no one will rob you." Besides, it's late autumn and the weather is getting cooler, so you'd better drink less of these icy drinks.

"Got it, I'll pay attention, thank you mom for reminding!" For Jiu Shinnai's concern, Naruto said warmly in his heart.

"You, just don't make people worry!" Jiu Xinnai gave her son a spoiled white look, and said angrily.

Turned around, looked at Lin, who was sitting next to him, and changed his face with a smile: "It's still Lin." Not like you, running around all day and always annoying me.

Lin said a little shyly: "The teacher is too modest, in fact, I am not so good!" "

What she said was true.

If Kakashi hadn't returned, she wouldn't have stayed home in peace.

It's just that these thoughts, Jiu Xinnai doesn't know.

The two were talking, but saw that Naruto had already drunk a bottle of soda. At this moment, the young man was walking slowly towards the second floor.

"I'll go get a change of clothes, take a shower, and you guys talk!"

Naruto said as he pushed away his room on the second floor and walked in.

After less than a while, he went downstairs with his clothes. I opened the bathroom door and got in.

Soon, the sound of running water sounded.

After taking a shower, Naruto said hello to his mother and Rin, and went upstairs to go back to his room to rest.

After a tiring day, I finally came back.

He was so tired.

This doesn't? Not long after he got into bed, the boy was already asleep.

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