Good guys, this undoubtedly made Naruto laugh on the spot.

Look at the snowman in front of you that resembles you.

He had to admire that Sasuke's hands-on ability was strong . Just like carving Yan Yan, carving his entire handsome face as if it were real.

And after doing this, Sasuke sighed with joy, pointed to the newly piled snowman, and said proudly: "How about it, the appearance of this snowman, is it very similar to you?"

"It's exactly the same!" Naruto praised unabashedly.

It was also at this time that the snowflakes became denser and denser.

On the street, more and more children gathered.

The crowd cheered, rolling and playing on the snow-covered ground, looking extremely happy.

It's just that in this way, Naruto's idea of deciding to train Konohamaru in the afternoon can only be put on hold for the time being.

With a light sigh, the young man looked up at the sky where snowflakes kept falling, smiled bitterly, and said, "With such a heavy snowfall, I don't know when it will stop."

Saying that, he looked at Sasuke beside him and said with a smile: "It seems that the idea we just had can only give up for the time being." If you want to teach Konoha Maru to improve your strength, you can only wait until the snow stops.

"That's all there is to it." Sasuke let out a soft sigh in agreement with Naruto's proposal.


At the same time.

Hundreds of kilometers away from Konoha Village, on the border between the Land of Moon and the Land of Fire, an army of tens of thousands is heading towards the interior of the Land of Fire at a very fast speed, led by its captain Uchiha Fugaku.

Although it was a harsh winter, in the eyes of the soldiers who returned home, it was nothing.

Among the army, especially the first few Shinobi of Matkai, they were the most emotional.

At that moment, while everyone was jumping in the dense forest, Kai looked at the captain Fugaku next to him and smiled: "Captain Fugaku, you said that if you go back this time, if Naruto-sama knows that we have successfully completed such a big task, how will he reward us?"

Fugaku shook his head and replied, "I don't know, all in all. The most urgent task is to bring the army back home safely, and this is what we have to do. As for the reward, Naruto-sama has his own arrangements, so why should we worry?

"That's also..." Kai chuckled, knowing that he was in a hurry.

So he stopped talking, but with everyone, he concentrated on his journey.

And behind him, Shenyue Izumo, one of the upper ninja who was also on this expedition, was dissatisfied with the mutant weather and complained: "His grandmother's, this ghost weather, it can really trick people!"

Obviously yesterday was fine, but when I woke up today, it snowed heavily. It's so cold!

"yes, who would have thought that? The weather will change so much. Kami-Shinobu Gangko Tie, who was side by side with Kamizuki Izumo, also complained.

And in the crowd, they are the same, and there are some people who complain about the change in the weather.

There are many more.

However, there are also some who are silent and do not speak.

For example, Hiashi, at this moment, he is very happy.

Because the war was finally over, and he was finally able to go home and reunite with his daughter.

And the same scene also appeared on the border between the Land of Iron and the Land of Fire. Also returning with the army, there was ape flying Asma.

Same as Fugaku.

They all occupied the whole country and arranged all the personnel to be stationed.

Then, with the army and the prisoners, they set out on the journey home.

Especially the current Asma, a face full of beards, the corners of his mouth are even more irrepressibly proud.

Glancing at the noble captives brought back behind him, he secretly said proudly in his heart: "Father, did you see it?" His son is now a general who commands tens of thousands of ninja martial arts alliances.

"At this moment, under my leadership, our Fire Country has directly destroyed the Iron Country, which has always remained neutral, and these small countries around him.

And the main credit for all this. It was all earned by the sons and soldiers, who fought hard.

Now, I am finally going to take the army and embark on a triumphant journey. "

It was also the most glorious moment of his life.

He did what his father could not do for three generations of Hokage, opening up territory for the country and the village.

And unlike Fugaku, he and his troops have not complained about the sudden weather in the country today.

Because as early as this expedition to the Iron Country, tens of thousands of them already hated the cold of the Iron Country from the very beginning. By now, he has the determination and means to complete the task under any difficult challenge.

So with Fugaku's side, the team's complaints are becoming more and more different.

On Asma's side, he only had one message for his teammates: "Everyone persevere as much as possible, speed up the pace of progress, and hometown is in front of you."

And it was such a simple sentence, but it inspired tens of thousands of soldiers in the audience.

All the sergeants shouted in unison: "Obey the order of the captain, all of you, speed up, and strive to return to your hometown within three days."


The triumphant soldiers were moved by such an atmosphere, and they couldn't help but be even more excited.

Three days after that.

The continuous heavy snow still did not stop, but the amount of snowfall, a little less, fell from heavy snow to moderate snow.

None of that matters right now.

Importantly, Asma took the lead and returned to Konoha Village with his army.

And was received by the villagers with a grand and warm reception.

For a time, the whole village was full of people.

Everyone was cheering about the return of the soldiers.

Many of the young wives wept with joy as they hugged their returning husbands.

Among them, there is the sunset red.

She first went with Inuga Butterfly to the street in the middle of Konoha Village, and as part of the welcoming procession, she surrounded the army that was walking towards them along with thousands of villagers.

Sunset Hong was in the crowd like this, and at a glance she saw the man who haunted her soul. Her only reliance now, Ape Flying Asma.

Walking up to Asma, the two looked at each other.

Hong shed tears with excitement and looked at her lover who was smiling at her in front of her: "Asma, you are finally back."

After speaking, she took three steps and made two steps, and rushed into Asma's arms.

Behind her, the three of them also said with a touching blessing: "Welcome Asma, and everyone, welcome back."

"Yes, welcome!"

Among the visitors, Jiu Shinna and Mikoto also congratulated excitedly.

At this moment, most of the people in the village were very happy about the return of everyone. Even Naruto.

Of course, not everyone in the crowd is happy.

Just like the little fireworks, looking at the big brothers who went out one by one, the big uncles came back, but they never saw their fathers.

Her whole person was anxious on the spot.

The little hand desperately tugged on Hinata's hand and said anxiously: "Sister, it's been so long, why has everyone come back." But still haven't seen his father?

Hinata was also a little flustered, but still comforted Hanabi: "Sister doesn't know what's going on? But I'm sure he'll be fine, Father. "

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