"So, this requires Konohamaru to control Chakra to a very fine level."

Naruto said as he demonstrated to him, "First of all, the first step is to gather the chakra in your body on the soles of your feet.

"The second is to enable it to attach itself to the trunk..."

This was followed by a series of lengthy explanations.

Finally, after Naruto's explanation, Konohama finally understood the principle of climbing a tree 90 degrees without using his hands.

He exclaimed excitedly and said, "So that's it, brother Naruto, I see!" It's up to me next!

With that, the little one began to practice climbing trees alone.

Subsequently, his cultivation process was the same as that of Sasuke, who was originally trained by Naruto.

It's all incredibly difficult, but it's indomitable.

Fall again and again, get up again and again.

In order to become stronger, Konoha Maru is like Desperate Saburo.

Practice from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Until his whole Chakra was exhausted and he had to stop cultivating.

Naruto then hugged him who had passed out from exhaustion and left Konoha's back mountain.

Three days passed in a hurry.

Konoha Maru has been able to successfully master the secret of climbing a tree with Chakra attached to the soles of his feet and his body at 90 degrees to the trunk.

This was followed by a series of simple basic trainings such as treading water, meditating and refining chakra.

Naruto handed over to this little boy who was currently in a situation similar to him.

And after this series of basic training.

Another week passed.

Konoha Maru is worthy of being one of the genius ninjas with great talent.

He soon became proficient in the basic teaching Naruto had taught him.

And on the basis of this cultivation, more than twenty shadow doppelgangers were divided in one go.

At the same time, within this week, all over the ninja world.

In addition to the already newly occupied Tsuki Iron and Iron countries.

Others are smaller countries such as Taki no Kuni, Snow Country, Bear Country and others.

There were also good news that they were willing to surrender Konoha.

At this point, all the countries of the ninja world were finally completely unified by the Fire Country led by Konoha.

Watergate, meanwhile, issued its latest order to major regional leaders.

No matter how big or small your position is, you must rush to the City of Fire to discuss the establishment of a new nation.

As for such major matters, although Ming Zuo is a subordinate tolerant, he is the actual person in power of the country, and naturally it is impossible to be absent.

It is also impossible to be absent from the pillars and the two old antiques who are not national leaders, but actually have a position above the leaders.

In this way, a grand event that is rare in a hundred years in the ninja world is about to unfold in the city of fire.

At the moment, as soon as this edict came out, it set off a storm in all parts of the ninja world.

After that, the leaders of various regions, as soon as they received the edict, handed over the work at hand.

Begin your journey to the City of Fire.

And so again half a month later.

That is, the sixty-first day of Konoha, November 30.

An unprecedented event was officially held in the capital city of the Land of Fire.

In addition to Konoha itself and the high-level officials of the Fire Nation, there were also military generals from the four major countries of the original wind, thunder, water and soil, as well as the shadows of each village.

The rest of the original small countries also sent their own representatives to participate.

A total of more than 130 people gathered in the conference room of the ruling building in the City of Fire.

Waiting for the admonition of the country's top leader, Bo Feng Shuimen.

In the spacious conference room, on the podium, in front of a long square wooden table, Watergate, as the host, naturally sits on the main seat.

Beside him, there are two old antiques of present-day Konoha, between the pillars and the spot.

After that, it was Naruto and Sasuke.

These five people are the highest decision-making level in Konoha today.

After that, at the long table in the front row below them, those who sat Kakashi, Fugaku, Asma, Nara Shikahisa, etc., the high-level of Harakoha Village.

In the back row, there were the forces under Naruto such as the Xiao Organization. They are all heroes who followed Naruto and made great contributions to unification.

A row further back from them, there are a group of high-ranking people who have newly joined the Fire Nation, and the shadow and military generals of the original powers.

In this way, according to the ranking of relatives and distance, and social influence.

At the bottom of the line are the representatives sent by the small countries that have fallen by the wind.

Everyone sat down, and Watergate's calm gaze swept over everyone, and slowly said in a deep voice: "Everyone, thank you for coming to participate in this place in the city of fire at my invitation and in your busy schedule."

For the first Shinobi meeting, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you.

Saying that, Watergate got up and bowed deeply to everyone, as a sign of sincerity.

Seeing this, everyone said that Lord Hokage was too polite to accept this gift.

In this way, the greetings of both sides are complete.

This was followed by the important topic of the conference.

Watergate continued to speak loudly: "The reasons for summoning you here today are mainly as follows.

"First: the establishment of a new national name for the country after reunification. This is the first topic.

Here, I would like to invite you to express your views and discussions on this first topic.

After that, Watergate looked at everyone expectantly, longing for everyone to express their opinions.

When everyone heard this, they all expressed their willingness to obey Hokage's arrangement, and everything was at the command of Hokage-sama.

In this way, Watergate was also unceremonious, and said in a loud voice: "Since none of you are willing to speak, then here, I will put forward my own suggestions for the time being." Everyone

: "May Naruto-sama see it."

Watergate: "First of all, the question of national numbers. My opinion on this question is that from now on, the new country name will still be named after the Land of Fire.

The reason is that the people of the Land of Fire, as the only country that unifies the ninja realm, the use of its country name as the name of the country is the most memorable for everyone.

Do you have any objections to this? "

Everyone: Although dissatisfied.

I can only say unwillingly: "I have no objection to waiting!"

"Good. That brings us to the second resolution!

Watergate hit the railway while it was hot: "The second resolution is to abolish the original names of countries, change the county system, and bring them under the jurisdiction of the central government."

Who would you question this resolution? When

the words fell, Onoki in the third row of the crowd spoke: "That, Naruto-sama, dare to ask, what is the county system?" Watergate

: "The so-called county system is the name of the local administrative organs carved out under the central government and bounded by regions.

"Then how to change it exactly, Naruto-sama has a plan?" Onoki continued to ask.

Watergate: "It's very simple, it is to first collect the land of the nations into one." Later, on the new territory, new counties were divided. "

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