"Is it? I can't imagine you think so too.

With a light sigh, I Ai Luo laughed at himself and continued, "So what? Do we have to succumb to fate?

Moritsuru: "Of course not. At least I think fate can be changed.

"So how to change?" I Iroh asked.

Shouhe: "It starts with my relationship with you.

"What do you mean?" I Ai Luo was stunned when he heard this, and then asked a puzzled rhetorical question.

Shouhe said leisurely, "Speaking of which, the relationship between you and me is the same as the relationship between Naruto and the Nine Lamas.

"In the beginning, as tailed beasts, me and the Nine Tails both wanted to use the dark side of your human pillar power to achieve our plan to regain our freedom and take revenge on humanity."

"This, at least until the stinky fox showed me that it had a new view of humanity, I didn't change."

I Iroh still couldn't understand what it was saying, "So?

Moritsuru continued, "So after the stinky fox of the Nine Tails told me that it and Naruto had reconciled.

"Finally, for the first time, I started thinking about the relationship between you and me. And then I found out that you and I are really alike.

After a pause, Shouhe's originally deep voice suddenly became light: "It was from the time when we were jointly detained in the prison of Yuyin Village, and I began to try to ease my relationship with you.

Since then, perhaps you have not noticed that my hatred in your heart has been decreasing.


After listening to Shouhe's words quietly like this, I Ai Luo, who was silent for a long time.

Only then slowly spit out these two simple words from his mouth.

Shouhe was dumbfounded and complained: "I said I love Luo, can you not be so cold, at least give a little indication that it is okay?"

I Ai Luo said, "Then I say thank you?"

Shouhe: "..." Sure

enough, such a speechless person Zhuli was spread, and it was also obeyed.

As everyone knows, in my love Luo's heart, Shouhe's words just now gave him a great shock.

For the first time in his life, he felt warmth.

After a long time, just when Shouhe was still complaining about the indifference of my Ai Luo.

But he suddenly said in a soft tone: "Thank you, Shouhe."

Shouhe: "..."

was taken aback by his sudden thanks.

Immediately, an unknown emotion poured into its heart, which had been silent for many years.

That's right, their tailed beasts are also the same as people, they have joys, sorrows, and feelings.

After a simple self-touch, Shouhe pretended to be arrogant and said: "Well, although you look dumbfounded, but your thanks, I accept it!"

"And, big deal, I promise you. From now on, I won't mess with you again. Said

, in the consciousness space of the two human bodies.

Shouhe even stretched out his huge furry claws towards I-Ai Luo in front of him, indicating that he wanted to fist him.

On the other hand, I love Luo, although I don't understand what this means.

But deep in his heart, he subconsciously stretched out his right hand and confronted Shouhe's cat's paw.

The moment he punched, he felt it.

In his mind, there were many more memories that he didn't have before.

"This is..."

I Iroh was a little surprised.

Just now, he actually saw Shouhe's past.

Seeing the young man's surprised look, Shouhe smiled and said, "That's right, what you just saw in your mind is my past." This is also the first step for you and me to become companions.


I was puzzled: "Why do you keep the crane and tell me all your past memories?"

And also...... Is it really possible for us to become companions? "

He wasn't sure.

Shouhe looked at the boy with an inferior expression in front of him so quietly.

For a while, in its heart, a deep reproach surged up: "I'm sorry, I love Luo." All along, because of me, to a large extent, it has made you who you are today. "

I Ai Luo froze again.

What did he just hear?

All along, Shouhe, who has always been arrogant, will even apologize to him one day.

Listening to it, finally, I Ai Luo, who had been with a cold face, smiled.

After a moment of silence, the young man slowly raised his head, met Shangshou Tsuru's soft gaze, and said: "If you say so, then forget all those things in the past, and there is no need to say thank you or not!"

After all, we are all victims of the political system of Shayin Village in the past.

Shouhe was pleased, "If only you could figure it all out." So, now that we are companions, I have to remind you. "

Remind what."

That is, remember to try to open your heart and respond to the kindness of others.

Don't always think that you are alone at all times. Therefore, you ignore the concern of your loved ones. That's my advice to you.

"I see."

I Iroh nodded softly.

Immediately, the faces of his relatives, Temari and Kankuro flashed in his mind.

All the time.

It is these two, his brother and sister, who are two or three years older than him, who are constantly taking care of their own daily life.

I just don't know, how are they doing now?

Ever come here?

The return to reality lies after Shouhe has exchanged hearts with each other.

I love Luo's originally gloomy face, and I am no longer so sad.

Get up slowly from the bench.

He had already decided to go to the castle inn to find Chiyo's mother-in-law and ask her about Temari and Kankuro's current situation.

So the idea is set.

I Iroh returned to the bustling street.

And unlike just now, now he still looks cold, although his appearance is still cold.

But there is already warmth in the heart.

When he crossed the long street and came to the gate of the inn in the center of the city.

It just so happened that Kankuro and Temari were also returning here helplessly because their search for their brother was fruitless.

And as he walked, Temari still complained to Kankuro from time to time: "You said you, are you talking nonsense?" He also said that he met me Ailuo.

As a result, we were on the street, looking back and forth for so long, but we didn't even see the shadow of my Ailuo.

Kankuro was said by her, and he could only say helplessly: "How do I know this?" Obviously, I really saw him just now, who would have thought..." Before

he finished speaking, he raised his eyes so casually, and he saw I Ai Luo, who was standing not far away at this moment, looking at the two of them.

"Look, isn't that him? I didn't lie to you! Kankuro said casually, obviously not realizing that something was wrong.

But the hand marital beside him, the moment he saw me Ai Luo, the whole person's emotions were already tense.

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