And just after the officials of Harada no Kuni explained all this to everyone.

The water gate that had been silent for a long time on the side finally spoke!

He looked at everyone: "You have all heard, this is the miserable life of the people under his rule during the reign of the daimyo.

"Therefore, helping people everywhere to get out of hardship is the biggest problem we will face in the future."


Everyone answered in unison.

Watergate continued, "Therefore, the first step in reforming the tax system is to abolish the poll tax and all kinds of exorbitant taxes during the reign of the daimyo.

"As for the agricultural tax..." Watergate thought for a moment, "In view of the current situation, it will not be abolished for the time being."

However, the tax rate is charged to varying degrees according to the amount of land per household and the division of thin land or rich land.

"As for other taxes, they will be implemented according to the system of Harakonoha Village."

Chief among these are commercial tax and personal income tax.

As one of the main tax channels of the former village.

Naturally, it will not change now.

In this way, after the unanimous consent of everyone, the issue of taxation has temporarily come to an end.

As for the specific aftermath, there will be officials in charge of dealing with this aspect of knowledge to communicate privately with Watergate.

At present, everyone's thoughts are still mainly focused on the major matters that need to be dealt with urgently.

For example, among the ten courtiers, Zhao Meiyu proposed that if they were the leaders of the original villages, they were all concentrated in the center.

So what should the villagers under his rule do?

It is not always possible to reappoint officials to manage the villages. In that case, it will definitely cause a lot of discomfort among the villagers.

Watergate pondered for a moment about this question and also felt quite a headache.

At this time, Kakashi suddenly said, "I have an idea about the handling of this issue. "

Oh? Is it? Hearing

this, everyone in the audience was interested.

Watergate looked at Kakashi and said, "In that case, let's talk about Kakashi what you think?"


Kakashi then said, "That's what I thought. Why don't we separate the Shinobi Village from national politics?

"Shinobi Village is like a military district in every part of the country. The head of the natural military district shall also be uniformly appointed by the State.

And the Shinobi Village is the same truth.

Therefore, Naruto-sama could choose a suitable person from the original high-level of the various Shinobi Villages to serve as the leader of his village like the previous daimyo.

"That's a good plan!"

As soon as Kakashi's words fell, this proposal was approved by most of the ministers.

Among the crowd, the original fourth generation of Thunder Shadow Night Moon Ai said, "I agree with Kakashi's proposal!" Here I suggest, Yunyin Village aspect. By my deputy, Darui can serve as the leader of Yunyin Village.

"Good. I'm also in favor. In Yanyin Village, the old man thinks that Deidara's is very good.

Onoki also said, and deliberately glanced at Deidara, who was not far from him.

Frightened, Deidara immediately waved his hand again and again: "Old man, let me say okay first, there is no problem with how you can discuss, there is a point, don't get involved with me." After

all, for a man like him, with a soaring and unruly personality, letting him govern a village is tantamount to putting him in jail.

Seeing that Deidara's reluctance, Onoki couldn't help but scold angrily: "You kid looks like this!" Even now, we are all one person. You are still so unwilling to listen to the old man.

Deidara replied, "That's it, old man, you are kind enough to say that now we are all from one country, and you still want to take care of me."

Anyway, in a word, if I am asked to be the leader of Yanyin Village, I am not willing.

"Okay, okay!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Watergate hurriedly spoke up to stop it: "Don't quarrel with the two of you."

"Okay. For Naruto-sama's sake, I won't scold you kid for the time being.

Onoki said helplessly.

But in his heart, he is secretly complaining about this heir he is optimistic about.

Deidara, this kid, why didn't he have some eyesight?

Old man, I'm not doing this for your own good?

He thought so.

On the other side, Watergate continued to speak: "Looking at the statements of all the ministers, it is estimated that they all agreed." Therefore, I would also like to express my position here, and I also agree with this proposal.

"So, while the iron is hot, if you feel that among the five great ninja villages, there are suitable candidates to inherit the leaders of each village, you may as well speak up."


Affirmed by Watergate.

The hearts of everyone are completely bottomed.

So the ten courtiers said one after another: "In Yanyin Village, since Deidara, if he is not willing to be the leader, then the old man elected my son Loess. "

It was Onoki who spoke.

It's just that as soon as these words came out, I heard Yeyue Ai Yin Yang say strangely: "Senior Onoki is really a virtuous person!" Loess, with his strength of Shinobi, is he enough to be the leader of Yanyin Village?

"Besides, I heard that your Yanyin Village is now gone, what leader do you need to be in Yanyin Village?"

"Then you don't have to worry about it." Onoki replied unceremoniously: "Anyway, the person who makes the decision is not you.

He said, looking at Watergate, and immediately changed his tone to a respectful tone, "You said yes, Naruto-sama." Watergate

: "..."

just quietly watched Onoki's performance.

I have to say that this old man's attitude towards people is really different enough.

But that's fine.

At least in this way, he does not have to worry, and the two will have the idea of uniting.

So Watergate nodded and said, "Not bad." So I will consider the suggestion of Onoki senpai.

Then, Terumi on the side followed: "In the case of Wuyin Village, according to my original thoughts, I originally planned to cultivate the younger generation of the village.

Now, in the Misty Hidden Village, except for me. Those who can serve as village leaders are probably the only ones who will not be beheaded.

At this time, Chiyo's mother-in-law also spoke: "As for the old body, I was originally temporary. So I'm going to leave the burden to the scorpion.

She looked at the scorpion: "How about the scorpion, are you still willing to return to Shayin Village to continue to serve as the leader?"

Scorpion shook his head, to his grandmother's inquiry.

He replied calmly, "I'm used to the life in Yuyin Village. The reason why he took over the position of Kazekage in Sand Hidden Village before was just at Naruto's request during the war.

"So, regarding the new candidate for the leader of Shayin Village, Lord Grandmother should find someone else."


Chiyo's mother-in-law was speechless.

Listening to Sun Tzu's words, it seems that he does not plan to go back to the village.

In desperation, she could only say: "Even if that's the case, my wife can't help it, Shayin Village, can't pick a candidate for the throne." "

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