After all, the stakes are high. And the doubts are also very obvious.

That is, whether the students were replaced by puppets. Or are they made into human puppets.

This is one of the doubts.

Second: if the students are replaced by puppets. Where are they now?

Why did the other party pick these students to do it?

Third: If the school has been infiltrated by the enemy, when and by what means did the enemy lurk into the schools of the ninja villages in various places?

This is also puzzling.

After thinking about it for half a day, Watergate decided that no matter what, it is better to keep the safety of students in schools around the world first.

So he ordered in a deep voice: "From now on, tell the whole world, all the ninja villages throughout the country, strengthen their vigilance." No outsiders shall enter or leave at will.

"At the same time, the edict decrees that students of all ninja village schools are not allowed to go out of the school during normal hours unless necessary."


There was no objection to this proposal.

After the arrangement, Watergate looked at Ming Zuo and the two and said in a deep voice: "In view of the importance of this matter, this time, I intend to set up a special operations group."

Naruto you, and Sasuke, you two form a squad. Responsible for going to Xueyin Village again to continue to investigate the matter, and the culprit must be caught during this trip.


Since it was a task, the two agreed without thinking about it immediately.

"Then get ready and go later."


Naruto answered in unison.

Immediately, he performed the teleportation technique and disappeared in place.


Snow Hidden Village.

This is a small ninja village somewhere in the eastern part of the territory of Hara Snow Country.

It's just that now, after two years of development, this place has expanded a lot compared to the beginning.

Take advantage of the coordinates that Sasuke had left here earlier.

The two quickly teleported from Konoha to the outskirts of Yukihide Village.

At this moment, the wind and snow in the sky were still howling, and Naruto was standing on an unknown high ground.

Looking up at a small col below, they were greeted by a village about the size of Konoha Village before, and the whole was covered by wind and snow.

Sasuke pointed to the village below and said to Naruto, "That's Yukihide Village." This place is different from Konoha due to the year-round snow.

The ninjas are all wearing Chakra armor that can withstand the cold, and they have the ability to escape ice..." Not

long after arriving here, Sasuke told Naruto the information he had investigated before.

After that, the two stopped staying and rushed to the village.

Soon, village leaders came out to greet them.

"It turned out to be Young Master Naruto and Lord Sasuke, the two came from afar, and they were not welcomed."

Among the people who spoke, the first one looked short and fat, a middle-aged man with glasses.

Seeing his smile, Naruto couldn't be happy at all.

Directly spoke to him in a cold voice: "You are the village chief of Xueyin Village, right?" We have come for only one purpose.

That is, I want to take a closer look at the history of the avalanche at that time, and I hope that the village elders can cooperate with our work. "

Yes, yes, yes. Small nature understands. Two adults please. The

middle-aged spectacled man looked flattering and welcomed Ming Zuo and the two into the village.

Entering the village, Naruto was accommodated in a local room. Soon, someone came in with a delicious meal and greeted him.

At the dinner table, the middle-aged man with glasses frequently showed favor to Ming Zuo and the two.

In this regard, Naruto was dismissive.

On the other hand, the village chief was not annoyed.

Put away the sycophantic expression just now. He said in a serious tone: "Our investigation results in this matter are that the students were all killed by avalanches that suddenly fell from the mountains.

"As for the specific reason, there was a sudden violent explosion on the snowy mountain not far from where the students camped, which caused the avalanche."

"Is that so?"

Naruto turned to look at Sasuke, expecting confirmation from him.

Sasuke nodded and said, "That's right, but I checked it later, and the so-called corpses buried under the avalanche are indeed human puppets."

Naruto naturally believed Sasuke's words.

So he looked at the middle-aged glasses man on the side with curious eyes and asked, "How do you explain this?"

"This, this, this... I really don't know! The

village chief panicked all of a sudden.

He quickly waved his hand and said, "This matter really does not dare to deceive the two adults." Shortly after the accident, I personally took someone to the scene of the incident to see it. "

There is no human puppet that Sasuke-sama is talking about. Some are just corpses crushed by snow.

"Then there is no saving of the living mouth?" Or, where is the body you found now?

Naruto continued to ask in a stern tone.

The middle-aged man with glasses said, "The body is in the church in the village. I specially sent someone to guard you, and if you two don't believe me, I can show you around.


After receiving the words of the village chief, Naruto was not willing to continue to delay time.

Together with the village chief, they came to a gray-black church located in the north of the village.

At this time, the three had just arrived at the iron gate in the center of the church.

Then I saw that on the spire above the church, a crow was quacking.

Make a chilling sound.

After a while, the crow flew away with its black wings.

Naruto glanced at each other, and they both detected a strange touch in each other's eyes.

Soon, the three continued to walk through the square in front of the church, and saw a group of soldiers armed with sharp blades, wearing armor and masks.

On either side of the main entrance of the church, stands majestically.

Seeing the people coming, all the soldiers saluted the middle-aged man with glasses.

"I've seen Lord Kazeka!"

"Excuse me."

The middle-aged glasses man known as Lord Fenghua by the soldier raised his hand slightly towards everyone.

Soon, the soldiers returned to their usual motionless appearance.

The three walked into the inside of the church, and Naruto looked around, only to see that the spacious church was extremely dark at the moment.

It gives a spooky feeling.

In this regard, Sasuke couldn't help but complain: "This place, the first time I visited, I felt that it gave people a very terrifying feeling.

Saying that, he also gave a cold shiver.

Naruto wasn't as surprised as Sasuke.

As he walked, he watched everything around him.

I saw that in the open space in the center of the church, several benches made of wooden boards were placed.

On the chair, several corpses of people were covered with white cloth.

Naruto roughly counted, there were seven in total.

The three of them went straight to the bench.

The middle-aged man with glasses began to point to the corpse covered with a white cloth and only the tip of his shoe was exposed: "These are the bodies of the victims we searched for, a total of seven." "

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