"This... That's too fast! Before I could react, these people just..."

Hinata said truthfully as she looked at the corpse that had fallen to the ground in front of her.

A pure little face was even more full of shock.

Naruto pinched her little face and said, "What's so surprising about this, let's hurry in and save those children who have been abducted here."

"Yes!" Hinata said abruptly. He followed Naruzo into the wooden house, and then saw the scene in front of him.

I saw that in a room that was not very large, sitting on the floor, there were a group of young men and women with their hands on their knees and their clothes were not covered.

Where are the students?

Especially when they saw the appearance of the three people, they lowered their heads one by one in direct fear, and their dirty faces showed terrified expressions.

"Don't... Don't kill us! "


The voices of women began to sound in the room.

Seeing them all like frightened birds, Naruto was taken aback at first.

The first thing that came to mind was the people who circulated on the Internet in their previous lives, those men and women who were tricked into going to northern Myanmar because of fraud.

That look, that encounter, is exactly the same as the gang in front of you.

Gradually, everyone found that it seemed that the three teenagers in front of them were not malicious.

So just when the three of them couldn't find how to speak

, on the floor, a man with messy hair and a blue and purple body noticed the ninja brace that the three were wearing.

He then looked up at the three and said, "Three teenagers, judging by your appearance, you should be ninjas." So, are you here to save us?

Naruto immediately replied, "Yes, we are here to save you." Uncle, rest assured, we are not bad people, on the contrary, those bad people just now have been killed by us!


When the middle-aged man heard this, he still couldn't believe it.

"You're really not here to harm us?" He continued tentatively asking.

"Of course not!"

Hinata stepped forward and said to the man. Then he stepped forward and took out his own documents and said to everyone: "Let's see, this is our identity document, and it is stamped with the exclusive seal of Lord Naruto."

"He sent us here to save everyone."

"Really? Did Naruto-sama really send someone to rescue us? That's great! "

After confirming the identities of the three.

For a while, everyone shed tears of excitement.

Finally, after being held for so long, someone finally came to rescue them.

"That... Don't get so excited, everyone! You're not wearing clothes yet! Naruto reminded everyone a little embarrassed.

Everyone listened, and only then came back to their senses, and just now, they were almost naked and exposed to the eyes of the three.

His face turned red immediately.

"Thank you for the reminder." A woman thanked her and quickly found some clothes that could cover her body, or a scarf to wrap herself in.

And men, although not as exposed as women, also found clothes to put on.

After that, the three of Naruto looked at the other rooms around them.

As expected, a large number of children detained here were found in the rooms on either side of the wooden house.

And most of them look like they're seven or eight, nine, or ten.

Entering a room, the three were about to explain to the children.

Unexpectedly, these children suddenly saw someone coming, and like the adults before, they all stared wide-eyed and looked at the three people in front of them with a vigilant face.

"Who are you?"

In the corner of the wooden room, a dark-skinned child wearing a blue short-sleeved suit stared at the three and asked.

Sasuke looked at them and said, "We are ninjas from Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, we came to save you, don't worry, we are not bad people."

"What about the evidence?" The boy said warily.

"Can just the three of you kill so many bad guys?"

He obviously didn't believe Sasuke's words.

Behind him, the rest of the many children also looked at the three with questioning expressions.

Hinata looked at Naruto with some concern: "Naruto-kun, what to do, these children obviously don't believe our words."

Naruto sighed, "That's understandable, after all, in terms of the environment they're in." We want to really gain their trust, and it's a bit difficult to do for a while.

"So what do we do?"

Naruto: "What else can I do?" You can only show them your identity and attitude first.

After that, they will all be rescued and brought back to the headquarters of the medical company, and then proceed to the next step.

Hinata listened and sighed.

With white and bright eyes, he glanced at the children in the room, and said a little unbearably: "It's really pitiful, these children." At a young age, he was abducted and trafficked here.

Naruto also said, "Yes, so it is our business to catch the culprit who caused all this tragedy." Saying

that, the two sighed again.

He then revealed his identity to these children. And when these children learned that the identities of the three were ninjas from Konoha Village.

All the little faces as black as flower cats were full of shock.

The children were immediately surprised and said, "Two big brothers, did you really not lie to us?"

Are you and this beautiful sister really ninja of Konoha?

Naruto glanced at each other, smiled and nodded at them, "That's right, we are the ninjas of Konoha, specially ordered by Naruto-sama to come to save you."


When the children heard this, they were still a little incredulous: "That is, big brother, you two are really the legendary and strongest geniuses, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha?"


the two continued to nod, "We're the two you said, so don't worry anymore, okay?"

Just come with us, and we'll take you home to your loved ones.


At this time, in the crowd, a child said: "Big brother, beautiful sister, if you are really the ninja of Konoha." So can you bring back our companions who were taken away by the bad guys?

As the boy spoke, he sobbed softly and said, "You don't know, in the beginning, more than two hundred of us were brought here one after another. After that, there are only a hundred left!

"So, brothers and sisters, do you know the whereabouts of those companions?"


Naruto said bluntly, although he couldn't bear to lie to them, "I'm sorry, we just found here." As for what you said, the other companions, we don't know where they are now?

But don't worry, we'll definitely look for it. So little brother, are you willing to come with us? "

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