In fact, Naruto said this just to deceive Cixian.

If you really want to use your real strength, Mo said that a Cixian, that is, a large tube of wood peach gold style is coming, and it is not his opponent now.

At that moment, after Naruto explained his intention to make peace to Cixun, he seemed to feel inappropriate, and he added: "Of course, I must state that the condition of our peace is that you must release the people we want first!" Otherwise..."

the young man said, the corners of his lips suddenly curved, and looking into Cixian's eyes, a bloodthirsty killing intent flashed.

Cixian was made to feel a pang in her heart by this sharp look.

One more look around, except for Naruto, who was on an apparent parity with him.

A few hundred meters below them, there were two other guys who were eyeing him.

And it just so happens that these two, no matter which one, are difficult existences to deal with.

Even if he is confident that he can fight one against three, then the result needless to say, it must be fierce.

So to be on the safe side, after thinking about it for a while, he still planned to pretend to agree to Naruto's proposal first.

He looked at Naruto and said, "Hokage's son, it's not impossible for me to agree to your conditions.

It's just one thing I'm not sure about, and that is after I give you back the people who originally belonged to you. Do you dare to guarantee that from now on, we will be able to keep the well water from the river?

"That's nature." Naruto smiled confidently at him, "As long as you are willing to hand over our people, I can promise you that the past grudge between us will be as if nothing happened."

"But... Will they agree? Despite

Naruto's words, it sounded very sincere. But Cixian was still a little uneasy and pointed at the zoe under the two and said.

"What about them? Are you sure they're all just what you think?

"Of course, I promise!" Without thinking, Naruto promised him directly.

Cixian said, "But in this way, what good do I have?" I can't make peace with you after I can't get any benefits, right?

"Of course not!" Without waiting for Cixin to finish speaking, Naruto interrupted him, "For you, that is naturally beneficial.

Because it is not so much that our two sides have no choice but to make peace because of the stalemate. Rather, it was a close collaboration between us and us. "

Oh? Is it? When Cixian heard this, as if he had heard some incredible words, he suddenly grinned on his cold face.

"Then I'm curious, what kind of cooperation law is between us?" He asked.

Naruto: "Actually, it's nothing. Specifically, we would like to ask you how to get to Takamagahara.

In return, we can use the developed science and technology of the ninja world to cultivate a new body for you. As for the quality of the body, it is guaranteed to be not inferior to your original body of large tubes.

Saying that, in order to make Ciji believe his words even more, Naruto continued, "Of course, you may be curious about how we would know about the existence of Takamagahara.

Here, I don't hide from you either. To tell you the truth, not only the existence of Gao Tianyuan, but even Cixian's true identity is actually a big tube of wood, and we know it very well. "

Oh? Is it? When Cixian heard this, he was first surprised.

Then a playful taste appeared on his face: "Then I'm curious, how do you know about my past?" "

He is calm on the surface, but in fact, his heart is already turbulent.

What happened, why, his identity that he had been hiding all this time was actually known by a group of Nether ants?

Could it be that thousands of years ago, Kaguya had already leaked his existence?

Or was it Naruto and them, from the previous destruction of Diruda, learned his secret.

Regarding this issue, in just a few breaths, he had already imagined countless possibilities for secret leakage in his mind.

So he followed Naruto and tentatively said, "Did you guys take my secret from Diruda?"

He was speaking, but Naruto continued as he heard him, "It's a question about how we know that your true identity is the same thing. Sorry, this is a secret that cannot be said.

Compared to this, I would like to ask Cixian you a word, that is, do you want to return to Gao Tianyuan? Return to the place where you have been away for thousands of years?

"Think." Without much hesitation, Cixian directly expressed the desire in his heart.

"Just think right!"

Seeing him say his heart's desire out loud, Naruto smiled, "In this way, you should cooperate with us even more."

Because our purpose is the same. We also wanted to go to Takamagahara, the place where the Otsuki clan lived according to legend.

"Is it? Then your ambition is not small! After Cixian simply teased, he suddenly said with a serious face: "In that case, I also have a question for you, can you answer me?"

"Yes, you ask."

Cixian: "That's what I want to ask, what is the purpose of your wanting to go to Gao Tianyuan?" He

couldn't figure this out.

Why would a group of mortals think about going to the place where the gods are?

In this regard, Naruto's explanation was: "Actually, the reason why we want to go to Takamagahara is only one purpose, that is, the "atavistic" plan that I have been planning in my heart!" "

Atavistic program, what is that?" Cixin looked at Naruto a little puzzled.

It was the first time he had heard of this outrageous plan.

Naruto: "The so-called atavistic plan, as the name suggests, is a plan that we also want to become a real Otsuki family.

The reason is that our bodies also shed blood belonging to the Datumu clan. So why can't we go back to where our ancestors once lived? "

Good fellow, the idea, he admitted, though it sounds outrageous enough." But thinking about Naruto's words, there's nothing wrong with that.

Is there a problem with the descendants of Otsuki, returning to the place where their ancestors lived?

No problem!

Thinking of this, Cixian said again: "Then can you tell me how many people you know about this plan so far?"

Naruto said bluntly, "For now, the only one who knows about this plan is you and me."

"Even the two below, who seem to be your closest companions, don't they know?"

"Yes." Naruto nodded, "I haven't really told them about the execution of this plan, including my parents. "

Okay." After hearing Naruto's words, Cixian thought for a while, since the teenagers in front of him were already so frank.

So he also decided to tell Naruto a message that had been hidden in his heart for a long time.

So he let out a long sigh and said, "Well, in the same way, I'll give you a little more useful news." "

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