"Is that all...," Madara subconsciously muttered, "The number of people is too small, right?"

Fuyue said, "If you go back to the ancestor, it's already a lot." "


Seeing Fugaku's respectful look, Madara also roughly understood that he couldn't lie.

So he said to him, "Well, I take your word for it.

Saying that, he turned to look at everyone and said, "In this case, the next topic, you can continue to talk, I still have business, take a step ahead."

After that, without waiting for everyone to react, Madara's figure directly disappeared abruptly into the conference room.

Immediately afterwards, Madara suddenly left, and after hurriedly saying goodbye to everyone, he stopped staying here and left with Madara as well.

The rest of the time, after the suffocation brought by the two great gods. Watergate and the high-level officials continued to discuss the specific matters of the Zhongnin Examination.

Soon, new examination regulations were drawn up.

To put it simply, the location of the first session is set at the Konoha Village Teaching Building. The venue for the second exam was jointly determined by Zhuma and Madara and Madara .

As for the location of the third test, after unanimous discussion, it was finally decided to build a new execution arena in the City of Fire as the final competition venue.

After discussing the venue for the exam.

Take a break.

Watergate looked at the high-level officials again and said, "After that, it's about the content of the exam." Guys, what are your opinions?

Still Lujiu stood up and said: "I think so, in view of the large number of people taking the exam this time, without reducing the number of references.

It is best to set up a few more levels on the original exam content to reduce the number of teams that will eventually reach the finals.

"But how exactly should it be implemented?" Watergate asked again.

At this time, Kakashi, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, "We can follow the method used when the first three generations were in power and jointly held the Chushin Exam with Sunahide Village and others. That is, before the final main draw, add a multiplayer melee qualifier.

"In this way, while greatly reducing the sub-patience who enter the final, it can also ensure that the strength of the subordinate patience who enters the final is reliable."

After listening to Kakashi's words so quietly, Watergate thought for a while and said, "This is indeed feasible, but in this way, won't there be many people who will become green leaves that reflect the strength of genius?" When

Kakashi heard this, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, and his tone was quite smug: "Isn't this exactly what you expect to see, teacher?"

With the help of this Zhongnin selection, the new generation of geniuses in the ninja villages in various places who can really rank the number one are selected and deeply cultivated.

So that they can become an important force in the future guardianship of the Fire Nation.

"You, you..." Seeing that his mind was seen through by Kakashi, Watergate immediately smiled and looked at everyone: "I have this idea, right. After all. Although the Fire Nation is flourishing today, it is mainly too dependent on Naruto and Sasuke.

So, I thought, in addition to them, a new batch of geniuses will be cultivated. This is used as the backbone of the ninja world after the two of them. After

hearing the true intentions of Watergate, everyone's hearts were even more admiring for the deep thinking of Lord Naruto now.

On the surface, they saluted the water gate in unison: "Naruto-sama is wise!

And who expected their praise, Watergate smiled lightly, and did not care.

Then, he handed over the task of building the third examination room to Shikaku, who was good at planning, and Fugaku, who was in charge of guards.

He also said that during the examination period, if there are departments and any requests, the rest of the departments must work together and there must be no mistakes.

For the rest, Watergate said a few words briefly, after noticing matters during the exam. He then arranged for the invigilator to be sent to Konoha to supervise the first examination room.

It is mainly composed of the main shinobi of Kakashi's generation, including Kakashi, Asma, Metkai, Sunset Red, Shizuki, Red Bean and other gans.

Corresponding to the supervision of candidates in the seven examination areas of ABCDEFG.

As for the security after the start of the exam, the local Naka Shinobu is responsible for it.

Thus, after arranging the main personnel appointments, Watergate finally announced the adjournment of the meeting.

On the way back, it was rare for him to go along with Kakashi, Shikahisa, and Fugaku.

Therefore, on the way home, the four of them bathed in the sunset that was sinking in the west, emitting afterlight.

While walking along, let the sunlight pull their shadows into an incomparably slender one.

At this time, a gentle breeze blew and brushed the slightly vicissitudes of the four people's cheeks.

Among the four, Shikaku took the first look at the three people beside him before turning around and looking at the sky, dyed with golden clouds by the setting sun.

The tone was quite emotional and sighed: "Time really flies by!" In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.


Fugaku on the side also showed a nostalgic expression, and said leisurely: "I remember back then, when we went to a ninja school together, occasionally went on missions together, went to the bathhouse together, and peeked at the girls taking a bath.

At that time, we were only Naruto Sasuke's age now!

Watergate also sighed with emotion: "At that time, I still remember, Brother Fugaku, you, in order to chase Sasuke's mother Mikoto."

He also specially came to me to help with Jiu Xinnai, just to let Jiu Xinnai connect you and Mikoto. Fugaku

couldn't help but blush when he saw that he was mentioned by Watergate about his youthful past, and there were Shikaku and Kakashi who were eating melons beside him.

"Do you think everyone is like you, how old was Naruto's mother, Jiu Shinnai?" You can get your hands on it. To talk about the routine of flirting with girls, Watergate you consider Konoha second, and no one dares to say first!

He said, as if remembering something, and said: "It's not in vain that Naruto is a teenager, and he hooked up with the little girl of the same age in the Hiashi family." Sure enough, if there is a father, there will be a son!

Watergate listened to his slightly ridiculous words in his tone, and also replied: "Yes and how?"

If nothing else, Naruto and the white-eyed girl of the Hiashi family, the two are happy, what happened together?

Worthy of my seed, I can have the style of my year, I am too late to be happy. Unlike some people, they couldn't look at their daughters-in-law at the beginning. "

Watergate is talking about something that Fugaku didn't look at Sakura when he was just resurrected.

In this regard, Fuyue was embarrassed in his heart.

But he didn't admit it: "You fart, where did I say that I can't look at the girl from the Haruno family." On the contrary, I have a fancy for her! After all, that girl, but she was recognized by the first generation of adults, the bloodline of the Thousand Hands clan. "

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