Seeing that he said this, several people did not want to say anything more.

After a moment of silence, Naruto asked again, "Since Madara appeared here, what about the pillars?" Isn't he with you?

"He." Madara smiled and said, "He said that he was very curious about the development of Shayin Village in the past two years, so he wanted to go and see it." "


Hearing that Juma went to Sunahide Village, Naruto didn't ask more.

In the next two days, people continued to come to the tower. But more often than that, the teams that fell within the Flower Tree Realm were eliminated.

And as early as the day of the exam, these people were rescued by Kakashi in the tower sent by Shinobu.

Wait until the proctor Shinobu finally announces the end of the second exam.

At this time, the number of troops left behind had been drastically reduced from the initial five hundred to one hundred and eighty-four.

Nearly half of the teams were eliminated in the second exam. And this happened to be expected by Kakashi and other proctors.

Then, without waiting for the rest of the party, Kakashi continued to give the order.

That is, each candidate sets off to the City of Fire Duel Arena as an individual. The first hundred to reach the duel arena in the city are considered passed.

The remaining eighty-four will all be considered eliminated!

The moment the words fell, the candidates were stunned again.

What the heck?

Will the late arrivals be eliminated again?

After learning from the last hurry, the members of their respective squads immediately reacted that it was an extremely harsh exam.

Without thinking about it, everyone almost stepped on one foot, and immediately began to chase wildly.

And seeing that the candidates are almost starting to act.

Narusa's squad slowly performed their teleportation technique and began to hurry.

In this way, a new competition is unfolding.

At the same time, Kakashi wrote a small note about everything that was going on here, tied it to the leg of the messenger eagle, and asked it to deliver the message to the City of Fire.

City of Fire.

Almost ten days had passed since Naruto took the exam. At this moment, the city is still a scene of joy and peace, prosperity and prosperity.

And in a coffee shop on Seongnam Street, near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

A few beautiful women in their thirties and forties were chattering about something. Judging from the expressions of some of these beautiful women, there are many triumphant people.

And if you look closely, you will find that among this group of beautiful women, there are the current First Lady of Hokage, Jiu Shinnai, and his close friend Uchiha Mikoto.

And beside them, the identities of the other women sitting are not simple.

Among them, in addition to Kushina and Mikoto, who participated in this tea party, there was also Ino's mother, Yamanaka Rino. Sakura's mother, Haruno Nha Fuki; Ya's mother, Inuzuka Claw, and Shikamaru's mother, Yoshino Nara, among others.

It was rare for everyone to get together, and first talked about clothes and cosmetics bags for a while.

Then, while talking, he began to bring the topic to the children who took the Zhongnin exam this time.

Speaking of this, except for Shinnai Kushina, Mikoto, and Haruno Yabuki Sanichi with calm faces. The faces of the other women couldn't help but flash a look of sadness.

Among them, Ino's mother, Yamanaka Mono, was even more worried about her daughter: "I heard that there are more than 2,000 people who took the Zhongnin exam this time, and there are people from any ninja village."

"And that girl in Jingye, usually cultivation is not attentive enough, what can be done?" I wonder if she can make it to the end? Also

worried was Shikamaru's mother, who was also one of the parents of Inuga Butterfly.

Nara Yoshino frowned, "Don't say it, my family is similar to yours." Shikamaru's kid, although just like his father, is very smart.

"But this is an exam after all, and in the end, what needs to be tested, in addition to IQ strategy, there is also strength." And this happens to be the shortcoming of my family Shikamaru.

Speaking of this, she sighed heavily, and said: "Not to mention that this time there is a one-tailed human pillar power in Shayin Village, such a ninja whose strength is completely beyond the scope of the lower ninja, will actually take it for granted that he wants to participate in this middle ninja exam, alas..." As

long as she thought that the eighth class where her child was located might be completely wiped out, she couldn't help but worry.

At this time, Jiu Xinnai, who was sitting opposite the two of her, took a sip of coffee unhurriedly before slowly speaking: "Shikamaru, Ino, you two don't worry too much." "

This time the Zhongnin exam, although many genius ninjas from other ninja villages came. But it doesn't matter, I believe that my kid and Sasuke will definitely make a move. "

The implication is that with Naruto and the two, Konoha will definitely not lose to other ninja villages in terms of enemies.

The second daughter nodded in agreement when she heard this: "That's right. But with so many competitors, on this scale, I don't know how many times more dangerous than we were then.

"Especially among the lower ninja of the five great ninja villages, there must be no shortage of crouching tigers, hidden dragons."

"So what?" Jiu Xinnai's face continued to show a touch of disdain, and he said proudly: "As far as these people you are talking about, there are really them, but in front of that smelly boy in my family, it is still not enough to see." Everyone

: "..."

So, what they didn't say.

Compared to those candidates from villages all over the ninja world.

They were more worried that Naruto and Sasuke would make a move on Shimoto Shinobu from the same village.

After all, they heard about it. This is before the third exam of the final, but there is a qualifier to play.

And this so-called qualifier turned out to be a big fight without rules between candidates. In this way, that compares to the personal strength between the candidates.

Thinking of this, Inuzuka Paw, tooth's mother, also panicked and said, "But I heard that there is still a pre-selection to be held before the third exam begins. And the rules are , fight without rules.

"Yes, I also heard about this rule, and I heard that it came out recently."

At this time, Sakura's mother, who had not spoken for a long time, also nodded in agreement.

Mikoto then added, "I heard that this is a match specially set up by Naruto-sama, drawing on the experience of the last Chūnin exam. The aim is to reduce the number of finalists.

"Then why did he do that?" The women were puzzled.

According to the past practice, the original purpose of the selection of the Zhongnin Examination was only a means to increase the front-line combat power of his own ninja village.

Now, that's all changed.

For everyone's doubts, Jiu Xinnai knew a little about the purpose. He said to the women, "I can understand why Watergate did this?"

Everyone looked at her in unison: "Why?"

Jiu Xinnai said, "Because this Naka Shinobi exam is different from the previous purpose of selecting Naka Shinobi who can serve as the captain.

"This time, the focus is on selecting the most talented young ninjas, which is the ultimate goal of this exam."

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