"Probably because you want to seek revenge on me." Sasuke laughed and said a lame reason to fool the second daughter.

I saw that Sasuke didn't take himself to heart at all, even though he knew that the other party was powerful.

But he is confident that with his current state of perfect human strength, he should be able to compete with Sasuke, who is currently limited in strength.

Then he stiffened and said, "Uchiha Sasuke, look forward to it, I will fight you in the final."

Sasuke smiled disdainfully when he heard this: "Just you? I used to be my defeated subordinates, but now they actually have the courage to challenge me.

Wait until you pass the qualifiers first, and then come and talk to me to challenge me.

"Hmph! Wait, I will! Iroh glanced at Sasuke with some indignation, "I expect you to do the same then."

With that, he turned away, his back disappearing into the dark shadows.

Fast forward to the day of the start of the qualifiers.

On this day, one hundred candidates, led by seven invigilators, came to the newly built duel arena.

Although this is only a qualifier before the main match, unexpectedly, the number of people who came to watch this game was surprisingly large.

In the huge duel arena, the audience was almost densely packed with crowds.

In the ears of everyone, the sound of mountains and tsunamis can be described as endless.

In the row closest to the competition venue in the audience seats are already sitting a group of high-ranking officials of today's country, that is, the former Five Shadows. and Nagato, the leader of the Xiao organization, and others.

Except, of course, these must come.

Regarding today's event, there are many well-known ninjas who have already arrived in the city a few days ago, and they are also waiting for it in the crowd.

For example, the group of Xiao organizations, including Itachi, Tsunade, and Jiraiya. Plaque and intercolumnar.

As well as no more slashes, Darui, Loess, and other ninjas whose strength has reached the shadow level. There are also many noble ladies in the city who are also looking forward to this upcoming qualifier.

The candidates have arrived and the roll call is complete.

As the host of such a grand event, Watergate stood up, swept his gaze over everyone, and said loudly: "Thank you for coming to participate in this first Ninja World Ninja Examination Conference jointly organized by all the Ninja World Ninja Village!"

Here, I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the guests who came to watch the ceremony! After

speaking, the huge venue erupted into cheers of the mountains and tsunamis.

With a slightly weaker voice, Watergate said again: "Then next, please enjoy the five-person team, smash up competition brought by this examinee, before the final."

The moment the words fell, somewhere in the audience, a certain three little ones were already so excited that they couldn't resist the excitement in their hearts, and shouted: "Yay." It's finally about to begin, and the five-person smash up fight.

This is a rule that has never been used in the previous Chūnin exam, and it's exciting to think about!

"It's just, so exciting!" Finally able to see Naruto's brother and their match.

"Come on brother Naruto! Brother Sasuke is too, you must come on! The

three little ones who were shouting hoarsely were none other than Konohamaru, Moe Huang, and Udon, who were now twelve years old and were only about to graduate from the ninja school in just over a month.

In two years, the three little ones have grown from the initial dwarf winter melons to a height of about one meter and four meters each.

Konoha Maru's head was still wearing the same goggles as Naruto used to.

It is worthy of being Naruto's little fan brother from childhood to adulthood.

On the other hand, as the parents of the twelve little strong, they also felt extremely nervous about this big mess that was about to begin.

Among them, Ino's mother, Yamanaka No, was even more nervous to clench her hands, and her eyes looked worriedly at Ino's father Yamanaka on the side: "What to do?" That's a five-person fight. That means that our family is facing the attack of four people alone. Will she survive?

As she spoke, she looked at Haichi, and finally fell on her daughter.

Yamanaka Haichi naturally knows his daughter's level, which must be the probability of elimination is greater than the chance of promotion.

But looking at his wife looking so nervous, what can he do? I had to say helplessly: "Forget it, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, Jingye's child, I believe her, I will definitely not let myself have regrets in this exam."

Therefore, all we can do is believe in her and believe in our daughter, who will definitely be able to advance to success. "

Hmm." Yamanaka Nono nodded heavily, "That's all."

Saying that, she stood up and shouted at Ino among the examinees below: "Iino, you must come on!" Mom and Dad are watching you! Among

the candidates, suddenly hearing his mother's words cheering for herself, Ino only felt so ashamed!

How can this be, in front of so many people. Just say it out loud.

But thinking about it, this is also what her parents expect from herself, and if she can, she should go all out and strive to leave no regrets.

After secretly cheering for himself in his heart.

Ino silently glanced at the blond boy in the crowd in front of him, who had been radiating confidence from beginning to end.

I made up my mind secretly.

Soon, Shang Shinobi, who was in charge of the exam referee, appeared in the fire string.

Just like the last Chūnin exam final, this time in the qualifiers, it was he who was responsible for explaining the rules of the competition.

Unknowingly, the calm gaze of the fire string swept over the hundred candidates in front of him, and said loudly: "Start now, tell the rules of this selection exam."

Saying that, he first asked the two Naka Shinobi who were watching from the side to carry a table. On the table was a cardboard box filled with notes.

Pointing to the cardboard box, he continued: "First of all, all the candidates will draw a number from this cardboard box next to me.

"Among them, the one who drew the odd number of three-five-seven-nine was the five people who started the first game. By analogy, the second match is the five people who draw the even number 24680. "

There were twenty games in total. Ten games each in the odd and even. Among them, there is only one winner per game, that is, the remaining four losers will be eliminated directly. "

Having said the rules, the next step is the lottery ceremony.

With the order to start the lottery, the candidates waited excitedly one by one.

"God forbid! Don't let me draw a group with Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, please!

"The gods and Buddha bless, must bless me to draw a weaker team, please

..." "..."

In my ears, from time to time, there was the voice of the examinees praying for God to worship the Buddha for protection.

In this regard, Naruto glanced at each other and only felt extremely funny. At the same time, they are also looking forward to whether they will draw singular or even numbers.

Everything, but by providence!

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