The game continues.

The fifth round begins, Nara Shikamaru V Yakushi pocket.

When he saw the names of both sides, Naruto was obviously looking forward to it, wanting to see if Yakushi would make a move this time.

However, as he expected, after seeing the name of the battle, the medicine master didn't want to think about it, scratched his head and smiled: "That teacher, I abstain from this battle."

"Abstain?" Moonlight Wind was obviously stunned, and this was the first player to abstain.

Moonlight Swift coughed twice more, and said loudly: "Okay then, now I announce that since the fifth round Yakushi Hood player abstained, the winner is Nara Shikamaru."

"Boom!" Shikamaru snorted coldly with displeasure, and looked at the medicine master with a puzzled gaze.

Although he has always felt that everything is troublesome, but is this considered to be underestimated?

Moreover, looking at the appearance of the medicine master, it seems that this guy in front of him does not care about winning or losing the competition with him at all.

No, as soon as he said that he abstained, the medicine master turned and left.

The pharmacist went for a ride.

Shikamaru just lay down and won the game.

At this point, the three of Orochimaru's three hidden under Konoha's spies were completely destroyed.

The big snake pill who was pretending to be Otomi Shinobu on the side also turned into a cloud of white smoke and left after seeing the medicine master leave.

His departure did not attract the attention of everyone present.

Among the three of Shayin, looking at Shikamaru, who was still uncomfortable lying down, Temari said disdainfully: "That guy named Shikamaru is really a good life, so easily lying down to the main race."

But next time, he won't have such good luck. "

The next match, round six, Sakura vs. Ino.

The all-out battle between the two girls was only a game between ordinary ninjas in the eyes of everyone, and neither party had absolute crushing strength.

In the end, after Ino failed to use the mind-body transformation technique, she and Sakura also fainted with each other's strength, and fought a tie, and neither side advanced.

After Sakura, in the seventh round, it is Tenten's turn to appear, and her enemy is Temari, who is good at using fans.

In front of Temari, the ninja attacks every day, just like a child has played with the house. The ninja that shot at Temari in the sky was easily fanned directly by her with a large fan.

Tiantian himself was completely defeated by Temari's scythe.

There were only four people left in the arena. Xiao Li, Ningji, Hinata, I love Luo. Of the four, there is no doubt that Hinata is the weakest.

Seeing this, everyone was not allowed to sweat for Hinata.

The result of the eighth round was as Naruto expected, Hinata against Ninji.

Under Naruto's threatening gaze, Ninji avoided Hinata at every turn, only defending.

And while defending, he coldly persuaded: "Hinata-sama, you abstain, you are not my opponent."

However, the more he said that, the less Hinata would give up.

"Brother Ningci, I won't give up." She said with a firm gaze.

The person she liked was watching her fight, how could she let him down?

"Let's fight the winner!"

Ning Ci sighed and said, "In that case, then I will fulfill you."

The strength of his hand increased, and the speed of his attack became faster, and each palm hit Hinata's acupuncture path fiercely.

On the contrary, although Hinata's attack also seemed to hit Ninji, the difference in strength between the two was too large, and her attack did not actually cause much damage to Ninji.

After a while, Hinata was beaten out of breath and could no longer fight.

She wanted to keep fighting, but she couldn't.

On the other hand, Ning Ci was still light and breezy, and there was not the slightest scar on his body.

In the corridor, Kakashi explained, "Hinata's meridian points have been completely sealed, and she can no longer use Chakra. In this duel, she has already lost.

Kai sighed, "This is a game without suspense, and it is already remarkable that Hinata kid can do his best."

Seeing this, Naruto also spoke: "Hinata, I see your efforts, don't continue to fight, you have done a good job."

"Naruto-kun..." Hinata called softly, looking at Naruto's eyes with a moving light.

She naturally knew that this was an impossible match. But to prove that she was also changing herself, she did not choose to abstain in the first place.

When she heard Naruto's words, she suddenly laughed.

Naruto-kun, seeing her efforts, her persistence was useful.

At the same time, she also saw that Naruto was concerned about her and did not want her to be hurt.

"I see."

She closed her eyes with relief and opened them again, her eyes no longer full of fighting intent.

Looking at Ning Ci in front of her, she smiled and said, "Brother Ning Ci, I lost this competition."

Due to Hinata's initiative to admit defeat, Naruto was also completely relieved, fortunately, his wife was not seriously injured by Ninji.

But despite this, Hinata was taken down for treatment by people from the medical class.

This is followed by the final competition.

Xiao Li vs. I Ai Luo.

No need to say by moonlight, I love Luo Shazi has consciously appeared in the venue.

As the finale appearance, Xiao Li's eyes were angry, and he clenched his fists with excitement, and said excitedly: "Great, as the finale, it's finally me!!

Kai also shouted excitedly on the side: "Go, Li, burn the power of youth!!"


Xiao Li echoed and jumped off the field.

Across from him, Iroh said impatiently, "Let's start quickly."

Xiao Li put his left hand behind his back, raised his right hand slightly, made a challenging posture, and said with a smile: "I can't ask for it to fight you so quickly."

After speaking, he ran quickly towards my Ai Luo and began to attack.

Xiao Li's normal attack speed was already extremely fast, but every blow was blocked by the sand that appeared in front of my Ai Luo. Therefore, even if he attacks many times, he can't hurt my Ai Luo in the slightest.

Naruto knew that this was my Ai Luo's passivity, Sand no Hide. I have to say that this skill is really perverted when facing ordinary people.

But Xiao Li is not an ordinary person.

Soon, with Kai's consent, Xiao Li untied the weight on his leg, and the attack speed increased again in an instant. In just a few seconds, it was almost beyond everyone's sight.

My Ai Luo's sand was also under Xiao Li's attack, and there was no time to defend, and I Ai Luo was hit by Xiao Li a few times.

Sakura's eyes were full of color, her red lips opened slightly, and she exclaimed: "Such a fast speed, Xiao Li is really powerful, it seems that he has the upper hand."

In the previous duel between Xiao Li and Sasuke, she once thought that Xiao Li was weak, but now it seems that it is not Xiao Li who is weak, but Sasuke is too strong.

Kai was also pleased to see that the disciple had the upper hand: "Of course, Li is very strong."

After being hit by Xiao Li one after another, Dao cracks also appeared on my Ai Luo's face, and a face gradually became fierce, and sand continued to peel off his face.

The aura of the Ichigo Shouhe in his body also began to become irritable.

Inside Naruto, the voice of the Nine Lamas suddenly sounded: "Hmph! That guy Shouhe, his temper is still so short-tempered. Naruto, it seems that the lesson given to it last time is not enough, do you want me to strike again this time? Feeling

the irritable aura of his nemesis, the Nine Lamas suddenly couldn't bear it.

Hum! At the end of the day, he also dared to be arrogant in front of Uncle Ben, and he was impatient.

"It depends." Naruto said softly.

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