Why do you say that the man’s dress and Zhi Nai are somewhat similar.

Naturally, both of them are wearing old clothes, blocking most of their skin.

Slightly different, Zhi Nai didn’t wear gloves, and only sunglasses on their faces.

The man who came in wore gloves, and his face was covered by a mask.

In Naruto’s consciousness, the wind deficiency has doubts and thoughts.

“Oil girl takes root?”

“Isn’t he the root ninja led by the Tibetan Tibetan?”

“Why did he come here? Did you think of Naruto?”

The leader Kakashi in the original plot did not come, but the roots of the oil girl came to take the roots!

Obviously, some changes have taken place in the plot.

In the case of ape flying sun, Tuanzang and his roots actually made their heads in advance!


“Are you our teacher?”

When he saw the man who came in, he had to follow him by himself. Naruto crooked his head and sent a question.

“Stupid, it must be a teacher!”

Sakura, who had stood up obediently, was buckled on Naruto’s head.

“If it wasn’t for the teacher, how do you know that we are the seventh class and this position!”

“I really do n’t know how to observe, it will only deceive, and the disgusting orphan who lacks parental discipline!”

Obviously, Sakura is still worried because of noon.

However, in front of Sasuke’s noodles, she didn’t dare to say what she lost her first kiss, and she could only take Naruto to lose her temper.

Naruto didn’t care much about Sakura’s bad words.

Just holding his head and shouting pain, with a smile on his face.

After all, compared to the vicious curse of the villagers, Sakura’s words are as weak as that of every family.

Sakura’s words Naruto didn’t care, but poked Sasuke’s pain point.

You know he is also an orphan without his parents now.

Seeing Naruto did not refute Sakura’s words, and smirked.

Sasuke stood up and came to the front of the two, and the cold voice spit out from his mouth.

“No one is willing to be an orphan, no one is willing to be disciplined by parents, and no one wants to be hated by others.”

“The kind of family is the only one at home. No one can tell you what can be done and not lonely, you don’t understand.”

“And you will only scold the disgusting orphan because of his mistake.”

Speaking of which, Sasuke looked at Sakura’s eyes, full of chills.

“You … really make me feel sick.”

Make me feel disgusting, disgusting, nausea …

Sasuke’s words echoed in the mind of Sakura, which also made her petrification like sculpture.

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a moving look.

It turned out that Sasuke was like him, understanding his daily mood and understanding of loneliness.

He looked at Sasuke’s handsome face at this moment, and immediately felt that he didn’t hate it so much …

And do you like it?

Hurry up the terrible thoughts in my mind.

Naruto hurriedly stopped watching Sasuke, for fear that he would become curved in the next second.

“I am your teacher, and the oil girl takes root.”

The oil girl who stood at the door and witnessed the roots of the triangular love process, and did not continue to watch the show.

He didn’t know when Kakashi would come, so he said immediately after he reported his home.

“So don’t talk nonsense anymore, you now, immediately, follow me immediately!”

Without a chance to refuse Naruto, the oil girl took the roots and turned directly towards the outside.

Sasuke frowned a little about the irritability of the teacher in front of him.

But I didn’t say much, I followed it quickly.

Seeing this, Naruto also caught up with the unreasonable Sakura.

Just as soon as the three walked out of the school, they heard the sound of the movement of the surrounding trees, and the sound of slamming.

“This is an offensive and defensive exercise between the dark parts, which is used to ensure that the village is not invaded by foreign enemies.”

The doubts and alerts of the three were disintegrated by the explanation of the oil girl’s root.

Although the distance is a bit far away.

But the players did carry the dark masks.

“Go at your feet faster to avoid interfering with their drills.”

By this excuse, the oil girl took the roots and ran away with the three.

As the roads are narrower, the smoke is getting scarce.

The oil girl took the roots and Naruto, and gradually approached the death forest.

“Naruto pay attention, this oil woman has a problem, don’t enter the death forest with him.”

In the death forest, there is a base, a root of the root.

The gentleman does not stand under the wall, and the wind does not want to be in such a dangerous place.

So he said directly to remind Naruto not to go in.

“has a problem!?”

Naruto’s heart was shocked, and the pace under his feet suddenly stagnated.

He also felt a little wrong, and thought it was an illusion.

But now the wind is not right, it is definitely not his illusion.

“It’s the place soon, why don’t you stop?”

Seeing that Naruto stopped, the oil girl took the root and stopped immediately, and then turned back to Naruto.

Naruto took a few steps backwards, away from the oil girl who approached, took the roots with alert on her face.

“Why do you bring us into the death forest?”

“Naruto, what are you doing, why do you stop suddenly and then retreat?”

“Teacher take the roots say it is right now, don’t get angry.”

Sakura, who had a heavy heart all the way, did not find something wrong.

She just wanted to get to the place soon, and then quickly ended today for a day, and she cried with a pillow with a pillow.

“Idiot, don’t you find anything wrong?”

Naruto didn’t speak, but Sasuke came to Naruto’s side, with alert on his face.

“On the first day, we brought us like a dangerous place to the death forest, and don’t say why.”

“After a few training grounds on the way, you can obviously be used as the first training or meeting, but you don’t see it.”

“I also said that Naruto would not observe. I think you are the lack of literacy as a ninja.”

Sasuke, who had a bad sense of Sakura, did not leave the slightest feelings in the words.

“What are you going to stay there? Come here!”

Sakura’s scolded Sakura was grieving, and came to the two of them quickly.

Seeing her purpose was discovered, the oil girl was too lazy to continue installing.

Two quasi -forbearance, plus a pillar that can use nine tails.

He has a elite tolerance, and there is a means of hiding, and it doesn’t take much effort to clean up a few people.

Wantingly moved his limbs and said coldly.

“What do you say you are so smart?”

“Just be honest with me.”

“This is the case now, you can only ask you to have some hardships.”

When it comes to suffering, the oil girl has come to the three people.

Just one foot, Sasuke on the left was caught by his stomach, and his mouth poured out.

Then there was a palm, and the Sakura on the right was filmed by the forehead, and his eyes fainted.

He is not Kakashi, who gives the three in the original plot.

The shot is full, and the two will kill the two except Naruto for a moment.

“Sakura, Sasuke!”

Looking at Sasuke, who can only barely look up on the ground, and Sakura who passed out.

Naruto’s eyes were cracked, and the anger and killing of the bottom of his eyes sprayed out.

“Bastard, you dare to hurt them, I fight with you!”

“Multiple shadow avatars!”

… …

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