These are the way Naruto thought about it all night.

Now that he can’t change the wind, he starts with himself.

“I’m stupid, I don’t know what to use to make you not kill, but I can try to avoid letting you fight.”

“So don’t get angry, I won’t give birth to you in the afternoon, just be offset when our mistakes!”

After speaking such a big call, Naruto’s ears were erected.

The sound of the wind is not coming for a long time.

Just when Naruto’s inner loss and grievances were about to overflow.

Finally, there was a light sound.


“You are the master you have to say.”

After getting the wind deficiency, Naruto immediately raised a big smile.

The body also stood up from the stool, dancing excitedly.

“Great, I know that Fengxu will not be so stingy!”

[Master Trust Dependence: 30%]

The wind in consciousness also obtained the sound and vision of the outside world again.

The contradiction was resolved, and Naruto, who had the same thoughts, suddenly gurgled.

In the afternoon, because of the trouble with the wind, he always thought that he forgot to eat.

As soon as things are solved, the huge hunger instantly drowned him, letting him paralyze on the bed.

“So hungry, I want to eat ramen ~~~”

Looking at the dark dark sky outside, and a building without light.

Naruto’s thought of going out, he could only pick up a cup of fruit belly.

Because of the requirements of wind deficiency, those expired milk and instant noodles were all thrown away.

And because I was a little busy these two days, I couldn’t go to the supermarket to buy it.

“Isn’t there still have noodles in the refrigerator?”

Seeing Naruto drank a glass of water, he planned to sleep, and the wind frowned.

After that, his body could not come by Naruto Hu!

Moreover, this hungry memory will definitely be passed from Naruto to make him feel later, he doesn’t want to experience it!

“Hanging noodles?” Naruto’s face was blank.

The noodles in the refrigerator were bought by him a long time ago, but unfortunately he was forgotten after cooking.

“Forget it, you put me out, I’ll get it for you.”

The seasonings in the kitchen are quite complete and have not expired.

When Naruto’s living expenses were not enough, they bought fish and wild vegetables used for caught.

“Do you eat?”


Naruto gave up his body out of control without saying a word.

While watching Fengxu’s noodles curiously, talking to Fengxu in the afternoon, Kakashi, and tomorrow’s wild survival drills.

… …

Early the next morning.

Naruto woke up by the alarm clock and yawned.

With the help of Naruto’s field of vision, the wind deficiency discovered that the dark parts around Naruto increased significantly.

It seems that after yesterday’s incident, Ape Feiri increased the protection of Naruto.

However, this also shows that the ape flying sun has not yet done the Tuanzang.

Tuanzang did not have Naruto, or he was dead to him.

After all, the general was lost, and the character of Fengxu was so dangerous.

If Fengxu is a Tuanzang, it will not give up.

“Naruto, don’t forget to have breakfast.”

Knowing the wind of the original plot, naturally, Naruto will not let Naruto do not eat breakfast as Kakashi said.

The taste of this hungry morning, but he can experience it from Naruto!

“I didn’t forget, I would buy it.”

Naruto also selected a store honestly and went in to buy three fried bread and three boxes of milk.

Because Naruto had a yellow shop before, the shop did not dare to get the expired to Naruto, nor did he dare to scold Naruto.

Obviously, this shop is also afraid that Naruto will come out like that, making their reputation stink, causing no one to patronize.

Training Course.

Sasuke and Sakura have arrived in advance and waited here.

The two looked at the fried noodle bread, drinking milk and running towards Naruto here were both black lines.

However, Naruto can do such a thing, and the two also understand.

Moreover, Naruto is not as silent as yesterday, which also caused the two of them to disappear yesterday.

“Early, Sakura, Sasuke.”

Chewing his noodles in his mouth, and greeted his population unclear.

Sakura asked with a black face: “Naruto, did Teacher Kakashi say that it is best not to eat in the morning, so as not to vomit!”

“It’s best not to eat, not to eat, let’s talk about it.”

Naruto didn’t care about a sip of milk, and then handed the prepared two copies.

“Do you eat it, I also bought you a copy too.”

“I won’t eat it! If Teacher Kakashi will be unqualified because of this, don’t cry your nose!”

Sakura swallowed his mouth and turned his head and rejected Naruto angrily.

She was worried that she could not be qualified, and now she dare not violate Kakashi’s words yesterday.

“What about Sasuke?” Naruto looked at Sasuke.

With a thoughtful look on Sasuke’s face, he shook his head and shook his head after looking around.

“Let’s take a look first.”

Sasuke did not clearly refuse.

Because of the late Kakashi, he discovered some clues.

He guessed that Kakashi threatened them not to eat breakfast, and it was likely that there were some conspiracy, such as hungry them intentionally.

Sure enough, an hour passed.

Kakashi is still unsatisfactory.

When Sasuke looked like I guessed, I reached out and took the fried bread and milk from Naruto’s arms.

“Thank you.”

After thanking, I ate a lot.

“Sasuke, why do you even you!”

Sakura who saw Sasuke’s action was not understood.

Isn’t Sasuke afraid of being punished by Mr. Kakashi, causing unqualified?

“Eat when you are hungry, don’t eat if you are afraid of vomiting, it’s that simple.”

Sasuke frowned and didn’t give Sakura’s good look.

Obviously his grades in school are not bad. After the practice, you will only ask others.

Seeing Sasuke was so polite to Sakura, Naruto looked at it.

Then the remaining fried bread and milk were stuffed into Sakura’s hands.

“Sakura, let’s take care of him, you eat it, it must be fine!”

“But …” Sakura still hesitated to cover her gurgling belly.

“It’s really no problem, and I have guess the purpose of Teacher Kakashi.”

Naruto raised his face, and I didn’t want to talk about it, but the pride look for you and I had to speak.

“In fact, it is very simple. Teacher Kakashi can force those ninjas alone yesterday. It must be very strong.”

“And this mission is our opponent, do you think he wants to eliminate us maliciously?”

Without the opportunity to answer the two, Naruto waved his hand directly: “Nothing, otherwise you don’t need to do this task.”

“So he wants to assess whether we can cooperate with teams.”

“As for not eating breakfast, it is very simple to make us hungry and affect our judgment.”

“Even in the process of assessment, there will be various traps waiting for us to step on, hindering our cooperation.”

This is the original words that Fengxu and Naruto said yesterday.

Naruto now moves out of the same word.

The effect is also very significant.

Sakura was dumbfounded, and Sasuke was shocked.

… …

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