Two weeks later.

Under the money of the Red Star Consortium.

The Bridge connecting the outside world was completed in advance.

It takes half less than the original plot.

The completion of the bridge, plus new red star seed companies, brought a lot of employment.

The current country of waves, except for those who are close to the hands of Kardo, almost all accept the status quo.

Of course, Fengxu also made Cada spend money to arrange a lot of prestigious people, touting whitening in the people and guiding public opinion.

It is said that the previous year was just a test before investment.

The country of Bo also passed the test with tenacity and unity, and a good day to eat full is coming to Yunyun.

A large amount of seemingly reasonable, but in fact, if you raise the big cake.

Eliminate the resistance of most nations of the country.

And follow their words and start thinking about the future.

Even let them feel grateful because they have a work that can make money and have their own tolerance.

There is no need to say whitewashing itself now.

Anyone who scolds and resist the Red Star Group will be drowned by the saliva of other people.

The prestige is faintly more than the name of the country of the country!

However, the name of the country of Bo also didn’t care too much, because he also had the money to get it, and he could eat spicy and spicy as the nobles of the great powers.

Compared to the previous dare to say, he is always worried that Kado sent people to assassinate him at all times. It should not be too good!

In short, this series of methods learned from the previous life allowed the Kardo of the country of the country for a year, and admired the five -body investment.

Take the minimum salary to work for yourself, and be grateful to Dade to yourself. Don’t be too outrageous!

If he could have half of the wind before, the country of this wave was already won by him!

Of course, this series of means of Fengxu can only flickering the people of poverty.

The seventh class from the wealthy wood leaf was staggering to the combination of the Yangmou.

Especially Kakashi, he couldn’t understand.

Since Cardo has such courage and means.

Then why did n’t you get it in the country of Bozhi’s country for a year, and was frantically resisted by the people?

Is it because of the arrival of strong they arrived, let Cado have to move his mind?

Although I couldn’t figure it out, there was no reason to stay in the seventh class of class who successfully completed the task.

After saying goodbye to the Dazhana family, she embarked on the road back to Muye Village.

… …

the other side.

The country of soup.

Wearing a black jacket and a flying section with a big back, stopped the way for passers -by.

“This brother, understand the villain?”


After a moment.

The poor passerby was nailed to the tree with an iron rod.

Under the tree is an inexplicable religious pattern drawn with blood.

The scream also attracted three people who were pursuing the flying section.

“This is the third one along the way, it is really cruel.”

Looking at the bloody scene in front of her eyes, Bai frowned unconsciously, and the look of disgust appeared on her face.

Seeing Bai frowns, no longer cut, there is an expression of interest on the face.

“No money for money, there is no resentment, just to kill it, I really like this kind of scum ~”

Although they have also killed many people, they are all task targets or people who are not good for them.

Moreover, some task goals are too pitiful to be released by fake death, and he usually opens one eye and close one eye.

In this way, he suddenly felt that he was a good person!

Do not cut your head again, and bring a bloodthirsty smile from the corner of his mouth.

“Boss, can I kill him later?”

“The scream of this kind of scum is definitely very pleasant, making people feel physically and mentally happy ~”

If you don’t cut it again, the wind and the malicious wind open your eyes.

“If you can kill it, follow you.”

Turning around and walked towards the other side of the road.

“It’s all with me, he hasn’t gone far yet.”

Feng Xuan thought that he could not kill, and no longer smashed the smile on his face.

Then the eyes were gloomy and followed.

Since the Fengxu looked at him, he said, then he must kill the flying section later!

The three were not far away, and it turned out to be slowly swallowing a walk.

The flying section also felt the person behind him and turned to look at it.

“Yo, this time it is three! It’s really a good god of evil gods!”

Seeing the three people, Fei Duan’s face brought out a excited smile.

Because of his constant killing, there were a lot of people walking on the road.

There are three people now, which is almost equivalent to a day!

It’s really blessed by evil gods!

“Now, the handsome guy beauty also has a ugly man, do you want to join us?”

“The ugly man?” If you don’t want to cut it, you know who you say, the face is full of chills.

Just say it, because he is the boss.

Now a person who has been on the list of nirvana dares to say that!

The flying section thought that she would never cut or understand, and still explained with excited smile.

“Our teachings are very good!”

“Murder will not only be guilty, but also make the Evil God even more happy, and even drop the gospel!”

“How is it, is it very Spalasi!”

Looking at the morbidity on Fei Duan’s face, no more disgusting.

The beheading big knife behind it directly pointed to the flying section.

“It seems that you are the serial murderer, right? Are you ready to die?”

“Don’t get blood by him, if you don’t want to die.” Seeing that he wanted to start, the wind reminded him without care.

The front flying section also heard the words of Fengxu, and opened his mouth and was surprised.

“Actually know the prayer ceremony, are you also a wicked believer!?”

“You talk too much!”

Seeing that the flying section dared to speak over him, he talked to Fengxu, and he had a cold face and slashed his knife.

The flying section also immediately reacted, and the sickle on his hand was ready to change the injury.

However, the flying section was drawn on the chest, and blood flowed.

The one before is no longer cut into a pool of water in the sickle.

Before the flying section was puzzled, there was no cold voice behind him.

“Huh, the whole body is flawed, I really don’t know why the boss can see the color of your garbage.”

During the talk, the beheading sword directly pierced the heart of the flying section, and then pulled it out.

Yin Hong’s blood also splashed on the ground.

“It’s so simple, it’s really boring.”

Do not cut the noodles with disdain to recover the beheading knife.

As soon as he was about to pull away, his arm was grabbed by the flying section in front of him.

“do you know……”

The flying section vomited blood, but the feet were painted with a pattern with a toes.

“I am very painful!”

Along with the anger’s roar, the sickle in the other hand screamed.

“What kind of ghost? You didn’t die!” No longer be surprised and puzzled.

The recovered beheading sword once again took out of the chest, and at the same time, he quickly kicked out of the palm of the flying section.

Looking at the break away from being far away, the flying section was not discouraged at all, but laughed proudly.

At the same time, the fingers who had just held the fingers that had just been held to the mouth, sucking the blood in the nail seam.

“Ready to accept the sanctions of the evil god!”

“The ceremony starts!”

… …

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