“You are the book of heaven!”

“Our team happens to be, I will give you it soon!”

Seeing that I don’t let my three people go.

Ido quickly took out the scroll from the ninja bag.

Dearly put it on the ground, and a smile appeared on his face.

“I have given you all the scrolls, can I let us go now?”

I didn’t look at the scroll on the ground.

His eyes kept staring at the three of Shikamaru, as if looking at the three dead people.

“Do you do it.”

“Kill me, you can survive.”

“But we have put the scroll …” Jing Ye also wanted to clarify the interest relationship.

But I Love Luo raised my hand impatiently.

“Jingye, don’t say it, put on the formation of the pig butterfly!”

“Dingci, ready to attack, wait for my news!”

I saw that I only wanted to kill Shikamaru, and quickly shouted at the same time.


Although Dingci wanted to escape, she still got the courage to stand to the front.

“Secrets, Division!”

During the talk, the hands are quickly printed with both hands.

The body was also swollen outwards at the moment when the body was finished!

It’s like a balloon full of air!

“The next is … Wooden leaf fluid -meat bomb chariot!”

Ding Ci reduced his head into the neckline, and his limbs were curved on the body.

The whole person turned into a rolling sphere, and quickly rushed towards me in front of me!

“Is this kind of ninjutsu fooling me?”

Looking at the funny meatballs rolled at high speed, I loved the blue tendons on her forehead and jumped.

“Let me let you see what is the killing of the murderer!”

In the kung fu, the ninja seal in my hand has been completed.

He lifted his palms again, and he was ready to hold the rolling meat ball.

“Sand binding … ah, my body?”

The expression on my love on my face changed for the first time.

Sweeping his doubtful eyes around.

At a glance, I saw the shadow stretching under my feet!

This is Shikamaru’s ninjutsu, shadow imitation!

“His strength is too strong. After I control him, I can’t control him at all!”

“Ido, I can only see you!”

Filty sweat appeared on Shikamaru’s forehead.

The sealing hands are also trembling, as if it will be controlled by the next second!


“My body is for you!”

Ido was finally finished.

I put a triangle on my chest, and then I was aligned with my unable to move.

“Secret technique, heart turning skills!”

A spiritual energy suddenly shot from the triangle!

Ido’s body also immediately fell to Shikamaru.

“Dingci, now!”

“Hit him, then we retreat quickly!”

Dingci, who was still on the side, heard Shikamaru’s shout, immediately understood that I Ailuo had been charged.

Now he needs him to perform the final blow!


“Look at my meat bomb shock!”

High -speed movement of meatballs brought out four smokes.

Finally, I suddenly hit my Ai Luo, who had no movement ahead.



I saw that I had no defense, Ai Luo.

Wu appeared a sand shell like egg shell, wrapped his body throughout!

And there is a sharp sand thorn outside the sand shell, just like the sea urchin in the sea!

Ding Ci, who hit it without defense, was instantly discouraged and sent out a miserable.

“Wow !!!”

at the same time.

Jingye in Shikamaru’s arms also groaned, and his mouth and nose began to bleed!

“Hum …”

“how come!?”

Holding Ino’s Shikamaru, he screamed unbelievable.

“Dingci! Ino!”

“I, I’m fine …” Ding Ci in front of him appeared several blood holes on his body.

After struggling for a long time, I reluctantly got up, and then stepped back.

Ino Yino once again sprayed a bite of blood and woke up in an exclamation.

The back of my Ai Luo in the distance with horror.


“Monster, a monster printed in his body !!!”

“What!?” Shikamaru suddenly seemed to guess something.

The face is hard to see the extreme!

“Is Huan Naruto …”

Before the words of Shi Wan finished, the sand thorns burst from the sky.




Dragging the injured Ino, Shikamaru’s upper body barely hid.

But in order to protect Ino, the lower body was pierced by more than a dozen sand thorn!

“You, really, anger me !!!”

I love the secret of the secret of Aya.

The expression on his face was angry and distorted.

The appearance of a large amount of sand was rolling around his whole body, and the sandstorm was rolled up!

“Now, I want to give you the most painful death!”

With twisting and anger, I love Luo’s hands on his chest quickly!

“Liu Sand Waterfall!”

As the palms suddenly closed, countless sand emerged under the feet of Airo, and it spread quickly!

Just a blink of an eye, a wave of sand like a tsunami!

Cover the sky!

Then with a horrible shadow, it was shrouded in the three people of Shikamaru!

Looking at the natural wave of sand, Ding Ci suddenly calmed down.

He took out a transparent box containing a three -color pill and squeezed it in his hand.

At the same time, with a different smiley face at the same time, he turned his head back.

“Shikamaru, thank you for your care and trust in my usual …”

“Ding Qi, do you want …” Seeing the pills in Ding’s hand, Shikamaru’s face was ugly.

But his words were interrupted in half of his words.

“That’s right.” Dingci’s smile was reluctant and nostalgic.

“Unfortunately, I have n’t eaten the snacks I have hidden, so I’ m really unwilling … ”

Having said that all the three pills were taken out by him and handed them to his mouth together.

“Finally, you and Jing Ye, you must live!”

… …

“Damn, that kind of ninjutsu … Shikamaru them !!!”

Seeing the sand that covered the sky in the distance, the teeth wanted to rush over.

But it was stopped by Temari that suddenly appeared.

“It’s not what you can go over there, if you don’t want to lose your life.”

Kan Jiulang also came from the side: “You go to vain to die.”

“Those levels of ninjutsu will be smashed, and there will be no living matter in the range.”

“Bastard!” Teeth are not fools, they can only stop looking at there.

Haya and Hina behind him quietly walked behind and surrounded Kan Jiulang and Temari.

“As long as you tie you, you can threaten your teammates to stop this technique!”

Zhi Nai stroked sunglasses, and the sound of the first time can make people hear.

“Want to threaten me Airo with us?”

Temari couldn’t help laughing: “Unfortunately, you made the wrong abacus.”

“Don’t you say it is useful, do you think you can beat us?”

The huge fan behind Temari stood it in front of him.

Kan Jiulang also pulled away the bandage and exposed the crow.

Sakura suddenly remembered something, and hurried to the place where the wind and Sasuke sat in the back.

“Sasuke, Fengxu, go to save Shikamaru!”

Facing Sakura’s shout, the two people who closed their eyes motionless seemed to fall asleep.

Sakura immediately stepped forward, ready to reach out to wake up Sasuke on the left.

But before her hand touched Sasuke, she was pushed out all at once.

Sasuke, who opened his eyes slightly, glanced at Sakura without emotion, and then continued to close his eyes.

Sakura looked at the other side again, as well as the wind.

Suddenly a deep despair shrouded his heart and sat on the ground.

Turned his head and glanced at the sand waterfall that was about to fall.

Sakura, who was paralyzed on the ground, finally remembered another name.

“By the way, Naruto, and Naruto!”

“Naruto, come out soon …”



With Sakura’s shout, a wind swept out!

At the same time, Jinhong’s light flickered from the side, rushing towards the distant sand waterfall like Changhong!

Immediately afterwards, Naruto’s voice sounded later.

“Sakura, your call for help, I heard it!”

… …

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