Hokage I Have A Fighting System

Chapter 322: Confrontation between the clan

One month passed in a flash. Under Hatake Shuowen's careful guidance, Yamanaka Mie's vindictive training has been regarded as an official walk. It was not Yamanaka Mie who surprised Hatake Shuowen, but Uchiha Itachi, who was only four years old.

Within a month of training, Uchiha has been somewhat effective in the practice of swordsmanship, and even Uchiha Itachi has already mastered the first form of Hatake swordsmanship.

In February of Konoha 48, Hatake Shuowen was called out by the system wizard early. As early as yesterday, Uchiha Itachi was picked up by the Uchiha clan. Yamanaka Mie returned home early, because today is There is going to be something that most famous people in the village should pay attention to.

Because today is the day of Namikaze Minato's wedding, the eldest of the Uchiha clan naturally wants to attend Fourth Hokage's wedding with his father.

Hatake Shuowen has been whispering in his ears by the system wizard since last night, for fear that Hatake Shuowen will be late by himself. If he is late at the wedding scene, it would be a shame for the Hatake clan. The current Hatake Shuowen is not just one. A powerful ninja, a bigger name is to appear in front of everyone in Konoha as the patriarch of the Hatake clan.

"Shuowen, it's almost time to go to the Senju clan." The system wizard looked at Hatake Shuowen, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa in front of him, and couldn't help but speak again.

"Let's go!" Hatake Shuowen opened his eyes, and a golden light poured out from Hatake Shuowen's pupils in an instant.

Hatake Shuowen put the black imperial robe on his body, stood up from the sofa, looked at the system wizard that had been dressed up in front of him, and gently took the arm of the system wizard. ,

"Shuowen, take care of Mie Mei a little bit today. This month, you have been with me. On such an important day today, I'd better give her my position. It just so happens that in your capacity, let me know what Konoha has. Dazu, Yamanaka Mihui is yours." The system wizard on the side looked at Hatake Shuowen very seriously and said.

"Qianqian~~~" Hatake Shuowen said hesitatingly at the system wizard next to her.

Although the system wizard said so, Hatake Shuowen still had to think about it, and Hatake Shuowen didn't expect the system wizard to say this to himself.

"It's been a month, although Xiao Meihui didn't say it directly, I think she has some complaints against me in her heart, but she has been holding back not to say it." The system wizard also looked at the system wizard next to her with some embarrassment and said.

The system wizard now lives in Hatake Shuowen’s main palace. Naturally, it is necessary to take care of Yamanaka’s feelings, and Yamanaka’s relationship with her is pretty good.

"Okay, then Qianqian, you can take Kakashi to the Senju clan." Hatake Shuowen thought for a while and agreed to the system wizard, released the system wizard's hand, and moved quickly towards the home of Yamanaka Mie. Ran away.

Soon, Hatake Shuowen came to the door of Yamanaka Mihui's house and knocked on Yamanaka Mihui's door gently.

"Come!" Yamanaka Mie's voice came from the room.


With a crisp sound, the door of Yamanaka Meihui's house was opened, and he looked at Hatake Shuowen standing in front of him very unexpectedly.

"Brother Shuowen, why are you here?" Yamanaka Mie looked at Hatake Shuowen curiously, and whispered.

"I came here, of course to pick you up to the Senju clan, because this time Minato and Uzumaki Kushina's wedding was held in the Senju clan." Hatake Shuowen kindly rubbed Yamanaka Mie's little head and said.

"The Senju family?"

Although Yamanaka Mie knew that today was the day of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato wedding, Yamanaka Mie did not know that the wedding was actually held in the Senju family.

However, the wedding will be held in the Senju family for no reason. As a member of the Uzumaki family, Uzumaki Kushina is also a family member of Uzumaki Mito, plus the identity of the Fourth Hokage in Namikaze Minato, and he chose to hold the wedding in the Senju family. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Let's go, it's not early!" Hatake Shuowen took the initiative to hold Yamanaka Meihui's little hand and led her towards the Senju clan's clan.

Ten minutes later, Hatake Shuowen led Yamanaka Meihui to the door of the Senju clan. As soon as he arrived at the door, Hatake Shuowen found that the door of the clan was full of people from different races in Konoha Village wearing all kinds of clan uniforms. Ninja.

As soon as Hatake Shuowen stood at the door of the clan land, everyone stopped their movements and cast their eyes on Hatake Shuowen.

"Father! That guy is Hatake Shuowen, who is known as the Konoha Vulcan God. There are rumors that his strength is terrifying! I don't know if it is true or false." A boy of the Hyuga clan standing by a Hyuga clan The elder asked softly beside him.

"Zeming! Hatake Shuowen, as the current patriarch of Hatake, you can't talk about it. It's better to talk less!" The elder of the Hyuga clan watched his son ranting about Hatake Shuowen and quickly stopped the boy from continuing to speak.

Seeing his father's nervousness, the boy closed his mouth quickly, but his eyes were still full of curiosity about Hatake Shuowen.

"Hatake Shuowen! I want you to give us an explanation for the Shimura clan! Why did our patriarch go missing, and have not been found yet! Witnesses claimed that a month ago, you forcibly took the patriarch of our Shimura clan out of the village, I want You give us a reasonable explanation for the Shimura clan!"

A large group of people menacingly walked to the gate of the Senju clan. Except for the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan and the Sarutobi clan, the three most powerful races in Konoha Village stood aside and remained unmoved. The races have given way to the Shimura clan.

"Who are you?" Hatake Shuowen looked at the head of the Shimura clan who walked in front of him, that is, the man who asked him questions, and replied calmly.

"I am Shimura, the current great elder of the Shimura clan, Hatake Shuowen, you are also the clan head of the Hatake clan anyway. Although you are no more than 20 years old, as the head of the clan, I hope you have the head of the clan to take care of it! Shimura leaned on a walking stick and asked Hatake Shuowen who was standing in front of her very loudly.

Hatake Shuowen did not expect Shimura to appear here suddenly, but soon, Hatake Shuowen wanted to understand why Shimura chose to appear here on such a day.

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