Chapter 32 A Weird Taste

In the following days, I will probably applaud during the day, applaud at night, applaud in the morning, applaud at noon, applaud in the evening, applaud in the sofa, applaud in the bathroom, applaud in various forms...

Lin Yi, who made the applause, said: This is life!

It's too boring to fight and kill.

However, after ten years of hard work, Kushina has grown a lot, but it is not only Kushina who has grown up.

[Technique in the room] The current level is upgraded to IvMAX, and the additional state [The Way of Yin and Yang Joyous] will be obtained.

The way of yin and yang joy: After hard training and full practice, you have mastered superb fighting skills, know more postures of "defeating the enemy", and even use special methods to bring certain benefits to both the enemy and ourselves.

Durability +10, Combat Strength +10, physical fitness slightly improved after each battle.

Well, if you look at the statistics alone, this combat power +10 is the strongest skill Lin Yi has ever acquired.

Unfortunately, this 'combat power' is completely different from the normal 04's combat power.

Otherwise Lin Yi is already the strongest king!

Although now......

He is also considered the strongest, anyway, Kushina+ Konan+ Mikoto, it is a bit difficult to withstand his attack, if it is not for trying to taste the best taste for the first time, Shizune is probably already under his hands.

But now look at Kushina's appearance......

It shouldn't be too far to start.

"Damn it! Today is our own training again!" Anko snorted dissatisfied, and threw the shuriken angrily.

Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry and blocked the shuriken thrown by the other party, and said: "There is no way, the teacher has something to do."

"It's just a woman!" Anko said very dissatisfied: "Teacher Orochimaru has told him many times.

"I don't know when the enemy will attack. He actually finds women to have fun every day... What's the point of that kind of thing?"

Whether she or Lin, although they all know some things about men and women, how do they know the joy in it?

But no matter what happiness is, don't delay your normal work!

Fortunately for Lin Yi, ever since Kushina came, that is, when Kushina couldn't stand it anymore, she would only go to the training ground when she was resting, to give advice to her students and junior sisters.

Then, other than this time, the cat has been at home, tossing Kushina

Even Orochimaru can't stand it——Kushina is an important role sent by Konoha to defend against the enemy Jinchūriki. What if Sand Shinobi kills her and she happens to be in a "nothing" state?

Young man, temperance! Temperance!

Of course, Lin Yi's speech was completely ignored by Lin Yi.

"Okay, Anko, the teacher can't stay with us all the time, can't he?" Hong looked at it very openly: "We have our practice, and they also have their affairs to be busy.

"Why are you speaking for him?" Anko snorted dissatisfiedly.

Hong Gan laughed twice, can she say that every time her father completes the task and returns from outside the village, he also goes to find his mother first?

I don't know what's so good about that kind of thing, but...

Should be very enjoyable, right?

My father is also an Elite Jōnin, he is like this, so it should be!

Shizune was expressionless, just training himself calmly.

Calm down, calm down.

Isn't it normal for Master Lin Yi to beat someone or something?

Even she can occasionally hear the sound of beating someone in the empty Senju resident, occasionally accompanied by a sound of pain.

She is used to it.

Even sometimes I didn't hear it, but I felt strange.

Several people trained for a while, but except for Shizune, they were all out of shape.

To be honest, it is very normal for the teacher not to accompany you to practice, but is it so attractive if it is like this for a few days in a row?

In the end, what is the feeling.........

The faces of the children were a little blushing.

"No! I'm going to find him!" Anko finally couldn't bear it any longer, and threw down his shuriken angrily: "You can't do anything, is this also Master Orochimaru's disciple?"

Lin Yi's room is in the center of the camp, and the inspection is very strict, but Anko is naturally free to come and go.

She walked to Lin Yi's door angrily and pushed hard.

Anko frowned, and the door was locked tightly.

He listened carefully, but there was no sound.

"Well? Are you not at home?"

Anko was silent for a moment, then listened intently.

Sure enough, there was no sound.

Of course, it is not completely sure that Lin Yi is not in the room, maybe when he was doing something, he felt that he was coming, so he stopped his movements and made no sound.

Anko sneered: "Anyway, just go in and have a look!"

After ordinary people find that the door is locked, they may choose to call and contact the other party.

But for ninjas, there is an easier and better way - break in!

Anko is not Li, and naturally knows the most basic lockpicking technique for ninjas.

With a slight movement, the door lock opened quickly.

Anko smiled, walked in, and closed the door behind him.

"It turns out that there is really no one. Sister Lin Yi and Kushina are not here. Are you going to a meeting—eh? What's the smell?" Anko suddenly frowned, showing dissatisfaction.

"I remember that when I came here in 853, his room was very clean. Why is there a smell now? Sister Kushina is also a woman. Doesn't she always clean up?"

This smell is very strange, a little fishy, ​​like the smell of chestnut flowers.

Anko is also an outstanding ninja, but he has never smelled this kind of smell.

This is very unusual!

You must know that a strong ninja must not only be familiar with the taste of various drugs and drugs, but also to a certain extent, track the enemy with the smell.

The ninjas of the Inuzuka family are very good at tracking by smell, but it doesn't mean that other than them, others can't distinguish the smell.

Snakes have a very well-developed sense of smell, no worse than dogs, and she, Anko, is also a ninja who is good at tracking scents.

But, I never smelled it

"This smell is on the bed, in the bathroom, and in the trash can?" Anko frowned: "What's going on? What kind of smell is it?"

She lay on the bed, sniffing carefully, trying to find the source of the smell.

Anko is a serious ninja. If you can't find the source of the smell on the bed, you go to the bathroom to find it. If you can't find it in the bathroom, you go to the trash can!

Definitely find it out for you!

Suddenly, Anko, who was trying to identify the source of the smell, froze.

"Not good! Someone is back! It's Lin Yi!"

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