Hokage: I Have Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 56 This Is Clearly Orochimaru's Ninjutsu! (The Third Update Asks For Subscription And A

Chapter 56 This is clearly Orochimaru's ninjutsu!

How should I put it, the Wooden Golem that Lin Yi sees now is really tied perfectly.

The hands are tied behind the back, tightly tied, the eyes are completely covered, leaving no gaps, the black belt, even light cannot penetrate, and it is completely closed.

The ears have not received any blockade, but the problem is that this place is underground in the Konoha Prison, the deepest and deepest level, silent.

Ordinary people will go crazy in less than three days if they are placed here!

And that's not counting, Lin Yi clearly saw that the two were tied on the body of Wooden Golem, except for the Wood Style seal provided by him, the remaining binding belts were densely packed with runes, obviously quite powerful seal effect.

Konoha's sealing technique is very strong, and from a certain point of view, sealing the second Wooden Golem is much easier than sealing Nine Tails.

First of all, Erwei itself is sealed, Lin Yi is beside him, and Wooden Golem dare not riot. 04Secondly, Konoha Shinobi does not need to rely on the power of tailed beasts like ordinary tailed beast seals.

They just have to seal it off completely!

As a result, this blonde lady was completely turned into a prison play "Lin Yi...

Some itchy hands.

"Ahem, unshackle her." Lin Yi coughed and said.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" The ninja next to him responded in a low voice, and then stepped forward to unseal it.

Don't look at how easily Lin Yi entered Konoha's prison. In fact, this is definitely Konoha's most secretive area, not much worse than Genbu's headquarters.

Among other things, the female ninja who is unshackled by the Wooden Golem in front of her has the strength of an Elite Jōnin.

Moreover, his face remained unchanged throughout the whole process, extremely calm, like a machine, maybe it was a murderous weapon coming out of the roots.

That is to say, Lin Yi brought Erwei himself, otherwise just entering the Konoha Prison once, all the procedures would make one's scalp tingle!

In fact, even so, it took a lot of effort for him to come in.

The restraints were loosened little by little, and Wooden Golem opened her heroic eyes. The moment she saw Lin Yi, the corners of her mouth twitched involuntarily, and then she quickly regained her composure.

"Why, is Konoha going to do anything to me?" The two, Wooden Golem, said without changing his face: "Or, do you think you can get unbearable information from me?"

This is a Kage-level, any Kage-level master has a firm will.

Defeat a Kage-level on the battlefield, easy.

It is almost impossible to subdue a Kage-level in will!

Want the two to reveal Cloud Shinobi information by Wooden Golem?

If possible, Third Hokage would have ordered the song!

Unless you kill the two Wooden Golems, and then use her corpse to check her memory with ninjutsu similar to the Yamanaka family, otherwise it is impossible to get information!

However, if you kill the two Wooden Golems, you will first face the consequences of not being able to trade with Cloud Shinobi. At the same time, the two tails will be completely unblocked and start to go berserk......

Konoha doesn't want this result!

"It's okay, I'm the one who asked you for something this time." Lin Yi said.

"Huh?" The two were taken aback by Wooden Golem.

Lin Yi didn't give her time to think, and asked directly: "Do you have any experience in prevention, detection, and lurking?"

"Oh, combat experience also counts."

The two, led by Wooden Golem, frowned: "Are you underestimating a Kage-level master? Which Kage-level master doesn't even have this kind of basic experience?"

"Me." Lin Yi thought to himself: "So your experience is considered very strong?"

"I dare not say it is strong, but as a Jinchūriki, this kind of thing must be learned, and must be learned well." Wooden Golem said calmly.

In order to prevent being raided by the enemy and captured by the enemy, this kind of experience must be mastered!

In fact, even Kushina, who is specially adapted to the Mu Ye An arrangement, has learned this knowledge for a long time.

She looked at Lin Yi strangely, this kind of basic information, still need to ask?

When Lin Yi heard this, the corner of her mouth twitched: "That's good, then I didn't find the wrong person."

"Huh?" The two were taken aback by Wooden Golem, and the next second, she met Lin Yi's eyes.

Phantasm · Tsukuyomi!

Found by Wooden Golem, he suddenly appeared in an empty place.

The room is very noble, a bit like the castle tower of the daimyo, but when you look closely, the style is completely different...

Let's call it the castle tower for now!

"Illusion?" Wooden Golem frowned, trying to mobilize the power of Erwei in his body to help her break through the illusion, but failed.

"Strange, my Chakra is sealed, but I can still mobilize the Chakra in my body. Is it about the normal Chūnin level..."

Her Chakra is firmly sealed by Lin Yi's Wood Style and Konoha's binding belt!

But now in this illusion, there is a Chakra that can be mobilized.

As a Kage-level master, Wooden Golem immediately thought of something - maybe this Chakra can be used!

She never gave up escaping!

How firm Kage-level's will is, even if she is captured by Lin Yi, even if Lin Yi shows her strength, it is almost impossible for her to find a glimmer of hope to escape.

But at 240, she never gave up even for a second!

But in the next second, the gate of the castle tower was suddenly broken through, and several masked ninjas rushed over.

"Huh?" Wooden Golem frowned, not understanding why this illusion appeared.

While retreating, she responded to the enemy's attack.

The Chakra in her body is very difficult to use. She thought about knuckles and ninjutsu, but Chakra didn't respond at all.

On the contrary, it is used on the body, strengthening strength, and walking on trees. There is no limit at all.

At the same time, the height, strength, speed, etc. of this body are much weaker than his original ability.

"What the hell is going on here?" Wooden Golem frowned tightly.

"However, if this continues, I will lose..."

Even a kage-level master can grasp the battle situation very quickly, but it is impossible to defeat these enemies when the enemies are pouring out continuously and he cannot use ninjutsu.

But in the next second, her face changed slightly.

Then—stretched out a hand.

"Stalker Snake Hand?"

However, after using it tentatively, Wooden Golem saw that four pythons really shot out from his cuffs, biting towards the enemy.

But this is clearly Orochimaru's ninjutsu!

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