Hokage: I Have Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 128 From Today On I Am The Fourth Hokage Of Konoha Village! (The Fourth Update Asks For Subs

Chapter 128 From today on, I am the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village!

In fact, Orochimaru's defection, the biggest blow is not the disciple Lin Yi, but the teacher Third Hokage!

Although countless ninjas won't say it clearly, how many secretly say that 'Third Generation didn't teach students well'...

Fortunately, Third Hokage is Hokage, and it is impossible for Hokage to betray his own village unless he is controlled like Mizukage.

Otherwise, maybe all kinds of words will be spoken.

Of course, the one in front of Third Hokage is the one who instructed others to say such things!

But no matter what, no one can deny the merits of Third Hokage!

World War I, World War II, World War III...  

In the three ninja world wars, he personally led Konoha and defeated the enemy!

Even if Second Hokage died suddenly in the first Ninja World War, he could still lead Konoha and achieve good results... 04

Such a person, even if Orochimaru casts a shadow over him, his prestige is still there.

The Hokage family still obeys the words of this Hokage very much.

In the previous Hokage selections, whether it was Danzo, Orochimaru, or Minato, no one had the support of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's not because he doesn't have any preference, but because once he is off the field, it's too buggy!

It's almost equivalent to confirming the candidate!

but now……

"Why! Sarutobi, why do you support Minato?!" Danzo angrily patted the table in front of Sarutobi.

"Do you really want me to say it?" Sarutobi suddenly raised his head, a sharp glint flashed in his eyes.

"Danzo, what did you do, don't tell me you don't know!"

Third Hokage finally showed some anger.

Yes, Orochimaru had defected, and was indeed studying the corpses of the ninjas at the same time.

But without you seducing him, how could he defect so easily?

Among other things, in Orochimaru's laboratory, there are cells from First Generation...

Orochimaru hadn't graduated from ninja school when First Generation died!

A person who is not even a ninja can obtain First Generation cells that died in that period?

Do you think my Third Hokage is blind?

Embarrassment flashed on Danzo's face, fortunately he was never a thin-skinned person, so he directly chose to ignore it, and said in a showdown: "Sarutobi, are you sure you want Minato to fight with me?

"It's not for Minato to fight, but he wanted to fight with you." Third Hokage said calmly.

"You can't compete with him, why are you this Hokage?"

Danzo snorted coldly when he heard this, and slammed the door and left.

What about the Sarutobi pull-out frame?

He's not made of mud either!

In the next period of time, Konoha's political situation was turbulent and volatile.

Danzo and Minato showed up again and again, and kept wooing the Jōnins who have voting rights.

But Lin Yi didn't care about Minato anymore.

Although he has a gentle temper, if he can't even solve this kind of thing, then there is no value as a Hokage!

Hokage, not only a strong man, but also a politician!

Politicians must have their own wrists!


He couldn't sit still in his seat!

Of course, just as he doesn't care whether Minato has political skills, he doesn't care what agreement his sister and Minato have reached.

Before Minato came to the Senju clan, although he was looking for Lin Yi, the head of the Senju clan was Tsunade!

She agreed, so there was a political marriage.

Other issues are just exchange of interests.

And Lin Yi actually only said one word to Minato besides bringing Minato to Tsunade.

"Don't you regret it?"

For political marriage, even Lin Yi knows that Minato, as a man, will never be ashamed of the collateral woman in his hand, and since Tsunade chooses marriage, he will definitely choose a qualified wife.


Do you not regret it?

Minato was silent for a while, "then said firmly: "No regrets!"

"For Konoha, I have no regrets!"

He firmly believes that leading Konoha himself can make Konoha stronger.

He firmly believes that becoming Hokage himself can make the residents of Konoha more peaceful.

He firmly believes that he has the belief to give up his life for the people of Konoha, and no one is more suitable to be this Hokage than him!

So, he has no regrets!

Not at all, no regrets!

Lin Yi didn't say anything after that, but he knew that Tsunade looked at Minato with some appreciation in his eyes.

Because the First Hokage back then was like this...

First Hokage and his wife, Uzumaki Mito are also married in the same way.

The two respect each other as guests, and the husband and wife are harmonious, but when it comes to their feelings...

How many there are, neither of them know.

But Konoha needs it! Senju needs it! So even if it is the strongest man in the world like First Generation, even if he has enough confidence to refuse, he still chooses to accept it willingly in the end.

As long as it is beneficial to the village, whether it is a political marriage or killing his only friend, he will not hesitate at all!

Minato and First Hokage..637....



In the next Hokage selection, Namikaze Minato was finally selected as the Fourth Hokage!

He was born as a commoner, with a gentle temper, and he has a commoner ninja as his foundation.

Married with Senju, all the ninjas implicated by Orochimaru began to support Minato.

With the approval of Third Hokage, the Hokage family fully supports it, and it has been regarded as the fourth Hokage!

So in the end, even though Danzo used a lot of moves, he still won the fourth Hokage position with an absolute advantage!


Above the Hokage building!

Thousands of people gathered below, all watching, a sea of ​​people, all looking at the man on the Hokage building.

Namikaze Minato was wearing a brand-new imperial robe and a Hokage hat, with the big character "four" written on the back of the clothes, as if fluttering in the wind.

He stood in front excitedly, exhaled and inhaled deeply, but couldn't say anything for a while.

Then—he took a sudden step, stood where everyone was watching, and used his loudest voice, which would never be louder than now...

Shout out!

"From today, I am Konoha Village, Fourth Hokage!"

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