Hokage: I Have Unlimited Skill Points

Chapter 222: Snatch The Gold Ship! (Second Update Please Subscribe)

Chapter 222: Seize the gold ship! (Second update please subscribe)

The other customers in the room were all laughing.

They suddenly felt that this arrogant guy might be out of his mind to say such mindless things.

Carina and Baccarat also blushed.

They felt very regretful, wondering why they had so much faith just now.

But just when everyone was laughing, a black and purple cold light suddenly flashed through.

At the same time, a stream of blood burst out.

Tezzoro, who was smiling the most happily, suddenly felt pain in his right arm.

When he turned around, he found that his arm had been chopped off!

It happened so suddenly.

Many customers are still laughing loudly.

But when they saw one of Tezzoro's arms cut off, their expressions suddenly froze.

Some people even have smiles on their faces.

The whole room fell silent.

Lin Yi waved the blood beads on the blade and said expressionlessly: "Can you believe it now06?"


Tezzoro, who had his arm cut off, suddenly became furious.

He was like a crazy lion, roaring throughout the world.

People around were shocked and wanted to run away.

But in such a confined space, there was no chance for them to escape.

Everyone could only watch helplessly as Tezoro got angry.

All of them are old customers on this golden ship, and of course they know that once Tezzoro loses his temper, he will not be recognized by his relatives.

In order to prevent themselves from being accidentally injured in this place, everyone is desperately trying to run into the wall and escape.

Baccarat and Carina covered their mouths, their eyes full of shock.

They never dreamed that the guy in front of them could chop off one of Tezzoro's arms so easily.

Perona slowly stepped away from Lin Yi and began to release her negative ghosts.

And those people running around were all affected by Perona's negative ghost, and they all knelt on the ground in agony.

The room that was noisy just now finally quieted down.

"It's really boring to kill you so simply. Why don't I give you a chance and let you fight me openly."

Lin Yi looked at Tezoro, whose expression was twisted in pain, jokingly, and continued.

"I am going to kill you!"

Tezoro was now extremely furious, and his whole body began to be filled with golden light.

He directly used the fruit to awaken.

Everything in the entire room instantly turned to gold.

All this gold wrapped around Tezzoro's body.

At the same time, Tezoro's figure grew rapidly, and in an instant he became a huge man that could not be accommodated in a room.


The huge room collapsed directly because of Tezoro's golden man.

"Come on, I'll take you out."

Lin Yi casually cut open a huge stone that fell from the sky, and slowly said to the three girls around him.

The next moment, several of them had arrived at a place far away from the casino.

And in this place, you can still see Tezoro roaring crazily and destroying everywhere.

Everyone on this golden ship was fleeing in all directions. They had never seen Tezoro in a form like this.

"It seems like this guy has given up on himself."

Lin Yi smiled slowly and slowly began to walk towards Tezzoro.

"Captain, be careful."

At this time, Perona couldn't help but said worriedly.

This is the first time that she cares about Lin Yi so much.

The two girls, Baccarat and Carina, still had extreme shock in their eyes.

They have not yet reacted to the great changes just now.

Lin Yi turned back, smiled and nodded [and then disappeared from the spot instantly.

At this time, Tezzoro was frantically looking for traces of Lin Yi.

"Asshole, get out of here."

The huge fist began to crazily destroy all the buildings on the entire golden ship.

At this moment, Tezoro suddenly felt a powerful aura behind him.

He suddenly turned around and found Lin Yi, rushing towards him.

At this time, Tezzoro's eyes were blood red.

He couldn't bear it anymore.

The guy in front of me actually chopped off his arm in front of so many people.

This is not just a matter of an arm, but it has completely destroyed Tezoro's self-esteem.

Over the years, Tezzoro has been committed to regaining his former dignity.

He never wanted to be another slave.

But Lin Yi in front of him shattered all of this.

This is absolutely impossible for Tezzoro to endure.

Tezzoro, who was extremely angry, clenched his fist and punched Lin Yi hard.

Lin Yi just smiled lightly and stabbed him casually.

Black and purple sword energy stretched across the sky, slowly rushing towards Tezzoro on the entire golden field.

The huge Haki fell from the sky. After feeling the incomparable pressure of the Haki, all the customers on the golden ship were slowly unable to lift their heads.

Some of them even felt dizzy and could not look directly at Lin Yi in front of them.

In the midst of this panic, Nami and Robin discovered the figure in the sky, who turned out to be their captain Lin Yi.

"What's going on? Why is the captain in that place?"

Nami couldn't help but exclaimed after seeing Lin Yi's figure.

"I don't know either. Let's 027 return to Pluton first. This place is too dangerous."

Robin used his fruit power to disperse the crowd around him, then pulled Nami and quickly left the golden ship.

She knew Lin Yi's strength, and it would be easy to kill that monster.

Nami didn't want to leave at first, but when she saw that everyone around her was running away like crazy, she didn't know what kind of risks she would encounter if she didn't leave.

She could only glance at Lin Yi reluctantly, and then rushed out of the place with Robin.

During their escape, they met the clown Buggy and others again, and everyone began to rush towards Pluton crazily.

On the other side, Lin Yi's sword energy and Tezoro's fist finally collided fiercely.

Tezoro, who has awakened the fruit's ability, now wields his fist with much more power than before.

He believed that his power must be much stronger than this hateful guy in front of him.

But the next second, something unexpected happened to Tezzoro.

His fist was actually split into two by the black and purple sword energy in front of him.

It was as easy as cutting a piece of paper.

"Impossible, how is this possible?"

Tezoro yelled crazily, but the black-purple sword energy had already arrived in front of him. .

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