Konoha Village, izakaya.

Li originally wanted to take Shiyuan to report the mission to the three generations of Hokage, but thinking that during this period, a lot of Konoha secrets were involved, so for the time being, it was better not to let Ziyuan be a leader of another country, knowing too much.

Moreover, Ziyuan now has this delusional and stalker beside him, so don’t let his cheap daddy know. Otherwise, it will be inevitable to suffer from the lecture of the old man who himself has bad conduct.

What’s more, the current Li Yuan, for various reasons, has not yet developed to that point with Ziyuan, and he has been beaten one by one, which is inevitably a little too wronged.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan decided to bring Ziyuan to the izakaya first, and then settle her here for the time being, saying that he wanted her to solve breakfast here first.

And the reason why he didn’t take Ziyuan to Yile Noodle Restaurant, which is more suitable for breakfast, is because Li Yuan doesn’t know at this time, although the time is quite early, but the devil knows if he will meet any acquaintances in that famous noodle restaurant.

In addition, the mouth of Uncle Ichiraku and his daughter is not a solid lord.

“Lord Li Yuan is so intimate, he actually knows that people are hungry…”

One mind followed Li Yuan’s Ziyuan, and at this time, she had all lost her former princess Gao Leng and turned into a petite girl who was guilty of flower idiots. Seeing that Li Yuan brought her to the izakaya with a heart, he thought that the other party was caring about her, or wanted to get her drunk, and then…

“Don’t think too much, it’s that Konoha has too few places to eat, it’s just right to put you here, you can order something casually, and then wait for me and the third generation of Hokage Old Man to report to the work, I will come to place you.”

When Li Yuan heard Ziyuan’s increasingly warm tone, he knew that the other party’s brain hole was too big, and quickly interrupted and said:

“Don’t worry, since you are bent on following me, then I will also make it clear with the three generations of Hokage of Konoha, your affairs, and strive to arrange a proper identity for you.”

Hearing Li Yuan’s words, Ziyuan didn’t know what to think, his face turned red all of a sudden, and then buried his head and asked shyly:

“Lord Li Yuan, I heard from Ashiho that Lord Lee Yuan’s father is the third generation of Hokage Ape Hibiki-sama of Konoha?”

“Well, yes.” Although he didn’t want to admit it, Li Yuan didn’t have anything to hide about this identity.

“Oh, that’s true… What Lord Li Yuan said just now meant, do you want to introduce Ziyuan to your father? So, what identity will Lord Li Yuan give me? ”


Li Yuan’s head was big for a while, and he didn’t expect his words, and he was misinterpreted by this little nizi, and he couldn’t help but feel speechless. However, it is not that Li Yuan has no feelings for Ziyuan at all, but this is not the time to think about this matter.

“Hey! Li Yuan! Finally back! ”

At this moment, a person’s voice came out, which was regarded as solving Li Yuan’s encirclement.

Li Yuan looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was actually his half-brother, Sarutobi Asma, who was holding his girlfriend Xi Rihong at this time, and had just come out of the izakaya .

Li Yuan knew that Konoha’s izakaya had always had a private rest room on the second floor for overnight guests or foreign guests.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yuan looked at the red looks on the faces of the two, and knew that the two must have been inside all night, so at this point, they just came out of the house wine exhibition.

However, Ape Flying Asma and Sunset Red are the earliest officially announced unmarried couples in the Hokage World, and they are only two quasi-couples who are just a foot away from getting a wine license.

Who knows how many sleepless nights these two have spent before this, in this family tavern or somewhere else.

Therefore, Li Yuan wanted to envy, but he couldn’t envy.

Ziyuan on the side also saw the sweetness of the two people, hugged Li Yuan’s arm, and asked:

“Li Yuan, who are they, quickly introduce me.”

“Well, this is my half-brother, Ape Flying Asma.” Although Li Yuan is the illegitimate son of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, there is not much mustard for his two half-brothers.

After all, his identity as an illegitimate son had long been an open secret in Konoha Village.

Hearing Li Yuan’s introduction, Ziyuan hurriedly rushed at Ape Fei Asma and shouted affectionately: “Hello brother!” ”

Then, before Li Yuan finished introducing Sunset Red, Ziyuan shouted at the other party again, “Good sister-in-law!” I’m Aster and I’m from the Land of Ghosts, and it’s really nice to meet both of you. ”

As if it was the first time to meet her parents, Ziyuan was particularly enthusiastic to introduce herself to the two.

Originally, there were some sunset reds because Li Yuan broke through this shame, and he hid behind Asma with an embarrassed look, and at this time, he heard Ziyuan full of enthusiastic greetings.

He also poked his head out and carefully looked at this enthusiastic little girl.

Then, looking at Li Yuan, he said playfully:

“Li Yuan, you kid is good, a trip to the country of ghosts, and you will turn back such a beautiful female doll. No wonder they came back a day later! ”

Hearing Sunset Hong’s joke, Li Yuan shot back not to be outdone:

“However, sister-in-law, don’t worry, I can’t catch up with my brother no matter how fast I am.”

Then he turned to Asma, who was a little wooden, and said:

“Asma, I’ll report to Hokage first, and we’ll talk later.”

“Hmph! The people of your ape flying family are really all a virtue! ”

After being teased by Li Yuan, Sunset Hong snorted at Ape Fei Asma, and then turned his head and walked away.

“Don’t worry, Hong, no matter what we say, we have to be ahead of Li Yuan’s kid. I don’t want my future children to call that kid’s son and daughter brother…”

Seeing Sunset Red turn around and leave, Ape Flying Asma hurriedly chased after him.

“Bah! Who said they were going to bear you children! If you don’t rest, I will rest! ”

After speaking, Sunset Hong made a seal on both hands, turning into a cloud of smoke and disappearing.

On the other side, Li Zhi took the aster to the inside of Konoha, and just now he met Asma and the two, and he was embarrassed to stuff the astegaya again.

I had to take her to find another place.

At this moment, Ziyuan dragged Li Yuan’s emotionless hand, begged him delicately, and said:

“Lord Li Yuan, I’m hungry… Everyone has been gone for a day and a night, let’s eat something first! ”

“Well, what do you want to eat?” Li Yuan also knew that he had a nine-tailed and one-tailed chakra, and his endurance was beyond ordinary people, so although he was not too hungry at this time, Ziyuan was definitely hungry.

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