Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter Ten Overwhelmed!

chapter Ten


Since Tianming used the Conqueror's Haki for the first time, Tianming failed to grasp the control strength for a while, shaking the passers-by on the street, which was a disaster for Chiyu.

However, he quickly regained his outward aura.

The people present only felt that the terrible pressure was swept away, as if it had never appeared before.

Fugaku narrowed his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself: "Is it an illusion? It doesn't seem to be the case. It can be done with just aura. Could it be some kind of ninjutsu?"

The people in the police force recovered their stiff bodies, but they staggered and almost fell to the ground. Looking at the strange eyes of everyone, they felt ashamed and angry!

"You! What did you kid do?"

Ignoring the roar of the police force, Tianming asked Liangzi what happened just now.

Liangzi was frightened into chaos by the police force, unknowingly, she could only rely on Tianming as a family member to tell the truth.

"Public security management fee?"

Tianming frowned slightly, and instantly understood the meaning of this, and immediately stared coldly at the person in the police force in front of him.

"We won't pay!"

Don't argue, don't distinguish the truth, just say a word Haki refuses!

"What did you say?!"

People in the police force stared wide-eyed. Isn't this different from the script they expected?

In his view, if the other party resists paying, he will definitely reason with them on the topic of security management fees.

In this regard, they are ready to be full of "family justice" and occupy the moral high ground.

Who knew that Tianming didn't play cards according to the routine, and just didn't talk to each other, and didn't even intend to argue with them!

"The collection of public security management fees is a regulation specified by the police force. All shops on the entire street must abide by it. Why don't you pay it?"


Tianming gave the latter a strange look, "Didn't you all experience it yourself just now?"


It is the only rule in the ninja world!


People in the police force were once again overwhelmed and speechless.

Tianming waved his hands impatiently, "Back off."

"Uchiha Tianming!"

A member of the police force yelled angrily, "Don't be so arrogant!"

While speaking, three of the five opened Sharingan, two of them were Shuanggouyu, and the leader was Sangouyu.

However, facing the other party's oppressive eyes, Tianming still kept calm, and just said softly: "It seems that it is necessary to educate you."

"This is our line!"

The people in the police force were even more furious, and there was no need to say anything, they rolled up their sleeves and prepared to fight!

Then, there is no more.





Two of the five people passed out, and two of them touched the ground with one knee. Only the leader with the Three Tomoe Sharingan, his knees were slightly bent but still maintained a standing posture.

To suppress the opponent, Tianming didn't even move a finger.

Released Conqueror's Haki, and concentrated his aura on the five people in front of him, his eyes fell on the standing leader indifferently, "Oh? He can still stand, it seems that he is not an unknown person."

"Laozi is Uchiha Yichen...the captain of the second branch of the police force! He is not an unknown person..."

The team leader gritted his teeth and said.

"Uchiha...Yichen? I haven't heard of it, it's a trick."

Tianming shook his head.

"Sub...Squad leader, let's do it, we can't let a brat bully our police force at will!"

The four people who were crushed to the ground expressed their incompetence and rage, and could only encourage their boss to make a move.

"Hmph! You trash..."

Having said that, Yichen was also under an extremely powerful pressure at this time, and he was a little out of breath, but it didn't affect his body's movements.


Yichen ruthlessly pulled out the ninja knife from his waist, Sharingan stared at Tianming closely, and said coldly: "Let me make sure one last time, you really want to choose to fight against our police force?"

"It's you who are going against me."

Tianming said flatly, "I don't pick trouble, but I'm not afraid of it either."

Can't you just give in?

Yichen roared in his heart, he would die if he lowered his head, fellow who doesn't know how to praise, do you know that doing so will make our police force down!

However, as the captain of the police force, he was already on the verge of riding a tiger, so he could only bite the bullet and make a move.

Tianming silently focused Chakra on his eyes, he had already made all plans.


PS: Ten updates are complete! Ask for flowers and collect~

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