Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 104 Unforgivable!

Chapter 104

You have committed an unpardonable felony!

Ice Sculpture that Incarnates Death!

Faced with this sudden change, the rest of the Cloud Shinobi ninjas couldn't help being horrified, and stopped their offensive against Konoha one after another.

This gave the Konoha troops, who were already overwhelmed, finally a chance to relax.


Obito was surrounded by enemies and was slashed several times. He was about to sit and die, but for some reason, he found that Cloud Shinobi was trembling as if he had seen a ghost.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Asuma was beaten so badly that the flying swallow in his hand fell off, and his body was covered with tattered scars. He was about to be knocked to the ground by the hammer, but the enemy suddenly stopped attacking.


Guy broke out of the dungeon with difficulty, but at this time he had been released from the Eight Inner Gates, his whole body was weak and weak, and now he only needs a random Cloud Shinobi to knock him down, which is surprising. There was no Cloud Shinobi waiting for him outside.

"What's going on? Where's the enemy..."

Just when everyone was in a state of confusion, snowflakes fell from the sky.

The cold winter in June is really weird!

Seeing this, Hong and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly: "Although I knew you would appear, this time is too late, right?"

"Sorry~ I'm late."

I saw Tianming's figure walking slowly from not far away.

Every step under the feet will make the surrounding ground freeze into frost.

This made the surrounding Cloud Shinobi and others afraid to avoid it!

"Hong, Shizune, Lin, are you all right?"

Tianming looked at the three of them with concern, and saw that they all had injuries ranging from large to small, but fortunately, none of them suffered serious injuries.

"It's okay~ You don't have to worry, Tianming."

Lin used the remaining Chakra to treat Hong and Shizune respectively.

"It `s my mistake."

A trace of guilt flashed in Tianming's eyes, "I was obsessed with fighting Raikage and the others, but left you on the dangerous battlefield."

"No, no, no! Don't say that, we can't handle half of the enemies, it can only prove that we are too weak......

With a red face, she said unwillingly.

This is also hating yourself for not fighting!

"Yes! Mr. Tianming, you have already prepared enough for us, so how can you blame you? And at the last moment, didn't you also show up? I have always believed in you~"

Shizune raised his fist, and then asked to change the subject, "By the way, Mr. Tianming. You suddenly came back from the front line. Is there really no problem with the battlefield over there?"

Tianming's eyes moved slightly, and then he smiled lightly.

"Ah~ it's not something important."

In order to come back in time, Tianming resolutely gave up the great opportunity of killing Eight Tails and killing Raikage and his son!

so what?

Tianming also had no reason to kill them.

Moreover, compared to the lives of Raikage and others, in his mind, they are still more important.

As for what Orochimaru yelled, as long as he could kill Raikage and others, he would not hesitate to sacrifice the entire Konoha Shinobi in the rear camp.

This is bullshit!

Tianming almost sent him flying with a slap, which is already a great deal of face.

"It's nothing important..."

Lin stuck out her little tongue. She didn't know how to complain.

"Don't worry about the details."

Tianming smiled slightly, and waved his hands casually, "Okay, you guys have a good rest now, I'll take care of this..."

After finishing speaking, Tianming turned his head and glanced at the group of Cloud Shinobi in front of him, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"You have committed an unforgivable crime."


Everyone in Cloud Shinobi looked confused, but they didn't wait for them to ask questions.

(bdde) Tianming made a move without explaining.

Using Conqueror's Haki, they could be easily stunned, but now Tianming wants to kill them completely!

"The Shape of Ice‧Silver World!"

Ice and snow!

I saw that the surrounding land was instantly covered with silver clothing, together with hundreds of Cloud Shinobi ninjas, they were frozen before they could react!

Seeing hundreds of companions being instantly killed, the remaining Cloud Shinobi who survived could not help but be terrified.

But for such a result, Tianming expressed dissatisfaction.

He glanced at the gradually fading black lines on his body, "Is the method of destroying demons of ice already overused?"

It doesn't matter, the big move CD, I have others!

By the way, the magic of exterminating demons has side effects, and long-term use will continuously erode his body.

But all the side effects are reduced to zero in front of Avalon in the body!

This is why Tianming can use Mangekyō Sharingan at will without causing blindness.

"The devil! This guy is a devil! Run away!"

The militant Cloud Shinobi had already been decimated by Tianming at this time, and he had no intention of resisting at all.

They all threw away their helmets and armor and turned around and ran away!

Tianming turned his eyes red and opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.



The target that the pupil focused on was ignited by the black flame.


Cloud Shinobi, who was ignited by the black flame, let out a tragic cry.

Some people subconsciously rushed over to try to extinguish the black flames on their companions, but as a result, the firefighters were also set on fire.

"Don't get close! That's no ordinary flame!"

"Water Style! Yes, because the family is quick to use Water Style!"

Water Style can effectively restrain Fire Style, which is common sense in ninjutsu.

But at this time, pouring water on the black flame, instead of extinguishing it, it made the flame burn even more!

In the end, they could only watch more companions being burned to ashes by the black flames!

Fear made them forget their former companionship.

"help me!"

"Let go! Get out!"

A Cloud Shinobi whose thigh was set on fire by the black flame reached out and grabbed his running companion.

But the other party was afraid of being affected by the black flame, and kicked and beat his companion frantically, but the other party clung to his leg tightly and wouldn't let go.

"Brother, don't leave me behind!"


Swinging the knife mercilessly. .

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