Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 163: Miss Sister Who Understands People's Hearts

Chapter 163

understanding lady

"Sorry~ Chakra, the target of the spell, is too strong. It is difficult for my illusion to affect her."

The red hands maintained the posture of knotting, and a trace of cold sweat oozes from the forehead, and said in a deep voice: "And I can't hold on for too long, Jing~sound!"

"I see!"

Shizune stood up quickly, enduring the pain in his hands, holding several kunai with the ten fingers of both hands, and throwing them according to different strengths and positions.

"Ding Ding~"

Kunai changed orbit through collision in mid-air, and shot towards Tsunade from different angles!

"Puff puff puff ~"

Kunai all hit Tsunade.

"Huh? Will this..."

Red exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I paid attention to the angle, and I didn't hit a vital point. An injury of this degree can be healed in an instant with Teacher Tsunade's medical ninjutsu."

Shizune said seriously.

"Hehe~ I said you guys, are you underestimating me a bit?"

Tsunade, who was hit by Kunai, turned into a wooden stake.

"What? Double Technique? When...."

Shizune exclaimed.

"Impossible! You obviously fell into my illusion, and you can't move. How did you seal it?"

Hong also expressed surprise.

"Time-limited techniques, pre-set ninjutsu, will be activated automatically when certain conditions are met..."

I saw the figure of Tsunade coming out from the other end.

"That's how it is. I have prepared a substitute Technique on my body in advance. As long as I fall into the illusion, it will be activated, and there is no need to seal it..."

Shizune said with a dazed expression.

"Cut~ Have you been placed together?"

Red gritted her teeth.

"Hong, you prepared the illusion from the very beginning, how could I be unprepared? However, it is somewhat commendable, for being able to let me fall into the illusion..."

Tsunade was unabashed in his praise.

"Then, the real battle begins now!"

As soon as the words fell, Tsunade's figure disappeared in a puff of white smoke.

"What?! Shadow Clone...."

"On top!"

Shizune exclaimed.

I saw the figure of Tsunade, descending from the sky, chopping down heavily with one foot!

"Heaven guards the feet!"

"Boom, boom, boom, boom~"

Like a meteor impact, a huge crater was smashed on the ground!



The second daughter dodges in panic.

"This blow...... Shizune, can you do it with your strange power?"

"Don't force others to be difficult...... My strength is too different from Tsunade-sensei!"

Before they could catch their breath, Tsunade jumped up from the pit, and at the same time stretched out his hands to face the broken stones splashed into the air, the broken stones shot out like bullets between his fingers!


The two couldn't dodge in time, they both received several rounds and were beaten repeatedly.

"Healing Jutsu!"

I saw Shizune's hands glowing with soft green light, one hand pressed on his body, and the other hand passed Chakra to Hong's body, and the wounds on both of them healed quickly.

"Oh? Healing Jutsu, advanced medical ninjutsu, not only heals itself, but also heals companions from a distance. It seems that your talent in this area should not be underestimated."

Tsunade's eyes lit up, and at this moment, she really had a heart of love for talent.

"Red, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, but you, Shizune, be careful not to use up all the Chakra!"

The two care for each other and support each other.

Tsunade looked at it and nodded secretly, with a good heart.


Tsunade clapped his palms, and said lightly: "Okay, the trial will end here. I will keep my promise, starting today, Shizune, Yuhihong, you are my brother of Tsunade


On the surface, she used the excuse of keeping the promise, but in fact, she really developed a love for talents, so she accepted the two as disciples.

Seeing this, Tianming also nodded in satisfaction.

After all, such a thing as accepting an apprentice still requires the sincerity of the other party, otherwise even if Tianming uses force to make him submit, the other party may not be able to teach him with real materials.


“This is so good!”

Hong and Shizune are overjoyed. With the guidance of Tsunade, who is recognized as the number one female ninja in the ninja world, their future achievements will be immeasurable!

"However, don't be too happy! My education is very strict. Besides, with my ability, you can't learn it without three to five years of hard work.

...ask for flowers...

Tsunade said with a serious face, and when he finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Tianming who was aside.

"That's it..."

The second daughter hesitated immediately, and also turned her gaze to Tianming, as if asking for the latter's opinion.

"Young eagles, after all, still have to spread their wings and fly high alone, don't they?"

Tianming said with a gentle expression, "Go, I'm looking forward to the day when you guys really grow up..."

In addition to strength, the body is too~

Tianming added in his heart.


"Mr. Tianming!"

Both Hong and Shizune are thoughtful people, and they immediately understood the meaning between the lines in each other's words.



Starting today, they will completely leave Tianming's shelter and walk alone on this thorny ninja road.

Tsunade's face was a little weird, and at the same time he expressed displeasure and said: "Hey! You two, can't you protect you if you become a teacher?"

"Um, it's not like this, Mr. Tsunade.

“Ms. Tsunade is awesome!”

The second daughter hurriedly expressed flattery and authenticity.

"Is it better than Uchiha Tianming?"

Tsunade made a serious face on purpose.


The eyes of the two drifted away in an instant.

"Hey! You two little girls don't know how to coax the teacher!"

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, pretending to be angry.

You old Aunt, are you kidding me?

I don't know how cute it is!

Tianming couldn't help complaining in his heart.

However, when his gaze involuntarily fell on the heart of the other party who was constantly fluctuating, he was immediately in awe.

Well, I put away the previous words.

This is a lady who understands the heart!

However, it seemed that he had noticed that too blatant gaze.

"Oh huh~"

I saw Tsunade with his hands on his hips, standing upright, with a teasing smile on his face, and staring at Tianming with beautiful eyes, "What kind of evil is not evil, after all, he is just an ordinary man?"

PS: Emperor Technique, how to unite people's hearts?.

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