Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 176 Lin, Is This Your Little Boyfriend?

Chapter 176

Lin, is this your little boyfriend?

"Kushina.....Sister, your Chakra is not stable, please try not to use Chakra during this time."

Lynn expressed concern.

The opponent is Jinchūriki, who is important to Konoha, and the vicious Nine Tails is sealed in his body.

I also know whether it is because of pregnancy, the strength of the sealing technique has decreased, and whether Chakra of Nine Tails will leak a little bit.

Kushina also knew what was going on with her, but with a carefree personality, she also expressed that she didn't care, and said with a light smile: "Haha~ Don't worry, my sister's body is very strong!"

"Kushina, if you need anything, remember to discuss it with me."

Uchiha Mikoto took her hand.

"Yes, there is Mikoto's Sharingan, even if Nine Tails is mischievous, he can still stare at it!"

Kushina spoke nonsense in a serious tone.

In response, Uchiha Mikoto could only shake his head with a wry smile.

He secretly said in his heart: Sharingan can indeed suppress Nine Tails, but if he has more powerful pupil power, he can control Nine Tails. The Uchiha Madara in history has done this kind of thing.

This is also one of the important reasons why Konoha's senior management is highly vigilant against Uchiha.

If she uses Sharingan to assist Kushina to suppress Nine Tails, it will definitely be interpreted by Konoha high-level officials as an experiment by the Uchiha clan to control Nine Tails!

This leads to incalculable contradictions...  

You must know that Fourth Hokage is now willing to cooperate with the Uchiha family. This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the latter. At this sensitive time, there must be no accidents!

"Bang bang~"

There was a light knock on the door.

"Please come in..."

Lin thought it was her medical staff, but when she looked up and saw the person who came, she couldn't help but be taken aback.


The surprise in her eyes turned into surprise, and Lin beamed with joy.

"No reason, because you are here~"

Tianming smiled slightly, "Long time no see, Lin~ How are you doing?"

In the room, both Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto locked their eyes on the visitor.

Uchiha Tianming..……

This is no ordinary name!

"Well~ it's okay, I like the work of the medical army quite a bit. y

Lynn had a sincere and sweet smile on her face.

"That's good."

Tianming nodded.

Compared with fighting ninjas on the battlefield, Lin yearns for an ordinary and peaceful life.

Regarding this, Tianming also respected her choice.

Although their lifestyles are different, it does not affect the relationship between the two.

The two eyes looked at each other quietly, and both sides could read each other's eyes.

Looking at each other and smiling, everything is in silence.

Kushina and Uchiha Mikoto on the side were amazed.

Because in their view, these two people are people from two different worlds.

Tianming is a big shot in the ninja world, Lin is just an ordinary female ninja.

From the perspective of identity, it can be said that there is a huge gap between heaven and earth!

"Oh, I got it! It's because of love......"

Kushina's eyes suddenly lit up, and she joked, "Xiao Lin~ Is this your little boyfriend?"

"Eh? This..."

Lin's face flushed slightly, she didn't know how to answer, she just secretly glanced at Tianming.


Tianming replied without thinking.

This calm tone seemed to be just talking about a matter of course.

Lin immediately lowered her head, her ears felt a little hot.

"That's right..."

Uchiha Mikoto's eyes flickered slightly, as if he was very surprised.

The matter about Tianming is also an enduring topic among the Uchiha clan, and the evaluation of the former is also mixed.

First of all, it is worthy of praise that Tianming, as an unprecedented excellent ninja of the Uchiha clan, has gone far beyond the scope of a genius, and is called a monster! From this point of view, Tianming has really earned a lot of prestige for the Uchiha clan.

But because he despised the elders in the clan and never obeyed Uchiha's orders, he also attracted a lot of criticism.

The family commented on him as rebellious, defiant, and arrogant!

However, it is such a person who now shows tender eyes towards an ordinary female ninja...

Nice man!

Uchiha Mikoto added a lot of goodwill in his heart.

A man who is successful at a young age, has cutting-edge strength, and is also a man of love and righteousness, this charm is simply irresistible to women!

No wonder Lin likes him so much.

However, if I were ten years younger, I'm afraid I would fall in love with him hopelessly, wouldn't I?

Okay~ this is just a joke!

".々Hello~ You are that Uchiha Tianming, right?"

Kushina knows the meaning of this name, but she has a straightforward personality, but she doesn't have too many scruples, and said bluntly: "Listen to Minato, you have caused him a lot of trouble!"

"Oh? Fourth Generation, is that what you said about me?"

Tianming smiled slightly and didn't care.

I saw Kushina's voice changed, and continued: "Well~ Although it has helped him solve a lot of troubles... Generally speaking, it's a mixed blessing! Young people should think more about things! "

Uchiha Mikoto on the side also nodded in agreement.

At home, Uchiha Fugaku also said similar things to her. (Hao Zhao)

"Oh. 1"

Tianming didn't make any distinctions either, he just dealt with it casually and dealt with it.

Then he turned his gaze to Lin, and said softly, "How is it? Have you finished today's work?"

"Yeah~ That's right. My task today is to check the health of these two ladies, and I have already completed it."

Lin tilted her head and said curiously: "What's the matter? Is Tianming here today to ask me for something?"

"Can't I come and see you?"

Tianming had a joking look on his face, and then changed his voice: "However, it's something important..."

Lin blinked her big eyes, pouted her small mouth at the same time, and muttered, "What the hell is that? It's so appetizing!"

"Then let's go on a date."

Tianming said seriously.

PS: After writing a few chapters of daily life, I am going to jump for a few years later. .

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