Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 184 Arriving In The Land Of Snow

Chapter 184

Arrived in the land of snow

"Wh... what? The Ice Fortress was destroyed, and the Spike Avalanche and the three hidden snow elites were all wiped out?"

The wind, flowers and raging waves were awakened late at night by the urgent report from his subordinates.

This explosive bad news doomed him to sleepless nights.

The combat power dispatched by Konoha was due to the anticipation of the wind and flowers and raging waves.

Because from a political point of view, there is no reason for Konoha to send a powerful ninja to assist Fenghua Xiaoxue.

This is not scientific!

Why didn't Konoha play his cards according to the routine?

However, Fenghuayutao didn't realize it at all.

There is a kind of people in this world who never act according to routines, and turn a blind eye to the unspoken rules in the ninja world...

Now facing an unimaginably powerful enemy, Feng Hua Nu Tao feels panic for the first time.

"Five Seven Three", but as the leader of a country who successfully usurped the throne, his psychological quality is also excellent, and he will not lose his position because of this.

After Fenghua Nutao calmed down, he called all Xueyin immediately, planning to discuss the next battle plan overnight.

"How? Whether it's war or peace, let's talk about it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhong Yin below immediately started talking.

"Konoha, this is really deceiving!"

"Not only blatantly broke into our border, but also killed our ninja at the slightest disagreement. This is a naked act of aggression!"

"Overbearing and shameless Konoha! While shouting the slogan of peace, but wantonly bullying the small country, we must not sit still!"

"Fuck him! Mother! Our Snow Country may be small, but with the power of the whole country, it is not impossible to fight!"

"Yes, Lord Futao! Please give the order, we Chongyin will fight to the end!"

Xueyin's crowd was in a turbulent mood, with a look of righteous indignation.

However, they have lived overseas for a long time, and the closed small country has blocked their news, and they don't know what kind of existence they are facing.

Seeing that his subordinates were full of fighting spirit, Feng Hua Nu Tao regained a little self-confidence for a while.

Although he didn't naively think that Xueyin's strength alone could resist the giant Konoha, but at least the Snow Kingdom had to put on an attitude that it would rather be broken than broken.

In this way, Sleepy Ye must also weigh the loss of the battle.

After all, the purpose of war is ultimately to negotiate.

And in his opinion, Fenghua Xiaoxue must have promised Konoha some benefits, so that Konoha was able to ask Konoha to send a strong person to help.

So according to this idea, as long as he spends more capital, Konoha will definitely turn his guns around and abandon Fenghua Xiaoxue, right?

In political games, there is never an eternal enemy, only eternal interests, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Fenghua Futao suddenly became confident, and said calmly:

"Everyone, be quiet first. First of all, I am here to be happy for the bravery of everyone, Xueyin. Even in the face of the powerful enemy Konoha, we dare to fight. However, for the sustainable development of the Snow Kingdom, we still try not to Against Konoha..."

Speaking of this, Fenghua Nutao changed his voice and continued to explain: "However, surrendering without a fight would make our Snow Country cowardly, and at the same time, it would be in a disadvantageous position for the next negotiations. So, if we don't fight directly, But at least we must put on an attitude that we don’t hesitate to fight with the other party! So as to force the other party to negotiate with us!"

"Oh oh oh! Gao Ming!"

"Good plan!"

"As expected of Mr. Furious Wave!"

Everyone in Xueyin flattered immediately.

In this way, under the leadership of Feng Hua Nu Tao, Xue Yin stepped up preparations for the battle with one heart and one mind.

Three days later.

The boat of Tianming and his party finally arrived at the island where the Land of Snow is located.

All I saw was a snow-covered island.

I don't know what the unique geographical environment of this island is. The temperature is extremely low, and it is only winter all year round.

But outside the islands, the temperature of the sea is normal.

The temperature difference between the two is so large that it can be called a natural wonder.

As the ship docks, the drop in temperature can be clearly felt.


The staff of the film production team sneezed.

"Isn't it too cold here?"

"Aha! Isn't this a good shooting location? Haha!"

The director was sneezing and filming around with the camera on his face.

"That's right, we were still in autumn... It was like stepping into another world..."

Lin made preparations in advance, wrapped a scarf around Fenghua Xiaoxue's neck, and sighed: "As recorded in the data, this snow country really only has winter!"

"Yes, in my memory, the Snow Country has always only had winter..."

Fenghua Xiaoxue looked nostalgicly at the hometown in front of her that she had been parting from for more than a year.

In the dream, she didn't know how many times she came here.

And now, the dream is about to come true!

"Let's go, this is the act. It's a boring scene~"

Tianming said with a deadpan expression.


As the ship approached land, heavy anchors were dropped.

Everyone set foot on the land of Snow Country one after another.

"No one, I thought they would be interrogated when they landed... Cut~ Can this scene only be added later?"

The director pinched the beard on his chin, and said with a displeased expression.

"Be careful, don't break the props!"

The staff also moved a series of shooting equipment and props off the ship.

This professional attitude makes it hard to complain.

In other words, Tianming and the others are here to help Fenghua Xiaoxue restore the country, these guys are so leisurely, is it really okay?

Well, in fact, there is really no problem...

If Tianming made a move, there would be no suspense.

Snow Country doesn't even have the slightest chance of 5.1.

Because this is not a battle, but a unilateral crush.

It is not difficult for Tianming to step down one person.


Suddenly there was the hum of a train in the distance.

From far to near, they are flying towards them!

"Are you coming? Wait, everyone please don't run around!"

Lin warned everyone loudly.

After a while, what caught everyone's eyes was an iron train, which was driving towards them at a fast speed!

Along the rails, at a distance of one kilometer away from them, the train hovered sideways.

All the train compartments were opened, revealing the cold light inside, densely packed Kunai launchers!.

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