Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 204 A Different Naruto Sasuke

Chapter 204

Different Naruto Sasuke

Konohagakure gate.

"Yoxi~ let's go!"

Namikaze Naruto danced happily, "This is the first time I have stepped out of the village! Dad is so annoying that he won't let me go out all day."

Uchiha Sasuke and Hyūga Hinata on the side also expressed empathy.

They all come from famous families, and all their actions have been strictly restricted since childhood.

"These brats..."

Uchiha Quan's eyes moved slightly. Although she also came from a famous family, because she was protected by Tianming since she was a child, she never had to accept the constraints of the Uchiha clan, and she could also enter and leave the village at will.

Riding on that beautiful Pegasus, galloping above the sky, let me fly as high as the sky!

Dazner expressed some concern.

"Is such a small child also a ninja?"

Facing the employer's doubts, Uchiha Izumi said calmly.

"Don't worry, they are also Genin anyway. Besides, even if there is any accident, wouldn't I, Jōnin, be watching?"

But you little girl doesn't look reliable!

Dazna wanted to complain.

In his opinion, the more aggressive a ninja looks, the more reliable he looks.

This pretty little girl in her early 17s and 18s doesn't look like a very powerful ninja.

Uchiha Quan glanced at the latter, she could somewhat feel the suspicion of the other party, but she didn't bother to explain anything.

"Let's go."

The seventh squad left Konoha and headed east, heading towards the coast of the Land of Fire.


After walking for half a day, Dazna was so tired that he was out of breath.

Although Namikaze Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were a little sweaty, it can be seen from their vigorous pace that they are still full of energy.

Only Hyūga Hinata looked slightly tired.

Uchiha Izumi looked so calm that he couldn't even see a drop of sweat on his body.

Looking at the three of them secretly, he secretly said in his heart: Physically, the two are also very good. Is Hinata a bit worse.........

"Is this a ninja......"

Dazna was also observing the three of them, and it really didn't match their appearance. Even a child, his physical fitness was much better than that of an ordinary person like him.

"Need a break?"

Uchiha Izumi asked.

"Huh? Is anyone tired?"

Namikaze Naruto jumped up and down all the way, looking around like a curious baby, very energetic.

"Hmph~ This level of distance is far from enough!"

Uchiha Sasuke also said no problem.

"I can still hold on."

Although Hyūga Hinata is feeling a bit tired, she is not willing to hold back.

Dazna was speechless, but Laozi was very tired!

But it seems to be to maintain the face of an adult, so he doesn't want to be tired.

In this way, the team maintained the pace of progress.

After crossing a stream on the way, the water source was replenished, and then the team walked into the woods.

Along the way, nothing happened.

Gradually, Namikaze Naruto's enthusiasm declined.

"Hey~ It's so boring, there are no enemies.

"Indeed, such a journey will not achieve the effect of experience at all."

Uchiha Sasuke agrees.

Hyūga Hinata said that she is very tired, what can she do when she meets two talented teammates?

Dazna's forehead protruded with a big well, and he thought to himself, you little bastards, wishing for an enemy to attack you!

Uchiha Quan also smiled, and thought to himself: Is this the so-called newborn calf not afraid of tigers?

But after walking for a while, Uchiha Izumi raised his eyebrows and glanced vaguely at the pool not far away.

Oh? Did the enemy show up that soon?

However, it is not flattering to pretend to be a water pool in this hot day, which means the level of miscellaneous fish.

Uchiha Izumi kept his composure and decided that she would not mingle.


Uchiha Sasuke also seemed to have noticed something, and secretly raised his vigilance.

Namikaze Naruto looked left and right, and seemed to be vaguely aware of something wrong with the atmosphere, but he couldn't find anything wrong.

Hyūga Hinata was completely unresponsive.

Dazner was as tired as a dog and didn't know anything at all.

Just as the team passed the water pool.

As expected, two figures quickly sprang out from the pool.

One of them waved a mechanical arm and threw the other out. At the same time, an iron chain full of sharp blades was connected between the two of them, and it bound the "unresponsive" Uchiha spring with lightning speed.

"Fix one first!"

The machine rotates and shrinks, and the iron chain covered with sharp blades instantly crushes Uchiha Spring to pieces!

Facing the sudden scene in front of him, Dazna almost peed in fright.


Hyūga Hinata also let out a subconscious scream.

"Teacher Quan!"

Namikaze Naruto also yelled, but he immediately calmed down, thinking how could the powerful teacher Quan be killed so easily?

"it is as expected!"

Uchiha Sasuke remained calm throughout.

I saw the two attackers quickly coming behind Namikaze Naruto.

"The second one!"

He waved the iron chain, ready to use the same method to "spike".

However, when the iron chain shrank, the figure of Namikaze Naruto disappeared in place!

Instantaneous Technique!


The two were suddenly taken aback.

"Hmph~ I, Namikaze Naruto, won't be defeated so easily!"

I saw the figure of Namikaze Naruto, (Qian Zhao) appeared behind them at some time, with a cross mark on his hands.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Summoned four Shadow Clone in one go.

"This guy is no ordinary brat!"

The two attackers didn't dare to look down on them immediately, and swung the iron chains again.

But at this moment, Uchiha Sasuke on the side also moved, throwing multiple shurikens and kunai with both hands in succession.

"Ding Ding Ding~"

I saw that the shuriken hit the iron chain precisely, and finally Kunai stuck it in a tree trunk like a splinter.

"Cut! Can't move!"

The two were surprised again.

This precise shuriken technique can be seen as an expert at first glance!


Uchiha Sasuke yelled as he sprinted forward and threw a Leaf Hurricane.

"Oh! Discuss together!"

Namikaze Naruto understood immediately and attacked with Shadow Clone. .

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