Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 216 Observation Haki, Teleportation

Chapter 216

Observation Haki, Teleportation

"Quan is back."

Tianming, who stayed at home, felt it from the moment the spring stepped into the Konoha.

This is the ability from the new big move 【Observation Haki】.

One of the Haki from One Piece.

The five senses can be sharpened, and Haki, which can detect the breath of surrounding creatures and emotional changes, can also be used to predict and avoid danger, and even predict the future to a certain extent.

The range and intensity vary from person to person.

With Tianming's ability, it is not a problem to use Observation Haki to cover the entire tree~leaf.

"Is that so, then I'll go cook~"

Ryoko Aunt, as always, acts as a housewife.

"Squad 7 led by Izumi should be going to carry out the mission of the land of waves, right?"

Hong just finished the practice of her eighth class, she said with a tired face, "I really envy her, the students under me are all geniuses. The class I lead is much worse. With this level, participating in the joint Chūnin Exam, I don't know if I can do it~"

"Red is also hard work. The third class I lead is not bad, but it was a little naughty at the beginning, and it will be honest after a beating~"

Shizune said with a smile on his face.

"Hey~ They are still children, be careful with your iron fist......

Red complained.

"It's disgusting~ How can I put it like it's very violent, besides, I'm a medical ninja, I can heal if I break it~"

Shizune smiled authentically.

"Isn't your statement even scarier?"

Hong was speechless for a moment, and could only give the Genin silent member of the third class in his heart.

Lin is now working in the medical army, and the tasks are not heavy. She works from nine to five, and her working hours are very regular.

"By the way, I heard that Mist Shinobi sent two Ninja Swordsmen to prevent the construction of the sea-crossing bridge in the land of Nami, is Izumi alright?"

"I've also heard that Quan is really powerful. He killed those two Ninja Swordsmen."

Hong couldn't help but praised.

"The battle shouldn't be easy, right?"

Shizune is a little worried and authentic.

"Don't worry, there will be no problem. Before leaving, I set the pupil technique on Quan."

Tianming said calmly.

In fact, he also felt the activation of the pupil technique.

Quan was indeed in danger.

This made Tianming, who was in the process of communicating with Hong and Shizune in harmony with each other, suspend the action of going in and out of the root......

Still, nothing to worry about.

Because he passed the pupil technique of transcribing the seal twice.

The activation at zero hour will bring Quan back to the state of full health, which is equivalent to an extra life.

Of course, if Quan encounters a truly invincible enemy, the two zero hours are exhausted.

Tianming will make a move.

On how to make a move?

The two of them were thousands of miles away, even if they were riding a Tianma, the distant water would not be able to save the nearby fire for a while.

But Tianming got a new big move from the system a few years ago——


This is the ability from "Dragon Ball" Sun Wukong, which was given to the sub-Della special star.

This big move is not a combat move, but a special ability. You don't need to go through any paths, and you don't need to spend a little time to achieve the trick of moving from one place to another. However, to use this trick, one must feel the "Qi" of the people at the target location, that is to say, this trick cannot go to a place where no one is there. If you use it proficiently, you can even take someone to transfer it together!

The transfer method is of space nature, regardless of the distance, you can jump from one planet to another!

Tianming can lock Quan's "Qi", as long as he wants, no matter Tianya Hai Kakuzu can reach the other party's side in an instant.

Therefore, after confirming that the second pupil technique set on Quan's body was not activated.

Tianming felt relieved and continued his life discussion with Hong and Shizune...

The specific process is omitted.

Just as they were chatting, Quan's shout came from outside the house.

"I am back."

"Welcome home, may. 11

"Have you worked hard for a month's work?"

Opening the door, I saw the dusty spring.

"It's okay, thanks to someone's protection, the mission went smoothly... Okay~ I'm so dirty, let me take a shower first."


"It's finally started, the joint Chūnin exam."

Fourth Kazekage Jiaru Luo.

Since the battle of Kikyo Mountain, the agent Kazekage Luosha died in battle. As a famous family, she was elected by the crowd to succeed Kazekage.

In order to consolidate the regime, she married the family of Third Kazekage and gave birth to a son and a daughter named Gaara and Temari.

The policy of leaning towards Konoha has been adopted in diplomacy. After more than ten years of hard work, Sunagakure's strength has been greatly improved.

His children are the leaders of the younger generation of Sand Shinobi.

"Don't worry, Mother. I will definitely win glory for the village in the Chūnin exam!"

With gray-black hair and a solid coat made of sand and iron, Sand Shinobi's first Genin Gaara!

He inherited the lineage of his father's family, mastered the secret art of Magnet Style Sand Iron, and at the same time Grandmaster Lightning Style, Earth Style and the puppet art he learned from Chiyo Grandma. He is a veritable genius ninja and has the title of Gaara of Sand Iron .

"Me too! I want to meet Konoha Shinobi who defeated my mother back then~"

With long golden hair tied into a ponytail, and a long skirt embroidered with a special violet seal, Sand Shinobi's second Genin Temari!

Temari inherited the blood of his mother's family and mastered the secret technique of Magnet Style Sand. At the same time, Grandmaster Wind Style and sealing technique took over the title of Temari of Sandstorm from his mother. Also Sunagakure's One Tail Jinchūriki!

Since she was protected by her mother since she was a child, even as a Jinchūriki, she did not encounter too much discrimination. In addition, she has a lively and cheerful personality, and at the same time has excellent strength, she has gradually been recognized by everyone in the village.

"Thank you Kazekage-sama for your kindness of cultivation, I will definitely assist Gaara-sama and Temari-sama, and I passed the exam!"

With short purple hair, the man looks older after all.

This is the ninja Violet who was born in a commoner family in Sand Shinobi.

Due to his inability to use ninjutsu and genjutsu, he was once expelled from Sand Shinobi's ninja school. Fortunately, Garura took a fancy to his physical potential, became a Genin, and was placed in the same class as Gaara and Temari.

PS: The climactic plot is about to begin. I wonder if you are interested? The Chūnin exam with five shadows gathered!.

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