Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 234 Obito's Massacre!

Chapter 234

Obito's carnage!

"Hey, hey! What's going on here!"

Nara Shikamaru and others looked dumbfounded.

"Dad! In the end..."

Namikaze Naruto witnessed with his own eyes that his father was attacked and disappeared after his hand was severed, and he couldn't help but feel anxious all of a sudden.

"Calm down, Naruto!"

Uchiha Sasuke held down the latter who wanted to run around, and said in a deep voice: "It is already a state of war, and we also want to join the war!"

"That's right! We can't handle the enemy's Jōnin,~ Can't Genin do it?"

Inuzuka teeth yelled.

Most of Konoha's Twelve Little Powers came from famous families, and their ninja literacy is extremely high. They soon led the rest of Genin and organized a resistance!

On the other side, Genin of Cloud Shinobi, Sand Shinobi, Mist Shinobi, and Rock Shinobi also received orders to fight.

"Let's do it, we are all props, just follow the orders and act."

Kimimaro is expressionless and authentic.

Bai also nodded indifferently.

"Everyone, come here quickly. Prioritize the evacuation of civilians, and the medical team will follow!"

Lin is directing some Chūnin to evacuate the people.

At the same time, he turned his head and shouted to Tianming who was still sitting there watching the play, "Tianming, are you really watching like this?"

"Don't worry, as far as the current situation is concerned, Konoha can still hold on. But..."

When he said this, Tianming's eyes paused, and he said calmly: "It seems that something more interesting has happened!"

【Observation Haki】

He heard that Konoha's barrier to protect the village was being artificially disintegrated without knowing it...

"Might Guy! You go deal with Kazekage!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave orders to Might Guy.


Third Raikage blocked the opponent's King Kong stick with a single-handed sword.

On the other side, Might Guy is having a fierce battle with Garura.

"Puff puff puff puff ~"

A large number of quicksand tentacles were scattered by Might Guy's high-speed punch.

Jia Luluo was bleeding towards the other side, but Might Guy didn't waver at all, and soon she noticed the clues.

"So that's how it is...have their personality stifled and become a ninja machine that only obeys orders? Konoha's actions are really cruel.

"Sand Shinobi, who betrayed the alliance, you have the face to speak!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth authentically.

At the same time, I couldn't help feeling anxious, what did Obito do? Why didn't he lead the Anbu team to support?

However, what he didn't know was that.

Uchiha Obito, captain of Anbu, is doing something right now.

"Fire Style Blast and Flurry!"

The Uzumaki-shaped fire tornado swallowed a large piece of Anbu in an instant.

Anbu, who was dying in the fire, uttered his last wail.

"Why...captain, are you really on Uchiha's side and launching a rebellion?"

"I can't understand why the captain, who has always followed the law and enforced the law, would do such a thing.

Without saying a word, Uchiha Obito picked up the ninja knife with a blank face, and wiped out Anbu, who was seriously injured, every single one!

"That's great, Obito! Are you finally willing to side with our Uchiha clan?"

"The Four Great Hidden Villages attacked Konoha. This is a good time for our Uchiha clan to launch a coup d'etat! The patriarch disagrees, it's so pedantic!"

Uchiha Yayo and others are hardliners in the clan, and immediately recruited Uchiha Obito, who was in charge of Anbu, in an attempt to lobby the latter to join the coup.

Now that the latter has wiped out Anbu with his own hands, isn't this the best way to explain it?

I saw Uchiha Obito Sharingan staring at them steadfastly, and the three hooks in his pupils became one.

Mangekyō Sharingan!


Uchiha, Yashiro and others were caught off guard, and all of them were hit immediately as they looked at each other.

"I can't move my body... Obito, what are you?


Uchiha Obito stabbed the butcher's knife covered in Anbu's blood into the hearts of everyone in Uchiha.


Before everyone died, they all showed panic and bewildered expressions!

They, he asked the same question as Anbu.

"Why on earth..."

However, Uchiha Obito did not give them an answer until they closed their eyes forever.

Standing alone in a pool of dead bodies and blood, Uchiha Obito murmured to himself.

...asking for flowers...

"Whether it is Konoha or Uchiha, they are all decayed existences. Only by letting this world know the pain can we usher in true peace...

As soon as the words fell, a distorted space appeared in front of him, and he was sucked into it.

Konoha enchantment class.

"There is chaos in the Martial Arts Hall, Chakra can't tell the difference, what should we do!"

"Damn it! My wife is still watching the Chūnin exam today!"

"Everyone, don't panic!"

"We must trust Hokage-sama. Keep our duties, strictly prevent the enemy from invading from the outside, and at the same time collect information and convey it to various departments..."


Under the command of Yamanaka Haiyi, the enchantment class, which was in a hurry, quickly settled down.

However, Yamanaka Haiyi, who appears to be as calm as water, is not in a state of disarray in his heart at this moment?

The four shadows launched an attack at the same time, and their beloved daughter was also at the center of the battlefield, and I don't know what happened...

But as the leader of Konoha's enchantment class, Yamanaka Haiyi must not leave his post, otherwise Konoha's communication system will be completely paralyzed!

"The kids will be fine, we have to trust them!"

Nara Lujiu on the side patted him on the shoulder, expressing his deep sympathy.

As Konoha's No. 1 army division, he must not be chaotic. He must remain calm and think about the next countermeasures.

"Yes! As a result, there is no room for failure, I will definitely stick to this place!"

Akamichi Choza is the only ninja with the highest fighting power here.

"Report! A powerful Chakra has been found in the core C area, and a large number of Chakra have been wiped out!"

"Core C area? Isn't that where Anbu is..."

Akamichi Ding Zuo was shocked, "How is it possible? Anbu's elites were wiped out in such a short time?"

Nara Lujiu frowned, and with his quick thinking, he quickly thought of a terrible idea!

"The enemy is within!"

"No! The enemy is already coming our way!"

As Konoha's number one sensory ninja, Yamanaka quickly sensed an extremely powerful Chakra approaching Hiro. .

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