Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 251 Four Tails, Eight Tails, Nine Tails Runaway!

Chapter 251

Four Tails, Eight Tails, Nine Tails run amok!

"Minato, it seems that this is the end..."

"I'm stupid..."

Upon the death of the contractor, Bunta and Gama Ken, who were Summoning beasts, were forcibly returned to Mount Myōboku.

It turned into two streams of white smoke and disappeared.


Only then did Heitu realize that his grandfather Onoki had been killed in battle, and instantly fell into a state of berserk.




All of a sudden, Four Tails, Eight Tails, and Nine Tails went berserk at the same time!

"These guys..."

The only one who remained sane was Erwei, who glanced at the broken battlefield and said in a low voice: "Raikage has been killed, and the rest of the troops failed to defeat Konoha. It seems that this war has failed."

In addition, Wooden Golem has not yet fully mastered the power of the tailed beast, and now it has almost reached the limit. If she continues reluctantly, she may even fall into a rampage.

As a result, Wooden Golem took the initiative to remove the tailed beast, and re-closed the iron armor seal on his body.

13 "唰~"

The faint blue flames gradually dissipated, and Erwei's huge body quickly shrank into a human shape.


Wooden Golem sat slumped on the ground, his face pale and his whole body dripping with cold sweat.

This is also a side effect after the end of the tailed beast, she only feels weak and weak...

However, at this moment, the Eight Tails in the distance took the lead in launching an indiscriminate attack on the surroundings!

Wrap the eight tails around the whole body in a spiral shape.

"Not good! This is Eight Tails' Eight Tails Power Tail Beast Volume 8, the area around here will be razed to the ground!"

The complexion of Wooden Golem changed, and she was about to get up and run away, but the weakness of her body made her fall down again.

I saw that the body of Eight Tails began to rotate at high speed on the spot, forming a super-large storm, and rolled everything around into the sky!


Not only Konoha Shinobi was affected, but also Cloud Shinobi, Mist Shinobi, and Rock Shinobi were all attacked indiscriminately!

Just as Wooden Golem was about to be hit into the sky, an extremely fast figure flashed past, grabbed her shoulder with one hand, and quickly fled the storm.

"By Wooden Golem! Are you alright...."

It was Cloud Shinobi Jōnin Samui who made the shot.

"Samui, thank you..."

Wooden Golem looked up at her gratefully.

As the Jinchūriki feared by everyone in Cloud Shinobi, this friend in front of me can clear up the suspicion and save her.

"What are you talking about? We are companions in the same class!"

Samuel said seriously.

They were also members of the same class during Genin's time.

"What about the others..."

Said by Wooden Golem.

"Sorry, I can only escort a group of Genin to escape from Konoha, and the rest of the troops, I'm afraid, have been... Wooden Golem, let's retreat quickly."

Samui said with a sad face.

"No! Bi is still here, the village has already damaged Raikage, we must not lose Eight Tails anymore, we must recover Jinchūriki!"

Serious and authentic by Wooden Golem.

"But.........Bi has gone mad and is in a state of berserk, who can defeat him now?"

Samui looked at the Eight Tails who lost their minds and wreaked havoc everywhere.

"Let's have a look, anyway, it's Konoha who has been ravaged here, maybe they have some powerful characters hidden..."

Not sure authentic by Wooden Golem.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Four Tails slapped the ground furiously, calling for the magma sleeping deep underground to erupt!

The mountains shook for a while, and hot magma spewed out from the bottom of Konoha continuously, destroying this desolate land even more unsightly.

However, the most frightening thing among them is Nine Tails, which opened its mouth wide and quickly condensed a jet-black high-density Chakra cannon.

This is really the biggest killer of Tailed Beast, Tailed Beast Bomb!

I don't know if it was intentional, but the launch direction of the Tailed Beast Bomb aimed at a town group far away from the battlefield.

Compared with the flames of war here, the building complex seems to be relatively well preserved, probably because the local ninjas stubbornly resisted the invasion of Quyin, Zhongying, and Rock Shinobi.

And among the entire Konoha, the only one with strength is the Uchi faction.


Nine Tails blatantly launched the Tailed Beast Bomb towards the Uchiha Clan's clan!

You can feel it from a distance, that appalling and terrifying aura!

Everyone in Uchiha was in chaos.

"Ah! Not good, Nine Tails is calling!"


"That's too late…………"

Everyone watched in horror as the Tailed Beast Bomb struck from afar.

Many tribesmen who have Sharingan can clearly see how much energy is contained in that Tailed Beast Bomb. This explosion [can definitely blow half of the Uchiha tribe into slag!

"Damn it...is there no other way?"

Uchiha Itachi was helpless.

At the same time, he began to feel extreme hatred for his own weakness.

Power! I need great power!

"It seems that our family is doomed, but fortunately, there is Miss Quan at Sasuke's side... 673

Uchiha Mikoto is leading the tribe at this time, but unfortunately his strength is limited, and he is really unable to resist the full blow of the tailed beast.

But at this moment, Uchiha Fugaku, who was seriously injured and unconscious, stood up in vain.

In a battle with Tsuchikage Onogi, he lost to the former by a single move.

Now, facing the life and death of his clansmen, he absolutely cannot lose!


"Fugaku, you..."

Both Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Mikoto looked at the latter worriedly.

"Needless to say, Itachi. I'll leave Sasuke to you. Mikoto, protect the Uchiha clan for me..."

The catastrophe was imminent, and Uchiha Fugaku didn't have time to finish his last words, and his eyes were fixed on the Tailed Beast Bomb coming towards him.

The power of the whole body was overdrawn in one breath, transformed into infinite pupil power, and Mangekyō Sharingan was forcibly activated!

Golden bones, surrounding the whole body, form a bust of Susanoo!

I saw Uchiha Fugaku leaping up resolutely, ready to use his body to fight the incoming Tailed Beast Bomb!

How tragic it is to sacrifice one's life for righteousness...

"Master Patriarch!"

Uchiha, everyone weeps in unison

However, no one noticed that Tianming, who appeared out of thin air, was looking at the gorgeous explosion in the sky with a speechless expression.

"Actually...you don't have to die."

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