Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 307: The Power Of Niutauxu!

Chapter 307

The power of Niutauxu!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The purple rays of light hit the surrounding eight tailed beasts respectively, immediately erupting a dazzling energy storm!

The power of its explosion is several times that of the Tailed Beast Bomb!

In an instant, all the eight tailed beasts besieging Tianming were blown away!

In addition, they forcefully broke through the sea of ​​black flames, their bodies were covered in black flames, they continued to burn, and suffered extremely serious trauma!

Here, Tianming's complete body, Susanoo, is also declared shattered, turning into countless fragmented black light spots scattered.

But the price of this level is not worth mentioning when compared with him severely injuring eight tailed beasts in one go!

"Cut! After all, they are still a bunch of beasts, trash!"

Uchiha Madara frowned.

I saw the eight tailed beasts, Eight Tails and Nine Tails, which were forcibly stripped off with severed feet and Chakra coats respectively, to get rid of the black inflammation on their bodies, and the remaining six were burned to death

Already lost the ability to fight.

"Summoning Technique!"

Summon the Gedo Statue, open its mouth and release the Chakra chains to drag the six-headed and tailed beasts 13 away.

"It's amazing...but, the battle is far from over..."

While speaking, Senju Hashirama made mudras with his hands uncontrollably.

"Wood Style Wooden Golem Jutsu!"

Created a giant Wooden Golem no less than the full Susanoo!

"This is......... You have to be careful, this is my Forbidden Technique...."

I saw Senju Tobirama took out a special detonator, "Tandem Paper Bombs!"

On the other hand, Namikaze Minato is also ready for Sage Art Spiral Shuriken!

Nagato rushed to Tianming with a technique again.

"Shen Luotian..."

"Shock Jade Break!"

Tianming swung his knife without looking back! The terrifying slashing wave released along the blade slammed heavily on the repulsion barrier released by Nagato!

In the end, under the blessing of the power of Shock Fruit, this slash successfully knocked Nagato into the air again, and the strong shock force also tore his Impure World Reincarnation body to pieces in an instant!

"Sage Art Spiral Shuriken!"

Namikaze Minato throws out.

The dense wind blades form a sharp storm!

"Fancy show! You too, Namikaze Minato!"

Tianming was killed with one blow, and at the same time, his figure disappeared in place.

【Instant hyperactivity】

The same is the movement of space jump.

Namikaze Minato didn't respond and was chopped off by Tianming!

Flying Thunder God Technique!

The figure of Senju Tobirama appeared behind Tianming in an instant, and he waved out the Detonating Talisman with one hand, and at the same time, Summoning sent out countless Detonating Talismans overlapping each other!

Different from the exaggerated number of Konan God Paper Bombs, Tandem Paper Bombs pay attention to the power of a large number of detonating charms concentrated in one point to explode!

Due to the excessive power of the explosion, it is easy to involve the caster, so it is listed as a Forbidden Technique by Senju Tobirama, but now he, who is the body of Impure World Reincarnation, can use it without restriction.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

In this series of explosions, both Senju Hashirama and Namikaze Minato were blown to pieces, and it may take quite a while for the dust mustard of Impure World Reincarnation to recover.

Under the billowing smoke and dust, Tianming's figure gradually appeared.

Uchiha Madara Rinnegan condensed slightly, and said in a deep voice: "From the perspective of Chakra's state, it is very stable... After eating Tobirama's suicide Forbidden Technique, is it unscathed?"

"No, there are still some injuries."

Tianming tore off the tattered clothes on his body with one hand, and his naked upper body could clearly see the mysterious traces like electrical circuits all over the skin.

"Is this......... injecting special Chakra into the blood vessels, so as to greatly enhance the defense ability of the body?"

Rinnegan of Uchiha Madara quickly spotted this.

Still blood outfit!

This is the ability of Kurosaki Ichigo, the real Zagetsu split the power of Shinigami and the power of Xu in his body, and the power of Quincy remained in his body.

Tianming also got this part of the power.

A huge black shadow covered him, and the Wooden Golem punched down heavily.


Tianming raised the Short Sword with his left hand to hold it.

"Hmph! The attack here is not easy to defend against!"

Uchiha Madara drove the perfect body Susanoo to cut down with ten knives.


Tianming raised his long saber with his right hand to parry.

"Tailed Beast Bomb!"

Eight Tails opened its mouth and fired.

" Eighty-one of Bakudō·Splitting Void!"

A transparent light shield blocks all damage!

"Tailed Beast Bomb!"

Nine Tails opened its mouth and fired.


Another shocking explosion!

This time, Tianming failed to defend in the end, took the blow head-on, and was blown into the air.

"Hahahaha! How's it going? The chess pieces I prepared have good fighting power, right?"

Uchiha Madara laughed wantonly, driving the perfect body of Susanoo to condense countless blue hook jades, and fired towards Tianming in mid-air!

"Boom bang bang bang bang bang!"

Tianming suffered more than a dozen Gouyu's crazy blows one after another, his body covered in bruises, and finally fell from mid-air.

Then the giant Wooden Golem hit Tianming on the ground with the momentum of Mount Tai!

"Hello... are you okay?"

Senju Hashirama looked at Tianming lying in the huge pit with worried expression.

For a normal person, he would have died long ago after suffering such a severe injury.

However, a soft golden light emerged from Tianming's body, and immediately the injuries on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Avalon scabbard!

"Is it the only way to focus on fire with all your strength?"

Tianming stood up, not a single scar could be seen on his smooth skin.

"There is no seal, and all injuries are healed in an instant, which is more resilient than Hashirama..."

The smile on Uchiha Madara's face faded away.

"Uh...Although I'm glad to see that you're fine, but this resilience is a bit scary!"

Senju Hashirama's eyes widened.

"Hehe~ I let you all have a good time playing just now, and the release of Xu's power has also wasted some time for me.

I saw the long saber Zagetsu on Tianming's right hand, the originally pitch black blade gradually turned white from the tip.

"This guy's Chakra, totally different!"

Uchiha Madara's pupils shrank, because she didn't know what the other party's situation was, she didn't attack rashly, but she didn't want to watch what Tianming was preparing, so she decisively manipulated the remaining two tailed beasts to probe.

The result was not what he expected.

I saw white energy erupting from Tianming's body like a torrent, instantly flying the two tailed beasts approaching!

Finally, as the white energy descended, it was all retracted into Tianming's body, strange stripes appeared on his cheeks, and a sharp white horn grew out of his head. .

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