Hokage, I Only Use Big Moves

Chapter 70 Famous In The Ninja World, Tianming's Nickname

Chapter Seventy

Famous in the ninja world, the nickname of Tianming

All Sand Shinobi troops retreated to the Kingdom of the Wind, and Konoha's follow-up troops arrived at Kikyo Mountain and took over the defensive deployment.

Afterwards, Uchiha embarked on the return journey back to Konoha.

Unlike the mighty thousand-man army when they set off a year ago, there are only more than 300 Uchiha survivors left in the army.

A death rate of up to 70% is enough to cast a heavy shadow on the hearts of every clansman.

Tianming, also in the past year of war, gradually got used to the cruel environment of the ninja world.

At least it won't be like before, killing a pirate will frown, typical soft-heartedness.

In different environments, people's ideas will also change.

So far, the number of Sand Shinobi killed by Tianming himself has reached eight hundred if not one thousand!

A reputation built on killing.

His name, Uchiha Tianming is also officially on the ninja stage, known to the world.

According to the practice of the ninja world, famous ninjas will be given a specific nickname, just like Ye Cang's "Scorch Style Messenger", Garu Luo's "Sandstorm", and Hatake Sakumo's "White Fang". related to the ninjutsu characteristics.

Tianming is no exception, but when it comes to the specific naming of nicknames, there are various theories...

For example, I have seen Tianming's Mangekyō Sharingan, the powerful pupil technique that kills everything with a stare!

People fearfully call it "Eyes Slayer".

There is also Bankai·Tensa Zagetsu, who has witnessed Tianming, with unpredictable speed and slashing like a gust of wind, beheading people in an instant!

People vividly call it - "Black Shinigami".

The Ice Destroyer Demon Method was originally set to hunt demons, but demons do not exist in the ninja world!

Instead, people planted the name of the devil on Tianming's head - "Ice Demon".

Conqueror's Haki, you can overwhelm the enemy with just your momentum without a shot!

How domineering this is, like a king, coupled with Tianming's age - "Little Overlord".

In the battle against Tianming, Sand Shinobi has used all means of sneak attack, assassination, and poisoning, and it has succeeded several times!

But this is of no use, the golden light of Avalon's scabbard flashes, and all negative effects including fatal injuries will be completely removed. Tianming has a veritable "Immortal Golden Body".

Eye Slayer Tianming!

Black Shinigami Tianming!

Ice Demon Tianming!

Little Overlord Tianming!

Immortal Golden Body Tianming!

Each nickname fits well, but it cannot fully represent the characteristics of all Tianming's abilities.

Taken together, perhaps there is only one word that can represent Tianming's characteristics - enchanting!

If you can't understand it with ordinary people's cognition, you are a monster!

However, Tianming himself still doesn't know anything about his fame in the ninja world.

Of course, even if you know it, you won't have any great feelings.




Isn't this a matter of course?


At this time, Tianming was following Uchiha's team, returning to Konohagakure.

"Wow ah ah ah!"

"The Uchiha clan is back!"


At the gate of Konoha, a large number of civilians gathered.

The Uchiha crowd cheered Guy and turned back.

"Konoha, everyone..."

Seeing this, everyone in Uchiha couldn't help being moved and tears filled their eyes.

How many years?

Uchiha is deeply repelled and discriminated against, and it is the first time that he can get the unanimous support of everyone today!

The eyes of the masses are discerning. Although they may not understand Uchiha's arrogance more or less on weekdays, they will sincerely support Uchiha when it comes to major issues of national crisis.

In the past year, Uchiha fought bloody battles, kept foreign enemies out of the country, and protected the people from the threat of war. This is an indelible and great feat!




The people shouted in unison.

In this situation, even Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but feel passionate, and the long-preserved dream sprouted fiercely in his heart.

He tried hard to control his emotions, responded to the cheers of the crowd with a smile, but secretly clenched his fists, and said in his heart: I, Uchiha Fugaku, will definitely become Hokage!


Tianming noticed that the corner of the other's mouth was crazily raised.

He could probably read what Uchiha Fugaku was thinking.


At this time, Konoha and other high-level officials walked towards them.

"Heroes of the village, come back."

Third Generation walked over with a friendly smile.

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